Besides, she had a good time up there, she felt free, really free. Why shouldn’t she have? I told her that. What she did was not show up Friday and go on up with some guy she’d met the weekend before. She didn’t come back till last night so you know who starts calling around, where is she, has anybody seen her. And all day yesterday he’s over here, so concerned and all, so much the gentleman. And when she gets here and sees his car she can’t make up her mind whether to come in or not because she knows she’s going to get it. Well, he’s so nice, treats her so nice, telling her he won’t hit her, that he’ll never ever hit her, that he won’t even touch her unless she asks him to. Then comes the big pronouncement, he loves her, he says, he’s finally realized he loves her. I get her in the kitchen and say that’s bullshit and you know it, there’s only one thing he loves and that’s his old lady and two kids back in Chicago, that doesn’t all the money you make go back there? That all you’re doing is supporting some other chick and that chick can do anything she wants, but you, you can’t even go on up to Frisco, that all that love shit he’s giving you is just for Mom’s sake so he can get you out of the house.
“And what’s she say? Tells me to fuck off. Thinks I want him or something like that.
“Not that I’d mind, but the real thing is he doesn’t like himself. ’Cause he’s real light, right, all the darker blacks pick on him. So where does he fit in? You see what I mean? There’s no way he can like himself. And if she likes him then what good is she? The only reason he wants her is because she makes him look good, but since he knows he’s no good how can she be any good? That’s why he’s all the time pushing at her, all the time accusing her of coming on with these different guys she’s out with, guys he sets her up with! Isn’t that nuts? See what I mean?
“We’ve gotta work it so you can see them when they’re out partying together, when she’s not working. I mean, you won’t believe it. Right at his side every second. Always looking up at him. Always nodding at everything he says. And does he watch her? She’s locked! If she’s got to pee she’s got to ask! And he won’t say a thing. Just keeps her waiting. I’ve seen him keep her as long as a couple of minutes, her sitting there all pinched-up looking with that little pinched-up smile on her face.
“It’s just incredible! I’m just glad he doesn’t like himself. He’d be just terrible if he did. You know how good-looking he is. He is really good-looking. He could get away with anything if he weren’t such an asshole. I mean anything! I don’t know anyone as good-looking as he is . . .”