
Trudy’s call comes from out of the blue, and she actually sounds like she’s gotten her act together since the last reunion. Her voice has a professional quality, and she comes across as a sincerely caring person. Clearly she’s matured, and I know this might sound cynical, but I wonder how much of what I’m hearing is an act she’s learned and how much of it is real.

“You and I are so much alike, Priscilla.”

I nearly choke. “Yeah? How so?”

“We’re both businesswomen who know what we want, and we’re not afraid to go after it.”

That’s not exactly how I’ve always thought of Trudy, but I don’t tell her that. “By the way, congratulations on your corporate success.”

“Thank you, Priscilla, and same to you. I’m so happy for you and all you’ve managed to accomplish.” Since when has Trudy ever cared about anyone besides herself?

Okay, there I go sounding judgmental. As I get older, I’m afraid I’m seeing and hearing more of my mother. That’s so not what I want. Now I realize that deep down, Mother is a good person, but she tends to judge everyone and everything in her world, and I don’t want to be that way.

“Here’s what I was thinking. You and I can go out to dinner before the party, and we can arrive a little bit after it starts so we won’t have to deal with all that awkwardness in the beginning.”

“Oh, sorry, but Tim will be with me, and Laura is counting on him to help with the preparations.”

“Oh.” She sounds disappointed but only for a few seconds. “Maybe I can pitch in and help too.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?” I don’t think I’ve ever seen Trudy pitching in for anything that required manual labor. “It usually involves hanging decorations and helping the caterer put things where Laura wants them . . . and sometimes moving them several times until she’s happy.”

Trudy sucks in a breath. “I can do that, as long as I don’t have to lift anything heavy or do anything that’ll mess up my outfit.”

Whew! Now she sounds like the Trudy I’ve always known. “Tim usually gets all the tough jobs, but he doesn’t seem to mind.”

“So what’s in this for Tim?”

“He’s made friends with all the people on the committee, and I think he likes feeling needed.”

“Too bad I don’t have a Tim in my life,” Trudy says. “He’s not only helpful, he’s real cute.”

“Yes, he’s very cute.”

“I know it’s none of my business, Priscilla, but I’ve been wondering something for a while . . . ”

“What’s that?”

“Tim is cute, and he obviously likes you in spite of the fact that you’re a professional woman. Why don’t you and him . . . I mean, you know, it seems like . . . um, you’re not getting any younger . . . ”

I laugh. “Are you asking why Tim and I aren’t a couple?” It doesn’t seem so funny anymore, but I’m not sure why I feel that way.

“Yes, I suppose I am.” Trudy pauses. “But it’s really none of my business, so never mind. I’m sorry I asked.”

“That’s okay. I like Tim, but he and I are such good friends I don’t want to ruin what we have.”

“Sounds like the chemistry just isn’t there,” Trudy says. “I reckon I better run. Looking forward to seeing you in Piney Point.”

I hang up and rock back on my heels. If someone had told me back in high school that I’d even be invited to hang out with Trudy, I would have told them they were hallucinating. Trudy was the homecoming and prom queen, and I was voted Most Likely to Succeed. The only times those two paths ever crossed were in articles in the school paper and during end-of-the-year awards ceremonies.

My life has been pretty much a steady progression to where I am now, while Trudy’s has taken so many detours I’m surprised she has any idea where she is at any given time. And I have to hand it to her. She’s managed to take all the bumps and dips without faltering too long. Even after she passed out at the ten-year reunion, she got up, dusted herself off, and got right back out there to find her way. I’m happy for her—that she’s discovered a side of herself she obviously never knew existed before Michael dumped her. He’s the one who’s spiraled downward, and no one seems surprised or upset.

Thoughts of Michael lead to memories of my own high school crush on Maurice, the other cocaptain of Piney Point High School’s football team. During the ten-year reunion, Maurice managed to get my heart beating faster when he acted interested in me. I’m ashamed to admit I fell for it so hard I ditched Tim the next day. At least I came to my senses when his motives became obvious. And Tim was a good enough friend to accept my apology without so much as an I-told-you-so. But I still hate the fact that I hurt him. I’m usually not that kind of girl, and to think that I did what I did . . . well, it sort of makes me sick to my stomach.

Then seeing Didi Holcomb with Maurice at the fifteen-year reunion didn’t faze me in the least. Didi had always felt competitive with me, and she resented the fact that my grade-point average was a tenth of a point higher than hers, so she wound up being salutatorian. As valedictorian, I got to make the class speech, while she sat next to me and seethed. She went on to medical school after getting her undergraduate degree, and I dropped out my first semester at Ole Miss to go to beauty school. I can only imagine how that made her feel.

I’m sure Didi felt like she’d pulled one over on me when Maurice proposed to her. From what I’ve heard, he sweet-talked her out of her savings to ramp up his business, and she moved her medical practice to Hattiesburg to be closer to him. Last I heard they still aren’t married, and she’s growing more impatient by the day. For such a smart woman she sure is clueless about Maurice.

Tim and I are meeting for dinner at my favorite restaurant on Fifth Avenue in an hour, so I quickly finish getting ready. I like to walk when I’m in the city, so I slip out of my heels and into a pair of comfortable ballet flats.

As I exit the hotel on Times Square and head in the direction of the restaurant, I look around at all the people who lead lives completely different from mine, yet they still have the same basic emotional needs—to be accepted by some, loved by others, and tolerated by the rest. Not one mentally healthy person I know wants to be a complete social outcast, but so many of us are too afraid to do what it takes to ensure the balance we need. I for one have been guilty of holding people at arm’s length, simply to make sure no one gets in my way of achieving my goals. And here I am, exactly where I’ve wanted to be all my adult life. But I still have people who care about me, right? What a silly question. Of course I do. Mother and Dad will always love me, even though they’re no longer together. Then there’s Mandy, who has my back at the office. Sheila, the manager of the Piney Point salon, respects me, and Chester, who’s been one of the hairdressers there forever, appreciates the fact that I always listen to him. Then there are the other hairdressers and managers, like Vanessa, Rosemary, and . . . well the list goes on and on.

I glance over at a couple leaning against the stone building, holding hands, gazing into each other’s eyes, and I feel a tinge of something I can’t quite put my finger on. It’s not jealousy. It’s more of a feeling that I might never have what they have and that I’m missing something. Hmm. Maybe that is jealousy. And it’s ridiculous. I would be willing to bet neither of those people has the kind of professional status or respect I have. They don’t appear to be well-to-do, if their attire is any indication. The guy’s shoes look rather worn, and the woman’s handbag is of the discount store variety.

They both look up at me and smile. I nervously grin back and avert my gaze so they won’t think I’m . . . Well, what am I doing?


I turn around at the sound of my name and see Tim standing beside a cab he obviously just got out of. “Hey, there, Tim. Looks like we’re both early.”

“I knew you would be.” He hands the driver some money and holds up his hand, indicating to keep the change. “So how’d your airing go?”

“We sold so many big-hair systems it looks like we might have another sellout. You should have seen us.”

Tim winks and chuckles. “I did. Priscilla, you looked so pretty standin’ there holdin’ up that new device while the show host . . . what’s her name?”


“With you demonstratin’ the device, and Felicity sprayin’ and combin’, there’s no stoppin’ you.”

We walk the last few steps toward the restaurant and stop at the door. “Tim, you’ve been wonderful about everything, and I have to give you credit for some of my success.”

“Nope.” He shakes his head as he holds the door open for me. “I can’t . . . I won’t take credit for one single solitary ounce of your success. You done . . . er, I mean did it all by yourself.”

“You’ve always been there for me, though.”

The host leads us to a table, and we sit down to order our drinks. After the server leaves, Tim leans back in his chair, still grinning. Then it dawns on me that he’s itching to say something. He has some news of his own to share.

“Do tell,” I say.

“Tell what?” The smile on his face turns playful.

“What is going on? Why are you absolutely beaming?”

He makes a silly face. “Can’t I just be happy to sit at a table for a meal with one of my favorite people in the entire world?”

“Yes, of course you can, but I’ve known you a long time, and I can tell something else is going on with you.”

“Oh, all right. I might as well tell you now instead of later. Uncle Hugh is turnin’ his entire business over to me . . . that is, if I want it.”

I study Tim’s face and try to figure out what he really wants. He’s smiling, but he’s always been such a happy person who is able to put a positive spin on almost anything.

“Well? Do you plan to accept his offer?”

He lifts his water glass, takes a sip, and slowly puts it back on the table before looking directly at me. “All depends.”