
Life is much sweeter, now that I’ve got something to look forward to. After meeting Blair’s little sister who is twelve years younger than she is, I know that I have to do whatever I can to make her life better.

“Wow.” Mandy looks at me with a smile of amazement. “You really are a new person today. I can’t get over how one visit to the children’s cancer unit has gotten you all excited again.”

“Those kids really grabbed my heart.” I pause and study Mandy. “Didn’t that affect you?”

“Well, sort of. I feel sorry for them, but I don’t plan to keep going back.”

I want to shake Mandy, but that’s only because I’m so fired up over plans to help the children I expect everyone to feel the same way. This isn’t new for me. Back in high school, I got upset that people turned me down when I collected coats and blankets for homeless people. Now I understand that other people might not feel my passion.

“So when are you visiting them again?” Mandy asks.

“I’m having all my salons collect hair for Locks of Love.”

“That’s really nice.” She picks up a piece of paper and hands it to me. “Take a look at this.”

As I read it, I’m impressed by how quickly she acted. “You wrote a press release about it. Thank you so much, Mandy.”

“It’s the least I could do since it’s so important to you . . . and Blair.”

“You really like her, don’t you?”

Mandy nods. “Yes, she’s been the best of all the people I’ve ever hired. She’s never given me attitude about anything.”

“Good. We need to do whatever we can to keep her happy working here.”

“Oh, I almost forgot something. You have an appointment with some equipment rep who says he can save us a bunch of money on electricity with his line of dryers and tools.”

“Do I have time to grab some breakfast?”

“Not unless you can eat it in the next fifteen minutes. He wanted to come next week, but since you’ll be in Piney Point, I worked him in this morning.”

As if on cue, Mandy’s phone lights up. She grabs the phone, answers it, and says, “She’ll be right out.” Mandy hangs up the phone and nods toward the door. “Looks like he’s here early.”

I open Mandy’s office door expecting your run-of-the-mill beauty supply salesman but find myself speechless when I come face-to-face with the best-looking man I’ve ever laid eyes on. Fortunately, I’ve worked hard at maintaining my composure in all circumstances, and being on air has given me the acting experience, so I recover quickly and smile. “You must be the equipment salesman who couldn’t wait until I got back from my trip.”

He grins as he takes my extended hand in both of his. “And you must be the most gorgeous beauty salon chain owner I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I’m thrilled to finally meet you.” Oh, he’s slick. He pulls a card from his pocket and hands it to me. “My name is Rick Crenshaw, and I have a line of products that every salon needs.”

“And why do you say that, Rick?” I gesture toward the hall leading to my office.

He nods. “I’ll follow you.”

I lead him to my tiny office and go around behind my desk to put some space between us . . . and to keep some authority in the situation. The last thing I need is for him to think he has any sort of power over me. I wipe my hands on the sides of my pants as discreetly as possible.

We start out discussing the equipment currently in our salons, and he shows me some examples of the line that he created. The more he talks about how efficient his line is, the more impressed I am. He clearly understands both the aesthetic and the business sides of the industry.

“So why did you choose to target the beauty industry with your product line?” I fold my hands on my desk and hold his gaze . . . and my breath.

“Excellent question, and you’re not the first to ask. My mother and aunt both own salons, and they constantly complained about the cost of power continuing to rise and eating into their profits. I’d been working as an electrical engineer, and I hated my job, so I decided to come up with something that would help them and the thousands of other salon owners in the country.” He flashes a smile full of not-quite-straight-but-very-white teeth, making me internally swoon. It’s been a long time since I’ve had this kind of reaction over a man.

The more he talks the more I want to hear. I ask as many questions as I think I can get away with and not be too obvious . . . or desperate. Although I’ve seen a similar product line, his presentation is fresh and intriguing.

Mandy buzzes my phone to let me know my next appointment has arrived. I hate that I have to end this meeting, but it’s probably for the best anyway, since I’m not sure if I have enough self-restraint to hold back making a fool of myself.

He packs up his products and takes a step toward the door, then stops. I almost bump into him, and we both laugh.

“I hate to be presumptuous, but would you care to have dinner with me sometime soon?”

My face flames with excitement, so I avert my gaze to something behind him. He turns to see what I’m looking at, and I clear my throat. “I would love to.”

“Since you have another appointment, I’ll call you later this afternoon to make plans.”

I nod. “Okay. I’ll be in afternoon meetings until around four.”

“Will you be free after that?” I’m afraid if he keeps gazing at me like this, he might melt my toenail polish.

“Unless something comes up, I should be.”

“Why don’t we plan on dinner tonight? I can pick you up here or meet you wherever you’d like to go.”

“Tonight?” My voice comes out in a squeak, so I clear my throat again.

“I hope you’re not coming down with something. You’re such a busy woman.”

“I’m fine. Why don’t we meet at Lorenzo’s?” When he gives me a blank look, I add, “It’s a steak and seafood restaurant about three blocks from here.”

“Oh, I think I passed it. How’s seven?”

“Perfect. We’ll need a reservation. Would you like me to call and make one?”

“Yes, if you don’t mind. See you there at seven unless I hear otherwise.”

Once he’s gone, Mandy runs back to my office and closes the door behind herself. “That man is so hot.”

My lips are dry, so I lick them and look down at my desk as I sit. “Yes, he is rather attractive.”

“Priscilla, I know you like him. Otherwise, why would you accept a dinner date?” She narrows her gaze. “And don’t tell me it’s only about business.”

“What else would it be?” I challenge her with lifted eyebrows and a half-grin.

She giggles as she walks out of my office. “I’ll send your next appointment on back . . . and I’ll call Lorenzo’s to book your reservation.”

The day drags on, and it seems like forever before time to meet Rick at Lorenzo’s. A few times during the afternoon I’ve been tempted to call and cancel. I don’t know this guy, so my reaction scares me. Mandy keeps looking at me and cracking up laughing.

I arrive at Lorenzo’s, super excited but half hoping Rick doesn’t show up so I can slink back to my comfort zone. The doorman opens the heavy wooden door, and there stands Rick, an expectant expression on his face, looking even better than I remembered from this morning.

We both start talking at the same time, until the maître d’ makes a sound to get our attention. Rick places his hand on the small of my back, and we follow the man to our table.

Throughout dinner, I find myself falling faster and faster into that hole of infatuation—deeper than the one I was in for Maurice. Rick sure does know how to hold my attention.

“So what are your passions?” He props his elbows on the table, folds his hands, and waits for me to answer, never once taking his gaze off mine.

“Until recently, my biggest passion was building my business and getting established on TVNS. Now that I’ve managed to do that, I’m starting to look outside myself.”

“That’s always a good thing to do.” He leans back. “Especially since everything you’ve concentrated on in the past is business related.”

“I know, and now that I look back, I realize how impersonal my goals were.” I make an apologetic face. “Then I met Blair’s little sister, and she totally won my heart.” I tell him the story about going to the children’s cancer unit at the hospital and how I plan to do whatever I can to help them. “How about you? What are your passions?”

“Well, I’m a southern boy, so college football is one of them. I’m not much for hunting, but I’ve been known to drown a few worms at my dad’s favorite fishing hole.”

“You sound like a man’s man.”

He tips his head to one side and takes my hand. “Maybe I am, but I sure do appreciate a beautiful, fun, smart, witty woman.”

I force myself to look down and try not to let him see me sigh.