- Achor, S.
- active-destructive response
- active participation
- ad hoc decision-making
- Aiken, C.
- Alban, B.
- amplify success
- appreciative
- appreciative check-in
- appreciative coaching
- appreciative inquiry
- definition
- event preparation
- planning group
- topic choice
- “what ifs”
- 5D model
- ignoring the problem
- invitees
- key skills
- noticing shifts
- positive
- questions
- stories to make sense
- methodology
- positive core
- power of generativity
- principles
- process
- purpose
- recommended use
- voluntary
- attendance
- contribution
- participation
- when to use and counter-indications
- change is seen as event not process
- leaders wedded to command and control
- timing
- wrong topic
- Ashford, S.J.
- Avolio, B.J.
- Baker, W.
- Beadle, S.
- behaviour change
- dialogue
- learning for
- participation
- Brown, J.
- Buckingham, M.
- build a burning platform
- Bunker, B.
- Bushe, G.R.
- café etiquette
- Cameron, K.
- Campbell, W.
- Carlsen, A.
- Cheung-Judge, M.
- co-created change, features of
- active participation
- collective intelligence, tapping into
- dialogue as words create worlds
- imagination as pull for change
- leveraging organizational strengths in change
- narrative for sense-making in action
- offering direct involvement in decision-making
- positive emotions, energizing effects of
- social capital
- social networks as heart of organizations
- strengths as key to new organizational economy
- whole power of systems
- co-created change processes
- co-creation
- co-creative approaches
- conversation is systemic process
- effecting change at many levels
- feel heard
- high-quality connections and high-energy networks
- hope and other positive emotions
- nature of interaction
- patterns of organization
- social constructionism
- focus and preconceptions
- future
- information lies in difference
- language contains moral order
- meaning is context bound
- organizations
- relationship and communication, realities in
- sense
- values to gain commitment
- co-creative methodologies
- collective intelligence
- Collins, D.
- communication, organizational change
- The Complete Guide to Facilitation
- complex and potentially conflicting
- conflict management
- diverse group of people with issue
- geographically dispersed groups
- nobody knows the answer
- unpopular points of view
- conflict management
- constantly renew positive psychology processes
- constructive responding
- conversation
- Cooperrider, D.
- Cotton, N.C.
- creative process
- Cross, R.
- decision-making process
- decisiveness
- dense future zones
- DeRue, D.S.
- design phase
- destiny phase
- disciplines
- discovery phase
- dream phase
- driving forces
- Dutton, J.
- emotional states, power of
- emotions
- and imposed change
- positive
- empowering principled performance
- enthusiasm story
- escalator language
- executive decision-making
- exponential inquiry effect
- facilitator
- feed-forward interview
- feel heard
- Ferris, T.
- The Fifth Discipline (1990)
- 5D model
- flip
- flourishing
- focus
- Fredrickson, B.L.
- Gastaldi, M.
- generative images
- German Nazi party
- Godwin, L.
- Griffith, J.
- ground rules
- growing tip, organizational behaviour
- The Guardian
- Hagen, A.L.
- Heaphy, E.
- hit the ground running
- Holbeche, L.
- holy trio
- Homer
- Hoogendijk, C.
- hope
- Humble Inquiry (2013)
- Ibarra, H.
- imposed change
- different ways people
- efficacy and resilience, psychological resources to
- amplify success
- constructive responding
- dreams of positive future states
- empowering narratives (see narratives)
- focus on what can be achieved
- generative images
- hopefulness
- redefine success
- resilience
- savouring
- leopard hunting
- psychological impact
- cognitive lens
- emotion lens
- rewards
- sharing good news
- typical experience
- unintended consequences
- integrity
- intelligence
- invitees
- Isaacs, D.
- Keller, S.
- kick-start self-renewing virtuous circles
- Kimball, L.
- Klein, D.
- Kotter, John P.
- language with care
- law of two feet
- leader face
- leadership
- characteristics
- disciplines
- distributed organizational phenomenon
- effective use of micro-moments
- human imperfections as asset
- moral compass
- organizational effort, attention to
- power of emotional states
- power of words
- questions
- relationships
- sense
- social context of organization
- stories
- working with they’ve got
- decisiveness
- definition
- difference
- doing
- new broom behaviour
- organizational metaphor, shifting
- legacy of twentieth-century, organizational change
- Lewin and Taylor
- beliefs
- build a burning platform
- challenge
- communication
- dislike change and sold
- disruptive change, periodic episodes of
- future
- logic
- mapping
- meaning is created
- omniscience of leader
- people patterns
- planning
- project management
- resistance to change
- leveraging organizational strengths
- Lewin, K.
- Lewis, M.
- Lewis, S.
- living human systems
- learning and change
- behaviour change
- co-creative methodologies
- dialogic approaches
- participation
- principles of practice
- attention to leaders
- decision-making status of event
- flourishing
- holy trio
- planning, importance of
- possibility that motivate
- questions (see questions)
- stories
- strengths and resources
- volunteerism
- logical thought
- Losada, M.
- Luthans, F.
- Massimo’s leadership act
- micro-moments well
- mood, positive
- Mortensen, T.F.
- narratives
- dense future zones
- positive mood
- resource identification
- nature of interaction
- O’Hanlon, B.
- opening-up hope
- Open Space circle style
- Open Space Technology (OST)
- critical success factors
- appropriate space
- kit
- make the invitation attractive, and widely offered
- politely decline to answer questions during set-up
- site preparation
- volunteer basis
- welcome and getting started
- key ideas
- creative process
- instantaneous discussions
- quick and cost-effective
- self-management and self-organization
- smaller events
- works with people’s energy
- key skills
- addressing common concerns
- authentically present
- calling for conversations
- framing the topic and invitation
- time and space
- methodology
- process
- agenda
- capturing outcomes
- principles and law
- village market
- purpose
- recommended use
- complex and potentially conflicting
- conflict management
- diverse group of people with issue
- geographically dispersed groups
- nobody knows the answer
- unpopular points of view
- optimism
- organizational
- development
- metaphor
- practices
- organizational effort, attention to
- organizational memory, legacy, and elders
- organizations and change
- co-creative approaches to change (see co-creative approaches to change)
- living human systems (see living human systems)
- three-step model
- OST. see Open Space Technology (OST)
- Owen, H.
- Owen’s frustration
- participative management
- patterns of organization
- performance appraisals
- empowering principled performance
- enthusiasm story
- feed-forward interview
- Peterson, C.
- Peterson, S.
- plan as action
- planned change approaches
- planning group
- POSITIVE. see pre-frame open-innovate strengthen imagine translate improvise value eclipse (POSITIVE)
- positive core
- positive deviance
- positive emotions, energizing effects of
- positive energy network
- positive mood
- positive psychology
- positive and appreciative practices
- check-in
- coaching
- flip
- organizational memory, legacy, and elders
- performance appraisals (see performance appraisals)
- positive psychology tools
- prosocial organizational practices
- seeking out the root cause of success
- principles
- be appreciative
- be the centre of a positive energy network
- challenge the unspoken assumptions
- constantly renew positive psychology processes
- kick-start self-renewing virtuous circles
- resurrect old patterns
- seek out the positive in people and situations
- stay optimistic
- use language with care
- use micro-moments well
- positive psychology tools
- positivity
- power
- generativity
- of emotional states
- stories
- words
- pre-frame open-innovate strengthen imagine translate improvise value eclipse (POSITIVE)
- primary culture-embedding process
- proactivity
- project management
- prosocial
- behaviours
- organizational practices
- Pryce-Jones, J.
- pulling it all together
- co-created change, features of
- active participation
- collective intelligence, tapping into
- dialogue as words create worlds
- imagination as pull for change
- leveraging organizational strengths in change
- narrative for sense-making in action
- offering direct involvement in decision-making
- positive emotions, energizing effects of
- social capital
- social networks as heart of organizations
- strengths as key to new organizational economy
- whole power of systems
- co-creative approaches to change
- emergent change insights to planned change projects
- adapt processes to fit opportunities
- key ideas to fore
- local influence and control, encourage awareness of
- working
- linking theory, research, and practice
- planned change approaches
- time for something different
- best organizations positively flourish
- change is changing
- change is not a commodity to be bought
- future exists only in our imagination
- resistance costs too much
- social capital is a source of sustainability
- speed is of the essence
- strengths are a source of competitive advantage
- we need to use our intelligence
- questions
- energy
- expanding
- focusing
- magic
- positive
- Quinn, R.
- Radford, A.
- Raelin, J.A.
- Rand, K.L.
- redefine success
- resilience
- resistance to change
- resource identification
- resurrect old patterns
- ripple effect
- root cause of success
- savouring
- Schein, E.H.
- Schiller, M.
- seek
- positive in people and situations
- root cause of success
- Seligman, M.E.P.
- sense-making in action
- Shaw, P.
- Sigmon, D.R.
- simulation
- Simu-Real
- critical success factors
- decision-making process
- effective simulation
- ground rules
- instructions
- participants
- planning group
- senior managers
- session
- topic selection
- definition
- intensely focused situation
- key ideas
- exposing the hidden
- focused attention, high quality connections
- learning from doing
- making the invisible visible
- simplifying complexity
- simulating the whole reality of the situation
- slowing things down to speed things up
- testing hypotheses
- key skills
- action and analysis period, questions for
- facilitator
- long-term effects
- methodology
- process
- purpose
- recommended use
- self-reflection by organization, opportunity for
- Smith, C.
- Snyder, C.R.
- social capital
- social constructionism
- focus and preconceptions
- future
- information lies in difference
- language contains moral order
- meaning is context bound
- organizations
- relationship and communication, realities in
- sense
- social context
- social networks as heart of organizations
- social relationships
- speed
- stay optimistic
- Stellnberger, M.
- story and choice
- strengths
- strengths-spotters
- success
- amplify
- redefine
- root cause
- Surowiecki, J.
- Taleb, N.N.
- Taylor, F.W.
- time for something different
- best organizations positively flourish
- change is changing
- change is not a commodity to be bought
- future exists only in our imagination
- resistance costs too much
- social capital is a source of sustainability
- speed is of the essence
- strengths are a source of competitive advantage
- we need to use our intelligence
- unspoken assumptions, challenge
- values to gain commitment
- voluntary
- attendance
- contribution
- participation
- volunteer basis
- volunteerism
- Walumbwa, F.O.
- Wernsing, T.S.
- Wheatley, M.
- Whitney, D.
- whole power of systems
- The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many are Smarter than the Few
- Wooten, M.
- world, changing
- World Café
- critical success factors
- accommodating the experts
- collecting and sharing collective discoveries
- creating hospitable space
- cross-pollinating and connecting diverse perspectives
- encouraging everyone’s contribution
- exploring questions that matter
- introducing the event and setting the context
- listening together for patterns, insights, and deeper questions
- key ideas
- actionable knowledge
- collective wisdom of the system
- motivating power of conversation
- process over personality
- social nature of learning
- key skills
- devising good questions
- effective facilitation
- encouraging the strength of humility in leaders
- including diversity well
- methodology
- process
- purpose
- recommended use
- Worthing, M.