Chapter 55

Thursday 28th January 2016

En route to the Middle East


The plane is white and has no markings. Adam is driven out to the waiting aircraft by one of the ground crew at Nice’s business aviation private terminal. He is deposited on the apron at the foot of the stairs leading up to the aircraft. Darkness has long since set in and a chill wind is blowing.

He begins climbing the stairs. His legs feel like lead weights, the washing machine in his stomach is now mid-programme.

He steps inside the aircraft and a man dressed in a smart, black uniform welcomes him on board. Adam is then escorted along a narrow corridor that partitions off the owner’s suite at the front of the plane from the main cabin at the rear. In the back, everything looks and smells brand new: premium calfskin leather and opulent furnishings in abundance.

Sitting at a large, square table, a glass of champagne by his side, is Ricky. A few rows behind is Vladek, the Slav’s left eye and cheek still swollen. In the seat next to Vladek is Emms, her face a mess, eyes red and puffy. She barely seems to acknowledge Adam’s arrival.

“Adam,” Ricky says in greeting, gesticulating with his hand for Adam to take the seat opposite him. The pilot appears and asks Ricky whether he is ready for them to get going.

“Ready when you are. Time to get this little show on the road!”

The two men sit staring at each other in silence. From the front of the aircraft they hear sounds of the external stairs being removed and the cabin door being secured. Shortly after, the engines start firing up: first one side and then the other.

“Thank you for being prompt, Adam. Sorry about the shenanigans with your friend back there.” He jerks his head towards the rear. “Vladek wanted to bring her along to keep us all company. I hope that was all right? Fiona, isn’t it?”

He gives a shrug as if trying to coax a response from Adam. Adam says nothing.

“Lovely girl. I can totally see why you like her. Especially now that Xandra’s been temporarily detained in the US. I mean, what man doesn’t need a few extra home comforts from time to time, eh?”

They begin to taxi and the steward arrives to offer Adam a drink.

“Please don’t spoil him, he’s got to work later. Water and limited rations only I’m afraid. Isn’t that right, Adam?”

Adam shrugs indifferently and the steward scurries off, soon to return with a tall glass of sparkling mineral water. He places this and a small bowl of nuts on the table beside him.

“I said not to spoil him!” barks Ricky at the steward.

The plane is approaching the end of the active runway. Three muted chimes sound in the cabin to indicate that takeoff is imminent. Seconds later the engine throttles are opened to the maximum and the plane begins to accelerate.

“Apparently she works for the British police. I suppose you knew that?”

Still no reaction from Adam. “Yes, Vladek is skilled at coaxing useful snippets out of people. Admittedly his methods can be a bit rough on occasion but they do save a lot of wasted time and effort in the long run. Sorry about that.”

He smiles thinly, still getting no response from Adam. “As I understand things, not only are you and she on intimate terms but also, so I am led to believe, you may be part of her little operation as well. Can you believe that?”

“That’s bollocks. You’re losing the plot, Ricky. She’s a lovely lady but give me a break! Vladek has more than enough reasons of his own to start fabricating stories against me.”

“Yes, that thought had crossed my mind. However, to be safe, I thought she should come along for the ride. Just for insurance purposes. No harm done. Nothing that a bit of make-up won’t solve over the next few days.”

“Very amusing. Is that what you said to Tash, Ricky?”

He looks at Adam coldly.

“Be very careful, Adam Fraser.”

“You’re a sick man, Ricky. Iraq is a very dangerous place for anybody let alone a western woman.”

With surprising vehemence Ricky’s mood changes. He leans forward, suddenly angry.

“Don’t you fucking lecture me about what’s sick and what isn’t. I’ve had Tash plotting against me, Xandra detained by the authorities in the US and now some fucking crumpet of yours admitting that she’s working for the British and suggesting that you’ve been spying on me on their behalf. I call that pretty damned fucking sick, if you ask me.”

“It’s her word against mine. Who do you trust, Ricky?”

They stare at each other in silence for several minutes, the dark mood simmering between them.

“I think you’ve got something of mine. Something that Shetty asked you to give to me.” Ricky holds out his hand expectantly.

Adam looks at the hand. One sharp yank combined with a rapid corkscrew twist and Ricky’s shoulder would be dislocated. A follow-through uppercut to the lower jaw, just above the neckline, and Ricky’s lights would go out. Then it would be Adam against Vladek. Adam fancies his chances. However, within the confines of an aircraft cabin, it was always going to be tricky, especially with the crew to deal with. On balance, although it’s tempting, Adam’s instincts tell him to wait his turn.

Trust me, Ricky – the right moment will come and not a moment too soon.

Instead Adam reaches into his jacket and places the USB stick in Ricky’s palm.

“What’s on it?”

“I’m surprised Tash didn’t tell you. You and she seemed to be on such intimate terms down by the pool earlier this morning.”

“She was nursing her wounds.”

“Thieving little bitch. She only got what she deserved.”

“That’s more or less what I said to Vladek in the gym this morning. I repeat, what’s on the USB stick, Ricky?”

“Haven’t you looked?”

“As if I had the time, Ricky.”

He leans forward once more. “Oh yes, Adam. You had the time all right. Question is, did you feel so inclined?”

“I guess for the moment you won’t know, will you?”

They stare at each other in silence as the plane continues its climb.

“Adam, you and I both need each other on this trip. There’s a lot at stake. I suggest we both try to calm down and get the job done, shall we?”

Adam is tempted to remind Ricky that he’d started this mood change in their relationship by choosing to take Emms captive but decides not to.

“I’d like to go and see her,” is what he actually says.

“It won’t do you any good. She’ll be sleeping for the next few hours. Vladek gave her something to calm her down earlier.”

Which explained the blank expression on her face when Adam was boarding the aircraft.

“One of your happy pills, was that it, Ricky? The same sort you give to Tash to keep her quiet?”

“If I were you, Adam,” he says slowly and deliberately, “I would find yourself a comfy chair, kick back and get some sleep. You are going to need to conserve your energy for what’s coming tomorrow.”

With that Ricky hits the recline button. Turning out the reading light above his head, he dons a pair of eyeshades and, once the seat has moved into the horizontal position, he simply rolls onto his side and turns his back on Adam.