Chapter Thirteen


Making GWYW Techniques
a Regular Part of Your Life

So now you’re ready to make the GWYW techniques described in the previous chapters a regular part of your life. Feel free to take the principles underlying these techniques and use them to modify and adapt these methods as you like, depending on your own situation, personality, behavior style, previous experiences, and other factors. For everyone is different and has different goals, everyday challenges, and systems of meaning. So if you want to use another image or procedure to achieve a desired result, by all means do so. And feel confident you can make these work for you. A key is to believe in yourself and your ability to do it and then practice on a regular basis until, like developing any habit, they become part of you.

As long as you follow the basic principles and use these techniques fairly regularly (about twenty minutes or more a day), these techniques will work. The key is learning to relax, directing your intuitive abilities to some goal, and being confident you have the power to achieve what you want. Then, trust your intuitive powers and let them operate freely so they are not restricted or held back by your logical mind. The techniques in this book will help you channel and guide this power, but feel free to use other images and procedures to achieve the same end. For once you create the open channel, your intuitive abilities will provide you with the needed insights and receptivity to guide you. No matter what you want to achieve in your work, business, or personal life, no matter how you seek to enrich your life, you can direct your intuitive powers to help you achieve your goals. Just concentrate on creating what you want to happen and soon you’ll find that it will occur or that your work and life situation generally will change in positive ways.

Just watch. Positive things will begin to happen more frequently at work and at home. Even if you don’t ask for these things specifically, they will come because working with your inner knowing and creative powers releases streams of constructive, positive energy. And when you mobilize your inner forces in this positive way that’s what you will get back. To help you notice the change, keep a list of the goals you have achieved or a regular journal to chart each day. You might even start a daily or weekly blog where you describe what you have achieved and the techniques you used along the way. In turn, keeping this list, journal, or blog will make the things you want happen even faster because the act of writing down your experiences will make you more open and aware.

Work on applying these GWYW techniques and you’ll find both your work and personal life transforming for the better. Decide what you want, work with the processes described in this book, and you’re on your way to getting what you want.

So now … begin. You have the intuitive abilities within you to mold and shape whatever you want!

For information on workshops, seminars, and training programs contact Gini Graham Scott at:


3527 Mt. Diablo Blvd., #273

Lafayette, CA 94549

(925) 385-0608

Her websites are:

