Here’s a terrific outfit for hot summer days. The ruffly halter top and lacy shell skirt are cool and comfortable, made from easy-care cotton yarn. Quick and easy halter tops go great with shorts too.
Patt is same for all sizes. Change sizes by changing hook size as directed.
Foundation rnd: Starting at waistband with 5/F (5/F, 6/G) hook and A, ch 122 (128, 128). Being careful not to twist, join with Sl st to form ring.
Rnd 1: Ch 5 (counts as dc, ch 2), * sk 2 ch, work 1 dc in next ch, ch 2, rep from * around, join with Sl st to third ch of beg ch 5—41 (43, 43) ch-2 sps.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, work 2 sc in first ch-2 sp, * 1 sc in next dc, 2 sc in next ch-2 sp, rep from * around, join with Sl st to beg ch 1.
Rnd 3: Ch 3 (counts as dc), sk 2 sc, * work [3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc] in next sc (shell made), sk 2 sc, 1 dc in next sc, ch 1, sk 1 sc, 1 dc in next sc, rep from * 14 (15, 15) times more, end 1 dc, ch 1, join with Sl st to top of beg ch 3—15 (16, 16) shells.
Rnd 4: Ch 3 (counts as dc), work [3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc] in ch-1 sp of next shell, 1 FPdc around post of next dc, ch 1, 1 FPdc around post of next dc, rep from * 14 (15, 15) times more, end 1 FPdc around post of last dc, ch 1, join with Sl st to top of beg ch 3.
Rnds 5 and 6: Rep rnd 4.
Rnds 7–15: Change to 6/G (6/G, 7) hook and rep rnd 4.
Rnd 16: Ch 3 (counts as dc), work [4 dc, ch 1, 4 dc] in ch-1 sp of next shell, 1 FPdc around post of next dc, ch 1, 1 FPdc around post of next dc, rep from * 14 (15, 15) times more, end 1 FPdc around post of last dc, ch 1, join with Sl st to top of beg ch 3.
Rep rnd 16 until 10" (10 1/2", 11") [25.5 (26.7, 28) cm] from beg; fasten off.
With 5/F hook and double strand of A, ch 150 (150, 160); fasten off. Starting at center front, weave in and out of open row at waistband.
Foundation row: With 6/G hook and B, beg at top, ch 25 (25, 27).
Row 1: Starting in second ch from hook, work 1 sc in each ch across, turn—24 (24, 26) sts.
Row 2: Ch 1 (counts as sc), sk first st, work 2 sc in next st (inc made), 1 sc in each of next 22 (22, 24) sts, 2 sc in next st (inc made), sc in top of tch, turn—26 (26, 28) sts.
Row 3: Ch 1 (counts as sc), sk first st, work 1 sc in each st across, 1 sc in top of tch, turn.
Row 4: Rep row 2.
Row 5: Rep row 3.
Row 6: Ch 1 (counts as sc), sk first st, 2 sc tbl in next st (inc made), 1 sc tbl in each st until next to last st, 2 sc tbl in this st, 1 sc in top of tch, turn.
Rep rows 1–6, continuing to inc 1 st each side every other row, and working sixth row each time tbl (this forms ridge on which you will make ruffles), until there are 54 (56, 58) sts. Work rows 1–4 again; fasten off.
With 5/F hook and B, ch 60 (60, 70) for waist tie, join at bottom left corner with RS facing you, sc along left side to top, ch 60 (60, 70) for first neck tie, sc in each ch, cont sc along top edge, ch 60 (60, 70) for second neck tie, sc in each ch, cont sc along right side, ch 60 (60, 70) for second waist tie, sc in each ch, cont sc along bottom to end of first waist tie; fasten off.
With 5/F hook and A, join in first st of top ridge. * Ch 3, 1 sc tfl of next st, rep from * across, join with Sl st to last st; fasten off. Rep on each ridge.