Any little girl would love to carry her treasures in this ruffled drawstring pouch. It can be made to match any outfit. One skein of yarn and a small amount of a contrasting color for the ruffles are all it takes.
Starting at bottom of bag, ch 3, join with Sl st to form ring.
Foundation rnd: Work 8 sc in ring, pm for beg of rnds, bring up marker at end of each rnd, do not join after each rnd.
Rnd 1: Sc around, inc in every st—16 sc.
Rnd 2: Inc every other st—24 sc.
Rnd 3: Inc every third st—32 sc.
Rnd 4: Inc every fourth st—40 sc.
Cont to inc 8 sts every rnd in this manner, always having 1 more st bet inc, until you have 64 sts.
Rnd 1 of bag body: Work 1 sc tbl of each st around (this forms ridge on which you will make ruffles).
Rnd 2–6: Work 1 sc in each st around.
Rep rnds 1–6 four times more.
Next rnd: Ch 4 (counts as dc, ch 1), * sk 1 st, work 1 dc in next st, ch 1, rep from * around, end ch 1, join with Sl st to third ch of beg ch 4—32 ch-1 sps.
Next rnd: Work 2 sc in each ch-1 sp—64 sc.
Beg shell st patt as foll: ch 3 to start rnd (counts as dc), sk 2 sts, * work [2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc] in next st (shell made), sk 2, 1 dc in each of next 2 sts, rep from * 9 times more, end sk 2, 1 dc in next st, join with Sl st to top of beg ch 3—10 shells.
Next rnd: Ch 3, * work [2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc] in ch-2 sp of next shell, 1 FPdc over each of next 2 dc, rep from * 9 times more, end with FPdc over last dc, join with Sl st to top of beg ch 3; fasten off.
With CC, join in first st of top ridge and work as foll: * ch 3, work 1 sc tfl of next st, rep from * around, join with Sl st to first st; fasten off. Rep on each ridge.
Make 2.
Using double strand of MC, ch 110; fasten off.
Weave drawstrings through openwork rnd at base of shell patt. Tie ends tog to form lp. Rep with rem tie in opposite direction.