
Little Waves Jumper

This loose-fitting jumper can be worn alone or over a T-shirt. The tie at the waist and the adjustable straps allow room for growth. Because it is made from the top down, adjusting length is easy, too, so the jumper should fit for at least two years.




Waves form as stitches go from single to half double, to double, to triple crochet, and back again.


Make 2. Do not end colors at ends of rows. Carry yarn loosely up sides.

Row 1: With 4/E (4/E, 5/F) hook and MC, ch 61. Starting in second ch from hook, work 1 sc in each ch across, turn—60 sc.

Row 2: Ch 1 (counts as sc), sk first sc, work 1 sc in each sc across, turn, do not fasten off MC—60 sc.

Row 3: Ch 3 with CC (counts as dc), sk first sc, work 1 dc in each of next 2 sc, 1 hdc in next sc, 1 sc in next sc, * ch 2, sk 2 sc, 1 sc in next sc, 1 hdc in next sc, 1 dc in each of next 2 sc, 1 tr in each of next 2 sc, 1 dc in each of next 2 sc, 1 hdc in next sc, 1 sc in next sc, rep from * 3 times more to last 7 sc, ch 2, sk 2, 1 sc in next sc, 1 hdc in next sc, 1 dc in each of last 2 sc, 1 tr in top of tch, turn.

Row 4: Ch 3, sk first dc, work 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, 1 hdc in next hdc, 1 sc in next sc, * ch 2, 1 sc in next sc, 1 hdc in next hdc, 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, 1 tr in each of next 2 tr, 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, 1 hdc in next hdc, 1 sc in next sc, rep from * 3 times more to last 7 sts, ch 2, sk 2, 1 sc in next sc, 1 hdc in next hdc, 1 dc in next 2 dc, 1 tr in top of tch, turn.

Row 5: Ch 1 with MC, sk first st, work 1 sc in each of next 4 sts, inserting hook from front of work, 1 sc in each of 2 free sc three rows below, * 1 sc in each of next 10 sts, 2 sc three rows below, rep from * 3 times more, sc in each of last 4 sts, 1 sc in top of tch, turn.

Row 6: Ch 1, sk first st, work 1 sc in each st to end, 1 sc in top of tch, turn.

Row 7: Ch 1 with CC, do not sk first sc, * work 1 sc in first sc, 1 hdc in next sc, 1 dc in each of next 2 sc, 1 tr in each of next 2 sc, 1 dc in each of next 2 sc, 1 hdc in next sc, 1 sc in next sc, ch 2, sk 2 sc, rep from * 4 times more, omit ch 2 at end of last rep, turn.

Row 8: Ch 1, do not sk first st, * work 1 sc in first sc, 1 hdc in next hdc, 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, 1 tr in each of next 2 tr, 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, 1 hdc in next hdc, 1 sc in next sc, ch 2, sk 2, rep from * 4 times more, omit ch 2 at end of last rep, turn.

Row 9: Ch 1 with MC, do not sk first st, * work 1 sc in each of next 10 sts, * 1 sc in each of 2 free sc 3 rows below, rep from * 4 times more, turn.

Rep rows 2–9 one time more; fasten off. Mark center of one piece as back; skirt is worked in rnds from this point.


Rnd 1: Join MC at bottom of center back, work 30 sc along bottom of side of back, ch 2, work 60 sc along bottom of front, ch 2, work 30 sc along bottom of other side of back, join with Sl st—128 sts.

Rnd 2: Ch 3, work in dc, inc every 3 (2, 2) sts, work in ch 2 at each underarm, join with Sl st to top of beg ch 3—168 (190,190) sts.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, work 1 sc in each dc around, join with Sl st to beg ch 1.

Rnd 4: Ch 3, work 1 dc in each sc around, join with Sl st to top of beg ch 3.

Rep rnds 3 and 4 until skirt is 10 1/2" (11", 11 1/2") [26.7 (28, 29.3) cm]; fasten off.


Front RS facing you, starting 7 sts in from underarm, join CC, sc in each of next 8 sts, turn.

Row 1: Ch 1 (counts as sc), sk 1 st, sc in each of next 7 sts, turn.

Rep row 1 until 20 (22, 22) rows have been worked; fasten off.

Sk center 16 sts, join yarn, work second strap on next 8 sts to correspond.

Back, starting 7 sts in from underarm, join CC, work same as front for 22 (24, 24) rows, make buttonholes as foll:

* Next row: Work 1 sc in each of next 3 sts, ch 2, sk 2, sk next 3, turn.

Next row: Ch 1, sk 1, work 1 sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in ch-2 sp, sc in next 3 sc, turn.

Work 6 rows of sc, rep from * two times more. After last buttonhole is made, work 2 rows of sc, dec 1 st each side of last row; fasten off.


Using double strand of MC, ch 175; fasten off.


1. Weave tie in and out of stitches at waistline. Tie at center front.

2. Sew side seams of yoke. Join MC at underarm, work 1 row sc around entire top edge, including straps, back to where you started; fasten off.

3. Weave in all loose ends, using tapestry needle.

4. Sew buttons on front straps to correspond to buttonholes.