
Color Block Pullover

By changing the color combination, this pullover can be a great choice for either a boy or a girl. This sweater is soft, warm, and toasty, made in a machine washable acrylic/wool blend. Button closures at the shoulders make it easy to get on and off.




Popcorn stitch: [Yo, pick up lp] 3 times in next st, yo through all 7 lps at once.


Foundation row: With A, ch 39 (41, 43). Starting in second ch from hook (counts as sc), * work 1 dc in next ch, 1 sc in next ch, rep from * across, turn—38 (40, 42) sts.

Row 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc), sk first sc, * work 1 sc in next dc, 1 dc in next sc, rep from * 17 (18, 19) times more, end 1 sc in tch, turn—38 (40, 42) sts.

Rep row 1 until piece is 7 1/2" (8", 8 1/2") [19.3 (20.5, 21.8) cm] from beg. Do not fasten off A, pick up lp with B, turn.

Next row: Ch 1 (counts as sc), sk first st, work 1 sc in each of next 36 (38, 40) sts, 1 sc in tch, turn—38 (40, 42) sts.

Next row: Ch 1 (counts as sc), sk first st, work 1 sc in each of next 36 (38, 40) sts, 1 sc in tch, pick up lp with A, do not fasten off B, turn.

Pc row: Ch 1 (counts as sc), sk first st, work 1 sc in each of next 4 (5, 6) sts, * pc in next st, 1 sc in each of next 2 sts, rep from * 9 times more (10 pc in all), end with 1 sc in last 2 (3, 4) sts, 1 sc in tch, fasten off A, do not turn.

Go back to beg of pc row, pick up B, rep 2 rows of sc in B, pull up lp with C in last st, fasten off B, turn.

Note: Color blocks of top back are worked separately and sewn tog. Shape armhole as foll: using C, Sl st over 2 sts, work same patt as beg of back on next 14 (15, 16) sts, turn.

Working on these 14, (15, 16) sts only, cont until armhole is 5 1/2" (6", 6 1/2") [14 (15, 16.3) cm], ending at arm side.

Shape neck as foll: Sl st over 2 sts, cont patt on next 10 (11, 12) sts (leave rem sts not worked), work 2 more rows on 10 (11, 12) sts, turn.

Make button lps as foll: ch 1 (does not count as first st), work 1 sc in each of next 1 (2, 3) sts, * ch 2, sk 1 st, 1 sc in next st, rep from * two times more; fasten off C.

Join B in next st to left of first color block, work patt as established over next 20 (21, 22) sts, leaving 2 sts at end not worked, turn.

Work on these 20 (21, 22) to correspond to other side, reversing neck shaping and buttonhole placement.


Alternating single and double crochet stitches in each row form a soft, pebbly surface. Popcorn stitch row is preceded and followed by two rows of single crochet.


Work same as back, until 2 rows after pc row.

On RS, join B, Sl st over 2 sts, work patt on next 20 (21, 22), turn. Cont to work patt as established on these 20 (21, 22) sts until armhole is 4 1/2" (5", 5 1/2") [11.5 (12.7, 14) cm], ending at arm side.

Work across next 10 (11, 12) sts, leaving 10 (10, 10) not worked, turn. Cont to work patt as established on 10 (11, 12) until armhole is 5 1/2" (6", 6 1/2") [14 (15, 16.3) cm]; fasten off B.

Join C in next st to left of first color block, work patt on next 14 (15, 16) sts, leaving 2 sts at arm side not worked (for armhole). Cont to work patt as established on these 14 (15, 16) sts until same as other side to neck shaping, Sl st over 4 sts, cont patt on rem 10 (11, 12) until same as other side to shoulder; fasten off C.


Make 1 in B and 1 in C.

Ch 25 (27, 29). Work in same patt as back, inc 1 st each side every 1 1/2" (3.8 cm) 5 times, being sure to keep patt as sts inc—34 (36, 38) sts.

Work even in patt until sleeve is 10 1/2" (11", 11 1/2") [26.7 (28, 29.3) cm] from beg; fasten off.


1. Weave in ends, using tapestry needle.

2. Sew seams, joining top pieces of front and backs to each other.

3. Sew shoulder seams (2 stitches on each shoulder form shoulder seam).

4. Fold each sleeve in half, center and pin at shoulder seam, and sew in place.

5. Sew underarm seams.

6. Sew on buttons to correspond to buttonholes.