agriculture, cycles of, 37
algae, emergence of, 48
alphabets, 97
Amaterasu, 43
animals: communities of, 65;
female choice, 74–76;
parental care, 77–79;
souls of, 105;
timeline, 120–23
Anthropocene era, 102
apes: bipedalism of, 82;
brain size of, 82–83;
origin of, 81
Aphrodite, 71
Archimides, 104
Aristarchus, 20
arts, and culture, 89
asteroids, 45
atmosphere: chemical composition of, 55, 56;
degradation of, 102;
emergence of, 44–45
atoms: collisions of, 29;
neutral, 14;
sources of, 60;
structure of, 12
Aurignacian era, 124
Bacon, Francis, 105
bacteria: light sensitivity of, 61;
thermophyllic, 48
basaltic rocks, 39
behavior, 84–86
Big Bang, 5
Big Dipper, 28
calcite rods, 61–62
calcium, 34
calendar, establishment of, 37
Cambrian era, 120
carbon: fused into oxygen, 33;
and supernova explosions, 34, 36
carbon dioxide, 56
Carboniferous era, 121
cave paintings, 83
cells: adaptiveness of, 55;
community of, 64–65;
emergence on Earth, 47–48, 55;
finding food, 50–51;
living, 45;
membranes of, 50;
nuclei in, 48;
self-organizing systems of, 49, 65
center, new meaning of, 21
Chaco Canyon, 43
chaos, 117
cheetahs, 101
cities, 20
civilizations: emergence of, 95;
hierarchical, 95–97;
classical civilizations, timeline, 125–27
Clockwork universe, 98
coevolution, 68
community, 64–65
compassion, 77
complexity science, 50
consciousness, 49–51;
behavioral, 84–85;
and evolution, 66;
externalization of, 88–90;
symbolic, 86–88, 93, 94, 96, 101, 115
control, human wish to, 117
cooperation, 96
cosmos, fiery furnace of, 44
courage, 117
cranes, 73–74
beyond our control, 65–66;
and flourishing, 115–17;
human, 95–96;
learning process of, 60–61;
of nature, 52–53;
in spirals, 24;
and timing, 9–10
Cretaceous era, 122
cultural selection vs. natural selection, 101
cultures: and the arts, 89;
centers of, 20;
collective DNA of, 88–90;
hierarchical civilizations, 95–97;
stories of, 2–3;
survival of, 90–91
curiosity, 85
cytochrome c, 59–60
dance, mating, 73–74
and evolutionary time, 108;
and natural selection, 40;
on sexual selection, 75;
and survival, 68
death, 69
deep sea vents, 48
destruction, 66–67, 102, 103, 107, 116
deterministic materialism, 103–4, 105
Devonian era, 121
dinosaurs, parental care among, 78
Dionysus, 71
DNA: collective, in culture, 88–90;
information stored in, 88–89;
outside the body, 89
Dyson, Freeman, 11–12
Earth: cellular life on, 47–48, 55;
communion with the Sun, 51–52, 54, 56;
complexity of, 51;
conscious self-awareness of, 109, 111;
cooling, 45;
core of, 39;
cycles of, 96;
emergence of, 54;
evolution of, 106;
fecundity of, 96;
formation of, 44;
human impact on, 100–102, 103, 105–7;
interconnectivity on, 55–56;
land mass of, 40;
life on, 44, 47–48, 55–56, 84, 118;
mantle of, 39;
mapping, 40;
in molten state, 38;
and Moon, 41–42;
moving around the Sun, 3, 4, 21;
rotation of, 42;
self-organizing systems of, 49, 56;
surface temperature of, 56
Einstein, Albert, 11, 40, 43, 108
electromagnetic interaction, 13
electrons: and attraction, 12–13, 14–15;
free, 31;
interconnectedness of, 51–52
empathy, 115
energy: and mass, 43–44;
original source of, 60
Eocene era, 122
evil, existence of, 66–67
evolution: coevolution, 68;
desire in, 71–72;
human alteration of dynamics of, 101;
imagining, 62–63;
of the mind, 63–66;
and self-organizing dynamics, 106;
and symbolic consciousness, 101
experience, memory of, 89
eyes, 61–63
felsic rock, 39
fish: eyes of, 62;
parental care among, 78;
Flamsteed, John, 98
flexibility, 84–86
food: digestion of, 60;
future, 117–18
galaxies: clusters of, 19–22;
elliptical, 23;
and gravity, 6;
Large Magellanic Cloud, 24–25;
relationship of, 24–25;
self-organizing dynamics of, 49, 50;
spiral, 22–24;
timeline, 119;
Galileo Galilei, 104
gas, 14
gazelles, 86
genes, 58–59
gold, 34
good and evil, 66–67
grains, 57–59
granite, 39
Gravettian era, 124
gravity, 6;
and Earth, 39;
as effect of mass, 28;
repulsive form of, 11
Greenwich Observatory, 98
Guth, Alan, 11
hadrons, 14
harmony, 58
hawks, and survival, 68
heavens, mapping the movements of, 37
heavy metals, 48
helium: formation of atoms, 15;
hydrogen transformed into, 31, 32–33, 44;
hierarchical civilizations, 95–97
holy springs, 105
Homer, Odyssey, 3
horticulture, 96–97
humans: Anthropocene era, 102;
creativity of, 95–96;
flexibility of, 84–86;
fossil evidence of, 81–83;
hierarchical civilizations, 95–97;
life span of, 61;
mind of, 105;
origin of, 81–91;
planetary presence of, 93–102, 103, 105–7;
symbolic consciousness of, 86–88, 93, 94, 96, 101, 115;
symbolic language of, 87–88, 96, 97;
timeline, 123–25
hurricanes, 49
Hutton, James, 108
hydrogen: formation of atoms, 15;
nuclei, 12;
resistance of, 30–31;
transformed into helium, 31, 32–33, 44
hydrogen sulfide, 45
images, multiple, 9
infants, human, development of, 53–54
insight, 63
instinct, 84–85
Jupiter, 38
Jurassic era, 121
Kant, Immanuel, 98
Kepler, Johannes, 38
knowledge, accumulation of, 90–91
language: power of, 89–90;
Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), 24–25
Lawrence, D. H., “Whales Weep Not!,” 72–73
life: adaptivity of, 56, 57–58, 59–61;
as a dream, 66;
ecological processes of, 108;
emergence of, 11, 64, 84, 118;
interconnectivity of, 55–56;
and Sun’s energy, 52;
time-line, 120;
life expectancy, 61
calcite rods in eyes, 61–62;
release of, 44;
sensitivity to, 61
lizard: mind of, 63–64;
sex organs of, 72;
survival of, 67–68
lunar eclipse, 41
Lyell, Charles, 108
Magdalenian era, 124
Magellan, Ferdinand, 40
magic, 97
Mahabharata, 3
mammals: behavioral flexibility of, 85;
passion in, 72–73;
pregnancy, 75–76;
Man in the Moon, 41
Mary, as feminine icon, 77, 79
mass: and energy, 43–44;
and gravity, 28
mathematical laws, 104–5
mating dance, 73–74
matter: evolution of, 9;
passivity of, 106;
rethinking, 103–6;
self-organizing dynamics of, 106
Mayr, Ernst, 62
meaning, search for, 9–10
mechanistic philosophy, 105
Mercury, 38
Mesozoic era, 121–22
metaphors, 9
and LMC, 24–25
mind: development of, 63–66, 84;
human, 105
Miocene era, 122–23
modern world, timeline, 127–29
Monet, Claude, 43
Moon, 41–42;
origin of, 42;
tidal force of, 45
motion, laws of, 97–98
music: cosmic, 19;
harmonious, 58
mutual evocation, 24–25
mythology, 71
nature: creativity of, 52–53;
Neo-Confucianism, 89–90
Neolithic era, 124–25
Neptune, 38
nested nature of self-organizing structures, 49
neutrinos, 34
Newton, Isaac, 52, 100, 104, 106;
and laws of motion, 97–98;
Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis, 105
nickel, 39
nuclei: emergence of, 8–10, 12, 30, 34, 48;
free, 31;
fusion process of, 31;
synthesis of, 34
nucleosynthesis, 34
nucleotides, 58–59
oceans: cells adapting to, 55;
chemical composition of, 55;
deep sea vents in, 48;
degradation of, 102;
formation of, 44–45;
power of, 114–15
Oligocene era, 122
opposites, attraction of, 13
Ordovician era, 120
Oshun, as feminine icon, 77, 79
oxygen, fused into silicon, 33
painting, 89
Paleocene era, 122
Paleolithic era, 123–24
Paleozoic era, 120–21
paradox of unintended consequences, 102
particles, 7–8;
electrically charged, 12
passion, 71–79;
compassion, 77;
female choice, 74–76;
and pregnancy, 75–76;
quantity vs. quality, 75–76
Permian era, 121
phosphorous, 34
pictographs, 97
planets: creation of, 36;
gaseous, 38;
mathematical laws applied to, 104–5;
and navigation, 37;
orbits of, 38;
orienting ourselves to, 37–38;
rocky, 38;
self-organizing dynamics of, 49, 56;
stories of, 37
plants, timeline, 120–23
plate tectonics, 40–41
play, 85
Pleistocene era, 123
Pliocene era, 123
poetry, 89
polymers, 41
predator-prey relationships, 67
pregnancy, 75–76
progress, 98–100
prokaryotic organisms, 79
prose, 89
proteins, 58–59
protostars, 29
quantum community, creation of, 8
quarks, 7
Ra, 43
Rabbit in the Moon, 41
radiation, 9
randomness, 59–60
reflection, 87
reindeer people, 93
relationships: bonding, 8–9, 14;
intimacy of, 115
Relativity, General Theory of, 11
reptiles: parental care among, 77–78;
sex organs of, 72;
survival of, 67–68
rituals, 96
rivers, degradation of, 102
sacred groves, 105
Saturn, 38
scientific revolution, timeline, 129–31
seeds, germination of, 10
seeing, 61–63
selection: cultural vs. natural, 101;
self-destruction, 108
self-organizing dynamics, 48–50, 56, 65, 75, 106
sensing, 61–63
sexual selection, 74–76
Shapley, Harlow, 21
silicates, 39
silicon, 36
Silurian era, 121
soil, degradation of, 102
solar system: birth of, 35–36, 116;
collisions in, 67;
mathematical laws applied to, 104–5;
timeline, 120
space, rhythm of, 37
spiders, 73
Starobinsky, Alexei, 11
stars: activity of, 30–32;
birth of, 29–30;
collapse of, 33;
creativity of, 30–31;
deaths of, 25;
as giant balls of gas, 27;
implosion of, 33–34;
meditation on, 28;
and navigation, 37;
as our ancestors, 29;
protostars, 29;
radiance of, 28–29;
self-organizing processes of, 27–28, 49;
semistable state of, 33;
shooting, 36–37;
supernovas, 28, 32, 34, 35–36;
timeline, 119;
and wonder, 113–14
Stonehenge, England, 43
stories: birth of, 88;
of cultures, 2–3;
suffering, existence of, 67
Sun: communion with Earth, 51–52, 54, 56;
Earth moving around, 3, 4, 20;
as god, 43;
light of, 44;
matter transformed into energy by, 43–44;
movement of, 21;
planets orbiting, 38;
power of, 43;
temperature of, 56
superclusters, 21–22
survival: of cultures, 90–91;
human impact on, 101
symbolic consciousness, 86–88, 93, 94, 96, 101, 115
symbols: of civilization, 96, 97–98;
invention of, 88;
magic of, 97
taste, development of, 62
technology, 97;
thermophyllic bacteria, 48
time: beginning of, 11;
cosmological, 116;
and cycles of nature, 107, 108;
evolutionary, 108;
as measure of creative emergence, 108–9;
mechanical, 107;
rhythm of, 37
timeline, 119–31;
classical civilizations, 125–27;
formation of the universe, 119;
galaxies and stars, 119;
human journey, 123–25;
life, 120;
modern world, 127–29;
plants and animals, 120–23;
scientific revolution, 129–31;
solar system, 120
timing, dynamic of, 10
touch, development of, 62
transformations, 4, 12, 15, 34, 96
trees, survival of, 78–79
Triassic era, 121
trilobites, 61–63
tuning forks, 51
unintended consequences, paradox of, 102
universe: birth of, 5–7, 49, 119;
changing nature of, 61;
Clockwork, 98;
dynamic opposing forces of, 118;
energies of, 114;
evolution of, 106, 108–9, 116;
expansion of, 5–6, 10–12, 19, 21–22, 40;
folding back on itself, 95;
heart of, 19–20;
mathematical model of, 7;
multicentric, 19–22;
number as essence of, 58;
pattern as heart of, 58;
rhythm of, 7;
self-organizing dynamics of, 48;
and time, 116;
transparency of, 13–15;
and wonder, 114
Uranus, 38
Venus, 38
vibration, and music, 58
violence, 66–69
Virgo Cluster, 21–22
Virgo Supercluster, 21–22
vision, development of, 61–63
Voltaire, 98
water, and eye formation, 62
water vapor, release of, 45
waves, 18–19;
density, 23
Wegener, Alfred, 40
whale people, 93
whirlpool, 48–49
words, development of, 87
writing, 97
Zhang Zai, 89–90