Getting to the train station was the first step in my escape plan. I gathered up my skirt and bolted to the stable, not caring about the gazes that followed my path into the white structure.
A few men tended the horses, oblivious to my arrival.
I took a deep breath, hoping to still my heartbeat and calm my chaotic thoughts. There was no time to lose. My footwear slipped over wet hay scattered through the dirt floor. I stumbled, holding onto a wooden stall. “Hell!”
“May I help you, Miss?”
I turned mortified at my outburst and almost stumbled again at the sight of the man behind me. He was tall with sun-kissed skin, his eyes obsidian-black, framed by thick dark eyebrows and long lashes. He had a wide smile, and amusement crossed his chiseled face. I stared, not sure how to verbalize my need. “Yes,” I finally said, taking in his dusty attire. He wore a long, dark coat and black pants, looking like the dashing hero from one of Charlotte’s dime novels.
Pulling his horse, he led it into the stall and returned my stare with a lifted brow. “And how might I do that?”
My eyes flew to his questioning gaze, which gleamed with amusement. “Are you a Mexican person?” I asked, watching him close the stall and then turn to face me.
“Yes. Why the question?” he asked, with a hint of laughter in his tone.
“I have never met one before and your English is very articulate.”
“Thank you. So is yours.”
“Thank you.” I shook my head, watching the corner of his full lips lift. I took a deep breath and wondered if I could trust this handsome stranger. Did I have a choice? I shook my head again. This was not the time to be entertaining thoughts of handsome; leaving this nightmare was imperative.
“I need to be taken to the train station at once.” Nerves made my voice high. I took off my diamond earrings. “Here. This could cover the inconvenience of leaving your employment for the day and purchasing me a ticket to the East Coast. Please.” I displayed them, my heart pounding.
He approached and closed my gloved palm.
His warm grasp made a soft shiver dash down my spine. I scoffed, annoyed at how my body was responding to him. Perhaps my altered state made me more susceptible to handsome.
His stare traveled down to my lips, then swept over my dress.
My breathing once again lost its purpose, and warmth rushed to my face. I should feel outraged, ready to put him in his place; yet, his charming smile disarmed all my senses.
“I am sorry, Corazon. The train to the East Coast will not be here for another week.”
My stomach dropped. Civilization was miles away. “No, I must leave now. Perhaps there is a coach that can take me east? Honestly, anywhere going toward New York.” My plea was drenched in desperation as I wrung my hands.
He stepped back and pursed his lips. “Your predicament sounds urgent. Perhaps I can assist in another manner?”
“I must insist on leaving. If you cannot help, I must find someone else.”
He raised a sharp eyebrow. “It is clear you are a woman on a mission. But in your haste, you have not thought through the dangers and the damage your reputation might face.”
I stared, his words sinking in. My scattered brain did not factor the risk. Although my reputation would be judged locally, my social circles and potential employers would be none the wiser. My character would come out unscathed. A thought materialized at this realization. “My reputation!”
“Yes,” he said.
“Yes!” I grabbed his warm hand and placed my earrings in his palm. My new plan took shape. “I need your help! Please follow my lead.” Without giving him the chance to refuse, I placed my arm inside the crook of his and pulled him toward the music.
Once outside, I surveyed the area. “Where could we go in order to be seen by the most people but also seem like we are trying to hide?” I asked, noticing a group strolling our way. I purposely smiled up at my dashing stranger, as if he had just defeated the evil dragon and rescued me from a tower.
“During a celebration like this? I suggest the secluded gardens.”
“I am not looking for seclusion.”
He chuckled. “Trust me, Corazon. It is the most visited place on the rancho.”
I nodded and allowed him to lead the way. Curious eyes followed our stroll to the back of the adobe house. I laughed, inching closer to his body, which made my rescuer shake his head, as if amused, and then flash his own dazzling smile at me. He truly embodied male beauty. His strong jaw, defined features, and tall stature would cause a flurry in any ballroom. However, his thick arm, sun-kissed skin, and wide shoulders placed him as a working man. My face heated at my meticulous inspection. How many hearts and virtues had he destroyed? I cleared my throat and ignored my warming cheeks. “My name is not Corazon. If you must know, it is Miss Meredith Ann Stanford.”
“I believe I like Corazon better,” he said, slowing our pace.
I huffed, wanting to pull back from him, but his nearness loosened the tightness in my chest. “That is not my given name. If it was, you should not be calling me by such. And it is not polite to withhold your own name.”
“You are correct,” he said with a lopsided grin.
We reached the secluded garden populated by cypress trees and hedges. The music from the gathering faded as we went deeper into the vegetation, replaced by the trickling of a nearby fountain and the chirping of nocturnal birds hidden in the trees. The glow of the moonlight lit an inviting arch covered in wisteria. The beautiful landscape contradicted the chaos in my chest. Carlos led me to the arch on a brick path, gazing down at my awestruck face.
“Beautiful,” I said, glancing around the swaying flowers. The chilled air carried the sweet scent of the blooms, mingling with the soft sounds of the garden.
“Yes. Beautiful,” he agreed, still staring at me.
My face felt flushed as his clear admiration shone in his eyes.
He stopped our stroll. “We have arrived.”
I glanced around. “There is nothing.”
“True. However, the garden has eyes and ears.”
I nodded. “Very well. I would like to stay here a few minutes and then return to the gawking crowds. Hopefully, my father will hear and come to fetch me home with my reputation ruined. Thank you for your help. I hope my earrings provide a good price. Or perhaps make a lovely gift for your beloved.” The thought of him glancing at someone else with his warm gaze sat heavy in my belly. I straightened my already perfect posture. What a ridiculous thought.
“Why would you want to ruin your reputation?” he asked, his eyes full of interest.
I hesitated, staring down at the leaf-covered brick path.
I took a few steps back and sighed. It would be a waste of time explaining my predicament. Men did as they willed with their marriageable-age daughters. He would not see my father’s doing as a problem. “I am being forced to marry a man I have never met. My father’s promise of mending our estranged relationship lured me here. He informed me of my fate a few minutes ago.” I glanced up and quelled the need to add more distance between us as I took in his hardened jaw and heated stare. Anger set on his chiseled features.
“He tricked you?”
“Yes.” I said, my eyes tracing his reaction.
“And the thought of marrying a Mexican is not to your liking?”
I scoffed and took a few steps back, staring up at him with my own heated look. “Marrying is not to my liking,” I corrected him. I did not need to answer or explain anything to this stable hand, but for some strange reason, talking to him brought me comfort, and the fluttering in my chest was nice.
“Never?” he asked, watching me closely.
“Maybe one day, but on my own terms. I have spent my whole life educating myself so I can become an educator. I plan to support myself and my sister and live modestly. My father has played no part in our lives. It would be nice if he went back to ignoring my sister and my existence.”
He took a few steps closer, tilted his head. “Would marrying into a wealthy family not give you everything you could want?”
I raised my chin up. “Freedom is what I want. I never want to depend on anyone. It always leads to hardships and disappointment.”
“I see. And you feel that by ruining your reputation, your father will break your betrothal?”
I shrugged. “Perhaps. I am hoping the man who wants to marry me and his family will dissolve the contract when they hear about my ruin.”
I watched his handsome face ponder my words. The annoyance had eased and was now replaced by something I could not identify.
A lopsided grin swept over his lips, and his eyes danced. “Well, if you were to dissuade your betrothed and his family, perhaps you should look the part.”
My stomach fluttered. “Yes, but how so?”
He took a few steps closer, the soft scent of cedarwood and geranium swirled around him. He lifted a hand to my hair and pulled a pin out.
A lock tumbled down my back.
He stood back and admired his handiwork, his gaze roaming my every curve.
I took in a breath when his warm eyes found mine.
He shook his head. “Not quite convincing. A woman who just compromised her reputation would have a certain look and swollen lips.”
“Perhaps I should bite my own lips?” I asked, watching his face light up.
“Perhaps. But I know a less painful way.”
Within seconds, he was a breath away. When he leaned in, I gasped.
“May I?” he murmured.
His scent and closeness made thoughts impossible. No! Said a tiny voice in my head, but like a mindless ninny, I nodded instead.
His lips descended to mine. They were soft but demanding, urging my lips to open. I did, almost losing my balance once his tongue caressed mine. He was intoxicating. My arms found a way around his neck, holding myself upright. His hands traveled to my waist and wrapped around me tightly, his warm, hard chest pressing against me. The heat seeped through my dress, scalding. I would willingly go up in flames. That annoying little voice in my head became louder, urging me to step away. I wanted to swat at her, but I knew she was right. This was indecent; however, if I wanted my life back, it was a necessity. Yes, a very, very necessary sacrifice. My limbs went limp, and my heart sighed at this delicious sensation.
He lifted his head, breaking our kiss. An amused grin appeared on his generous lips.
I could only stare because speaking had become a foreign concept. Stolen kisses in the past had made my heart flutter. This stranger made my heart somersault and bounce against my ribs.
“Now you look the part,” he said, his eyes smoldering down at me. “We can return.”
Disappointment nestled in my chest. “Are you certain? In order for this to work, I need to be very convincing.”
He nodded. “That is true. For appearance’s sake, let us make sure.”
His head bent once again, and he swept my lips away into bliss.
“Meredith!” Father’s voice boomed.