Chapter Ten

Midnight had struck, and the household slept. Carlos was nowhere to be found. I searched every possible room, but I came up empty.

I found myself in the stables. A young, sleepy stableboy saddled a mount and helped me on my way. I galloped through the property, grateful for my riding lessons and the clear night sky. The moonlight lit a path to the orange groves, the sweet scent of blossoms draping over the night. I urged my mount through the fragrant trees.

My heart raced as a lone chestnut horse came into view. I dismounted, carrying the quilt-wrapped briefcase. My steps quickened without direction, hoping to stumble upon him. Rows of orange trees crowded my view as I searched for movement. My heart skipped when a figure appeared in the distance, strolling toward me. I stopped, waiting to see his face.

Carlos’s stride slowed as he spotted me, but he continued on his path.

My mouth went dry, and my heart thumped louder in my ears.

He stopped a few feet away, staring.

I took a deep breath. “I had no idea what my father was planning! I am so sorry,” I hoped the right words would materialize. “I will not allow them to take your land. I stole this from the lawyer. The maps and documentation are all here. We can beat them at their own game. Let us go to the authorities. With this as evidence, we can have them arrested!” I shoved the briefcase against his chest. “Please, Carlos, we must act now.”

“You stole that? For me?” His eyes widened, staring at me with confusion.

“Yes, we need to go now!”

“Meredith, if you are worried I will not be able to provide for you as promised, rest assured I will and can.”

His words struck me in the gut, crippling my posture. “I do not care about the money! I do not want it. I care about you. I love you!” Those three little words surprised me, but the second they rolled off my tongue, the feeling became so obvious. Carlos was my home. “I was so stupid. My whole life has been a reaction to what the world dealt me. Marriage and my career are my only true choices. I fought us, because I wanted a voice. My stubbornness did not allow me to see you. To see how amazing you are.” I stopped, running the back of my hand against my eyes to wipe the moisture that had spontaneously appeared. “If you do not want me anymore, I will leave. But know that I love you. Oh, and my name is not Meredith, it is Corazon!”

He dropped the briefcase and pulled my body into his arms, hugging me tightly.

I clung to him, wiping my tears onto his shirt.

“Yes, your name is Corazon. Mi Corazon.” He tipped my chin up, and his lips pressed sweetly against mine.

My soul sighed. This is where I belong.

Carlos paused our kiss and stared down at me, a devilish grin on his lips. “I am so glad you came to your senses. Traveling to New York to woo you would have been challenging, but I had every intention of making you love me. Corazon, I could not continue without you. I love your stubbornness, your kindness, your sense of justice….I have loved you since you tried to hire me to help you escape our marriage. You are everything I hoped for and more,” he said, leaning down to capture my breath once again.

The kiss was as knee-buckling as his words. I melted in his arms, ready to lose myself. “Wait!” I said, pulling back out of our embrace. “El Ocaso is in danger. We must go now and save your home!”

He pulled me back into his warmth. “Our home is safe. El Ocaso will be ours for generations more.”

I pulled back again, trying to break from his embrace. “What if they have another plan? We must have them all arrested!”

He shook his head. “The day of our betrothal party, I arrived late. The reason being I had been at the capitol, ensuring our home was safe and the land was still acknowledged by the land act. We were never in danger of losing our home.” He smiled down at me reassuringly. “The Nelsons treat their servants like objects, forgetting they have ears. Thankfully, word of their intent reached our family. All is secure.”

I shifted my weight and crossed my arms against my stomach. “So, you always knew that my father and the Mayor’s family would betray you?”

“I knew your father and the Nelsons would, but never would I believe you capable. My reaction at the Mayor’s home was not directed at you. I expose their plans to the authorities up north. Once they reconfigure and try again, they will be arrested. My connections will ensure that.”

Elation fluttered in my chest. El Ocaso would remain in his family. “I am so relieved.”

“How should we celebrate?” he asked in a husky voice.

“Do you have something in mind?” My heart rate soared, and a familiar ache built at my core.

“I believe it should be lady’s choice,” he said, dipping his head, his lips a breath away.

“My choice? Well, I have been itching to start crocheting a new blanket. Also, I have a new blue paint I am excited to try,” I said, with my own mischievous grin, loving the wide smile that gathered on his lips.

He chuckled. “I will be happy to participate in whatever you want.”

My hand roamed his chest, feeling his heartbeat quicken. “There is also something else I want,” I whispered.

He smiled. “And what is that, Corazon?”

“You.” I pulled him down for a hungry kiss.

* * *

Note to the Reader:

Thank you for reading Love Under the Orange Blossoms. I hope you enjoyed Carlos and Meredith’s love story.

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