Early Sunday morning, they carefully loaded the stallion into the van, preparing for the journey to the rodeo in San Juan Capistrano. Hawke’s excitement was palpable: this exhibition was not just a showcase of his stallion’s strength and ability but also a crucial advertisement for his ranch, where several fine stallions and mares were slated for sale.
As he sat mounted, ready to enter the arena, Hawke watched Camille’s gentle hands apply the final brushstroke to his stallion’s glowing coat. Overcome by a sudden impulse, he removed his cowboy hat, leaned down, and swept her into his arms.
Their lips met in a fierce, passionate kiss. Stunned, Camille clung to his shoulders as he gently set her back on the ground.
He winked, a silent promise glinting in his eyes. Entering the arena, Hawke and his stallion moved as one, a breathtaking display of unity and grace. He was stunning on the horse, captivating the audience with each seamless flow of movement, each sudden stop and turn. It was an intricate ballet of horse and rider.
The thunderous applause that followed echoed the crowd’s awe.
Waiting at the gate, Camille was ready to lead the stallion back to his stall. Hawke surprised her again, stopping abruptly to pull her into another earth-shattering kiss. Speechless, she let him wrap his arms around her waist as they left the arena together.
“Are you upset about the kisses?” he asked, his gaze intently on her face.
Camille paused, considering, “No, just surprised. It was such a public declaration.”
“Between the kisses and your engagement ring, people will realize we are in a committed relationship. No more gossip about us.” Hawke glanced at his watch. “How about some lunch?”
After leaving the stallion in the care of one of his trainers, they held hands and walked to the main dining room adjacent to the arena for lunch. The table next to the window overlooked the current event in progress. Hawke was well-known, and a constant line of well-wishers stopped by their table, their eyes filled with curiosity and speculation. Hawke’s introduction of her as his fiancée spread like wildfire.
Camille felt as if she were under a microscope, every glance and whispered comment made her increasingly self-conscious.
The rest of the afternoon passed well enough, except for one awkward moment when a previous girlfriend confronted him, her eyes blazing with anger. She was beautifully dressed, and everything about her screamed wealth. “Engaged? After refusing to commit to me?” she spat.
Hawke remained calm, his voice steady. “I’ve only now found the right woman,” he replied, squeezing Camille’s hand.
Camille felt her cheeks color.
Later, after first stabling the stallion away for the night at the cabin, they drove back to the resort for dinner. Tomorrow, they would part ways. His obligations called him back to the ranch. She would stay at the cabin, resuming her life as a groom in the morning and her studies in the afternoon.
Once they ordered their meals, he reached across the table, capturing her hand in his. “Are you willing to make a go at this relationship?”
She stared at their joined hands, a small frown tugging at her lips. “Yes, but…” She withdrew her hand, insecurities bubbling to the surface. “I know we have a strong attraction. You make my breath catch, my skin tingle, and my heart pound. You make me dream of a passionate, happily-ever-after with a faithful husband and kids.” She paused, her voice barely a whisper. “But I don’t believe you feel the same way. That’s why I’m afraid we won’t work.”
“If I understand you correctly,” he replied, “you think I’m not only a poor choice for a husband because I might be unfaithful but also because you believe I have only a mild attraction, but not the passion you crave.”
“Yes,” she murmured, a hint of unease creeping into her voice.
“You’re so wrong,” he said, his voice intensifying. “I can barely stay away from you. I want to kiss you and make love to you, but know I must wait. I gave you my ring because you’re mine. I won’t let anyone else poach on my territory.” His eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and desire. “This could become a problem if we don’t marry soon. I know you want to wait until marriage for that part of our relationship. Is it clear to you how I feel?” he asked fiercely.
“Yes,” she whispered. “I…my feelings are the same. This is why it is so worrisome. It would be too easy for you to make me want to disregard my morals and succumb.” She looked him straight in his eyes. “Acknowledging my weaknesses is not in my best interest. Do not take advantage. I expect the original passion might fade over time, but if passion is all we have, this relationship will not last.”
The rest of the dinner talk was general and not so intimate. She was staying at the resort tonight, afraid to surrender to him if she returned to the cabin.
He left the next day after finishing breakfast with Camille. He lingered, each goodbye kiss a silent promise.
Camille nestled her head on his shoulder, her heart heavy, savoring his scent.
For the next few months, they grew closer, meeting as often as possible and conversing sometimes daily. Their romance was heating up, and they never slept again in the same room.
Camille was now very confident about her feelings for Hawke and his feelings for her. Two months after the rodeo, he asked her to accompany him to his parents’ fortieth anniversary party. She found a magical gown to wear for the occasion, reminiscent of the one she wore for Ondine and Trent’s engagement party. She looked stunning, her eyes twinkling with mischief, and a confident smile playing on her lips. When a woman tried to monopolize Hawke, she slowly walked towards him, placed one hand on his chest, and boldly kissed him. Camille had made a conscious decision Hawke was hers, and she intended to make it clear to everyone.
As they danced the rest of the night away, their focus was solely on each other. The engagement ring on her finger caught the light, leaving no doubt in anyone’s mind they were a committed couple.
The day before Trent and Ondine’s wedding, Camille graduated with her master’s degree in biology. As her name was announced to go on stage, she heard his voice rise above the crowd, loud and proud, “She is mine.” Her heart soared as she spotted him in the audience, standing tall and beaming with pride. Unable to contain her joy, she ran to him, and he enveloped her in his arms, kissing her passionately. She clung to him, her hand gently caressing his chest, her face nestled against his neck.
“I love and adore you,” he whispered softly in her ear. “Will you please marry me?”
“Yes. Yes. A thousand times, Yes. I love you so much.” she replied, her voice thick with emotion, before pulling him into another fervent kiss.
A month later, under a golden sunset at the resort, they exchanged vows that bound their hearts together. Camille, adorned in the heirloom veil, looked breathtaking in her wedding dress, every detail a testament to their love story. Lucky, their faithful companion and the one who unknowingly brought them together, trotted proudly as the ring bearer. Radiant and overflowing with love, Camille met Hawke unwavering gaze, a silent promise passing between them.
Their honeymoon in the Bahamas awaited, but first, they returned to the cabin for their wedding night—their special place where they first realized their feelings ran deeper than they ever imagined.
It was there, in the quiet of the night, they sealed their love, in the deep understanding of what had begun as tension had blossomed into a passion that would burn brightly for all time.