Fuzz bolts low over the crumbling stone, his tiny wings undeveloped to support long periods of flight. He stays above the underbrush that Samantha bounces through. Were-apes chant. His translator lacks the program to decipher the snarling growls.

He breaks. The aerodynamic shift almost sends him in a tumble to the ground as he doesn’t have full control over flight. Flapping faster, Fuzz hovers before three Sandmen. The ivory masks lack any swimming figures. They grab were-apes, ripping open their skulls.

As they munch on the brains, spears pelt their robes, doing no damage. Not even a tear in the cloth.

The gleaming katana blade punctures the center Sandman before slicing through the other two. The were-ape creature’s soul forms under the skin of the ivory mask in the second before it crumbles into sulfur mist.

Reynard scoops up Samantha.

She hisses and bares her fangs at the creatures. Her claws scratch the air.

More Sandmen poise before them. The central figure’s ivory mask molds into the reflection of Reynard’s features. Humanoid figures still swim under the surface, begging for release.

Reynard threatens any Sandman’s approach with his new blade.

JC’s voice crackles over his commlink. With Samantha tucked against his chest, he’s unable to respond.

“We’re not all what you believe, Commander.” One of the trapped souls juts from the ivory mask, unable to escape the torment. Archimago pushes the humanoid figure back down inside the mask.

“You may be some alternate mirror version of me, but I doubt it—likely you’re Loki.”

The familiar outline of the Silver Dragon distracts the were-apes. Reynard releases the cat to fire the last round in the revolver, disintegrating the Sandman next to Archimago and giving him the seconds he needs to race up the pyramid. He jabs the end of the hilt against his commlink. “Lower the landing ramp!”

The were-apes race after him.

Reynard reaches the top of the pyramid. The Silver Dragon hovers close. The landing ramp lowers. He scoops up Samantha and flings himself for the opening. Once close enough to ensure the sword will bounce inside he releases the blade to have free hands to grapple the metal grate..

It disappears.

He grabs the ramp’s end, unable to do anything about the vanished weapon. Flinging Samantha inside, he pulls himself up enough to flip inside the Silver Dragon.
