
Title Page

Copyright Notice

Foreword by Chip Heath


1: Fanning Desire: How Siberian Refrigerator Doors and a Saudi Arabian Mall Created a Revolutionary Website for Russian Women

2: Sausage, Chicken and the Pursuit of Real Happiness: Transforming the Future of How We Shop for Food

3: The United Colors of India: Selling Breakfast Cereal to Two Generations of Warring Women

4: Getting a Bead on Weight Loss (with Help from Fast Food, a Middle Eastern Movie Theater and a Hotel Lap Pool)

5: How Horses, Shirt Collars and Religious Belief Helped Recarbonate a Struggling Brazilian Beer

6: The Case of the Missing Hand Cream: How Selfies Smoothed the Way for an In-Store Fashion Revolution

7: Sleeping without a Bedspread: Charred Paper, Toy Cars and Pixie Dust Help Decipher the Meaning of “Quality” in China

8: A Glimpse Behind the Scenes: Incorporating Small Data into Your Business and Life




About the Author
