Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

Abydos, tomb at, 26

Achilles (myth), 15–17, 28

aconite, 30

Actaeon (myth), 29–30, 40, 107

African swine flu, 167

Agnolo di Tura, 48

Agung Gde Putra, Anak, 207–8, 211, 217

AIDS, 4, 154, 166–70

Alfonso XI, king of Castile, 46

Alfonso of Córdoba, 50

al-Rāzī (Rhazes), 57

Anderson, Bill, 222–23

Andrewes, Christopher, 153–54

Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette, 100

anthrax, 51, 116–17, 126–28

antivaccine movement, 124, 126

antivivisectionists, 133

Anubis (dog god), 26

Aquino, Thomas, 203, 204, 205, 211

Aristotle, History of Animals, 22, 23

avian flu, 154–55

Ayurveda, 20, 21

Bachelet, F. J., 109, 110

Bacille Calmette Guerin vaccine against TB, 147

Balard, Jérôme, 120

Bali, 203–22

dogs destroyed in, 208–9, 211, 212–13, 218, 221

rabies spread in, 211–12

rabies vaccination in, 202, 210–11, 213, 214–17, 218–21, 229

tourism on, 204, 207, 209

Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA), 212–16, 219–21, 223, 229

“Bali dog,” 217–18, 220

Bali: Island of the Dogs (documentary), 217

Barber, Paul, Vampires, Burial, and Death, 82

Baring-Gould, Sabine, Book of Were–Wolves, 75, 79

Barnes, Julian, 174

bats, 31–33, 229

and Hendra/Nipah viruses, 175

insectivorous, 164–66

and rabies, 165–66, 182, 188, 206

vampire, 86–89, 165–66

beaver, 1

Beham, Hans Sebald, 224

Benitez, R. Michael, 108

Benteen, Frederick, 114

Bergeron, Dr., 9

Berners, Juliana, Boke of Saint Albans, 47

berserkers, legend of, 69–70

Black, Joseph, 96

Blackfeet tribe, 114

Blair, Lawrence, 217

Blaisdell, John, 30

Blake, William, Jerusalem, 88

blood-brain barrier, 230–32

bloodletting, 53, 114

Blucher (dog), 7, 10

Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 7

bobcat, 1

Boerhaave, Herman, 95, 97

Bordet, Jules, 147

Bourrel, M. J., 110, 129, 132

Boyle, Danny, 163


autonomic nervous system, 186

autopsy of, 10–11

blood-brain barrier, 230–32

excitotoxicity, 196

rabies virus in, 3–4, 7–8, 134, 236

Brazil, bat rabies in, 206

Brontë, Anne, 104n

Brontë, Charlotte:

Jane Eyre, 104–5

Shirley, 103–4

Brontë, Emily, Wuthering Heights, 102–4

Brooks, Max, Zombie Survival Guide, 161

Burgot, Pierre, 74

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 83–85, 94

Cadeddu, Antonio, 125n

Caelius Aurelianus, 24, 95

Calmette, Albert, 147

Campbell, Alexander, 91

Canon of Medicine (Ibn Sīna), 50

Carell, Steve, 6

Carnegie, Andrew, 142

Catherine of Alexandria, Saint, 59–60

cattle, 31, 165

cauterization, 53, 87, 114, 120

Celsus, Aulus Cornelius, 22–23, 34, 35

Cerberus (myth), 30–31, 224, 236

Chamberland, Charles, 127n, 134, 136

Channel Tunnel, 170–75

Chaucer, Geoffrey, Canterbury Tales, 47

Chernobyl power plant, 206

chicken cholera, 125–26, 127

chikungunya, 175

Ch’i-tan people, 70

Chusid, Michael “Joe,” 185

Clairmont, Claire, 83–84

Clarke, Elizabeth, 73

Cockburn, Francis, 8

Colavito, Jason, Knowing Fear, 105

Coleman, Jon T., Vicious, 115

Columbus, Christopher, 52

coma, induced, 186–87, 194, 196, 199; see also Milwaukee Protocol

“Constant Reader, A,” 105–6

Conway Cabal, 97n

cowpox, 124

coyotes, 229

Cranach, Lucas, 64

Cressac, Mary, 10

Crosby, Alfred W., 153

Ctesias of Cnidus, 70

Cujo (book), 173n

Cujo (movie), 6

Cullen, William, 95, 97

Cummins, John, 40

Custer, George Washington, 114

Cynamolgi tribe, 70

cynegeticon, 27–28

cynocephali (dog-headed men), 70

Darian-Smith, Eve, 171

Darwin, Charles, 88, 94

Dawn of the Dead (movie), 160–61

Day of the Mad Dogs (fiction), 171–73, 174, 207

Debré, Patrice, 132

dengue fever, 175

Dewhurst, Henry William, 108–9

Dhanvantari, Divodāsa, 20

Diamond, Jared, 4

dingo, 217

Dinsdale, Ann, 104n

diphtheria antitoxin, 143, 146

Disney, Walt, 6, 222, 223

Dodge, Richard Irving, 112

dog-headed men, 70


attacks by, 99–102, 190

bites of, 19, 206

as companions, 71

devil in form of, 71–73

DNA studies of, 25

domestication of, 24–26, 94,100

dualism of, 26–27, 46–49, 102, 103

feral, 25, 27, 206, 208–9

in myths, 40–41

and the poor, 47–48, 101, 206

rabies in, 5, 19, 22, 26, 31, 90, 94, 98, 108, 151, 190, 197, 206, 228, 230, 236

ritual burial of, 26

as scavengers, 27, 28, 29

slaughter of, 100–101, 208–9, 210

vaccination of, 5–6, 155, 200, 202, 206, 207, 228

and vampires, 66

and werewolves, 68, 74–77

as witches’ familiars, 5, 73–74

dog tax, 101

donkey, 3

Dracula (Stoker), 80, 86, 89, 106

draculin (anticoagulant), 87

Duclaux, Émile, 125

Duff, James, fourth Earl of Fife, 91–93

Ebola, 4, 154

Edward II, king of England, 48


pigs slaughtered in, 176–77

ritual burial of dogs in, 26

Ehrlich, Paul, 231

Ernawati, Putu, 218

Eudemus, 23, 24

feline leukemia, 167

ferrets, 154

flaviviruses, 233–34

Fleming, George, 101

flu, 31

avian, 154–55

media coverage of, 177–78

Spanish, 152–53, 154, 175

swine (2009 H1N1), 4, 52, 152–54, 155, 175–77

Flückinger, Johannes, 80–82, 162

Fort Larned, Kansas, 113–14

foxes, 2–3, 7, 171

Frankenstein, 83

Franklin, Benjamin, 96

Fredet, G. E., 101, 106

Frelinghuysen, Frederick, 142

Froussart, C., 109, 110

Galen, 9, 111

Galtier, Pierre Victor, 130

Gandillon family, 75

Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 103

Gaston III, Count of Foix, Livre de chasse, 46, 52–53

Gates, Horatio, 97n

Ge Hong, “Handy Therapies for Emergencies,” 34

Gentile of Foligno, 50

germ theory of disease, 110, 116, 123, 124, 126, 127, 131

Giese, Jeanna, 180, 181–83, 185–87, 191–93, 194, 197, 229

Gipson, Fred, 222–23

Girardi, Janice, 212–14, 219–21, 229

Global Alliance for Rabies Control, 230

Gómez-Alonso, Juan, 65–68, 82

Goya, Francisco, 88

Grancher, Jacques-Joseph, 138, 141

Greek myths, 5, 16–17, 22

Grenier, Jean, 75–77

Grinnell, George Bird, 114

Guérin, Jules, 126, 147

Gunawan, Deny, 219–20

Haas, Robert, 157

Haller, Albrecht von, 111

Hammurabi, Code of, 19

Hansen, Bert, 143

hantavirus, 154

Hartnack, Edmund, 116

Hattwick, Michael A., 189

Hector (myth), 15–17, 28, 162

Hemachudha, Thiravat, 196

Hendra virus, 175

Henry, Patrick, 96, 97n

Henry II, king of England, 47

Hercules Capturing Cerberus (Beham), 224

Herneith, Queen, tomb of, 27

Herodotus, 27, 70

Hierakonpolis, tomb at, 26–27

Hippocrates, 20, 22, 23, 51

Hoffert, W. R., 166

Homer, 86

horses, 152, 165

Hubert, Saint, 39–46

Hugo, Victor, 55

Hurston, Zora Neale, Their Eyes Were Watching God, 155–58

hydrophobia as symptom of rabies, 8–9, 10, 21

hypersexual behavior as symptom of rabies, 9–10, 110–11

Hyrcanians, 70

Ibn Khātimah, 50

Ibn Sīna (Avicenna), 50, 57, 58

ibn Zangī, Nuūr al-Dīn Mahmuūd, 59

Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar), 57

Iliad, The, 15–17, 28–29

immune system, 185–86, 197, 231

immunology, 124–26, 136, 147

incantations, 19–20

India, rabies in, 210

influenza, see flu

Institut Pasteur, 31, 144–45, 146, 147

Jackson, Alan, 197, 199

Jenner, Edward, 124–25, 126

jimsonweed, 98

Judge, Mike, 6

Karpas, Abraham, 167

Kete, Kathleen, The Beast in the Boudoir, 109

King, Stephen, 160, 173n

King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, 196

Kitab al-Taysîr (Ibn Zuhr), 57

Klosterman, Chuck, 162n

Koch, Robert, 116–17, 126, 127, 131–32

Koen, J. S., 152–53

Krishna, Chinny, 210

Kumar, Priti, 232–35, 236

Laidlaw, Patrick, 153–54, 175

Laighne Faelaidh, 70

Lamb, Lady Caroline, 85

Lamb, Larry, 171–72

Lambert, bishop of Maastricht, 42–43

lambs, 3

Lancre, Pierre de, 77

Lannelongue, Odilon, 130

Lassa fever, 154

Laurent, Marie, 120

Lawrence, William, 93

Laws of Eshnunna, 19, 25, 117, 178

“legend of the torn garment,” 78–79

leishmaniasis, 147

Lentz, Thomas, 235

Lewis, Paul, 154

Livingstone, David, 94

Loir, Adrien, 136

Louis XV, king of France, 123

Lucanians, 70

lupus, 199

Luvians, 70

lycanthropy, 66, 69, 75, 77–78

Lycaon, mythical king of Arcadia, 5, 69


derivations of, 54, 162

in myth, 16–17, 22, 68, 69, 86

power of, 27

twinned faces of, 30

McKenney, Thomas, 115

magic-medicinal bowl, 59

malaria, 4

Manners, Maria Caroline, 91–93

Marduk Prophecy, 19

marmots, 49

Mary, Queen of Scots, 47n

Mascarón, Andrés, 61–62

Master of Game, The (York, transl.), 52–53

Matheson, Richard, I Am Legend, 158–60, 163, 164

Mead, Richard, 77–78, 79–80

Mease, James, 97–99

measles, 31

Meister, Joseph, 137–40, 144, 147–48

Merlen, R. H. A., De Canibus: Dog and Hound in Antiquity, 22n

Metchnikoff, Élie, 146–47

methodists, 23, 35

Meyer, Stephenie, 66, 86

mice, 235

microbiology, 116–17, 124, 131, 152

Milwaukee protocol, 183, 191–94, 195–97, 199

molecular clock research, 341

monkeypox, 175

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 123

Monteche, Gabriel, 59–60

moose, 152

Moran, John J., 107–8

Moses Maimonides, 58

moxibustion, 34

Moxon, Richard, 184–85

mugwort, 34

Munthe, Axel, 10

Nāgārjuna, 20

nanoparticles, 232

Napoleon Bonaparte, 7

Native American rabies cures, 114–16

Nebuchadnezzar II, King, 25

Negri bodies, 165, 166

Neurians, 70

New Jersey, children bitten by dogs in, 141–44

Newton, Sir Isaac, 95

New York:

rabies in, 225–27

raccoons in, 225–28

New York Herald, 141–42, 144

Nicolle, Charles, 147

nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, 235

Night of the Living Dead (movie), 160

Nipah virus, 175

NisīhaCū, 26

nitrate of silver, 114

nymphomania, 111

Oakley, George, 97

Odysseus (myth), 15–17

O’Gorman, William, 141–42

Oktav, Muhammad, 205

Old Yeller (movie), 6, 104, 222–23

Omen, The (movie), 172

Oregon Trail, 116

Osman, Sheikh Ali, 176

otter, 1

Ovid, Metamorphosis, 29, 30, 69, 107, 163

Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernández de, 86–87, 164

Paole, Arnod, 80, 81, 162

Paris, rabies cases in, 132–33

Parkman, Francis, 116

parvovirus, 167

Pasteur, Louis, 117, 119–48

and anthrax, 126–28

birth and early years of, 119–20

and chicken cholera, 125–26

death of, 146

detractors of, 145–46, 148

legacy of, 151

and rabies vaccine, 5, 110, 118, 128–44, 228

reputation of, 121–22, 148

and vaccination, 123, 126–29

Pasteur, Marie Laurent, 120, 147

Pasteur Institutes, see Institut Pasteur

pasteurization, 117, 121

Pastika, Madee Mangku, 208

peccary, 3

Pedersen, Niels, 217

Pekingese, rabid, 221–22

Pemberton, Neil, 100

pertussis (whooping cough), 147

peste das cadeiras, 164, 165

Pfeiffer’s bacillus, 154

Pius XI, Pope, 44

plague, 4, 32–33, 48–51, 147, 152

Pliny the Elder, 22, 34–35, 53

pneumococcus, 130–31

Poe, Edgar Allan, 106–8, 163

Poirier, Marguerite, 76

Polidori, John, 83–86, 106

poverty, 47–48, 101, 206

prairie dogs, 49

primates, 152, 154, 167

“Project for the Prevention of Hydrophobia in Man” (Storti), 109

Quiteria, Saint, 59, 61

rabbits, 135, 136


apocryphal treatments for, 33–36, 45–46, 53–54, 58–59, 98, 114–15

attenuation of, 135–36

and Duke of Richmond, 8–9, 10

dumb or paralytic, 129

furious, 130

human mortality worldwide, 6–7

human survivors of, 181–200

and hydrophobia, 8–10, 21

immune response against, 197–99

in myth, 16–17, 39–42, 151, 220

and poverty, 206

symptoms of, 7–8, 9, 21–22, 24

vaccine for, 5, 110, 118, 128–31, 144, 228

and vampires, 65–68, 86

and werewolves, 67–70

worldwide control of, 206

raccoons, 2, 226–28, 229

Rage, The (fiction), 173–74, 207

Rakotovao, Marie-Françoise, 44

Ramses V, Pharaoh, 32


and flu viruses, 154–55

and plague, 4, 32–33, 49–51, 147

Raynaud, Maurice, 130

Remy, Nicholas, 72

Reynolds, Precious, 194–95, 199

Rice, Anne, 65, 86

Richmond, Charles Lennox, fourth Duke of, 7, 8–9, 10, 12

Ritvo, Harriet, 94

Robinson, Edward G., 231

Roby, Shirlee, 194–95

Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 153

Rocky Mountain Fur Company, 113

Rödlach, Alexander, 169, 170

Romero, George, 160, 162

Roosevelt, Theodore, 112

Rossignol, Hippolyte, 127

Roulet, Jacques, 75, 77

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 67

Roux, Emile, 10, 121, 125n, 127n, 129, 134, 136, 146, 147

Rupprecht, Charles, 199, 229–30

Rush, Benjamin, 95–99, 108

Rymer, James Malcolm, Varney the Vampyre, 89

Saint-Hubert, basilica at, 38, 44–46

St. Rita’s Hospital, Lima, Ohio, 188, 189–90

saludadores, 5, 59–62

Say, Léon, 140

Schrödinger’s cat, 11

September 11 attacks, 161

Sesame Street (TV), 89

Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick, 92

Shelley, Mary Godwin, 83

Shelley, Percy, 83–84

Shippen, William, 97n

Shope, Richard, 153–54, 175

silver nitrate, 114

Skidi Pawnee tribe, 115

skunks, 3, 111–12, 114

smallpox, 4, 32, 52, 123–25

Smith, Wilson, 153–54

Song of Roland, The, 54–55, 86

Sontag, Susan, 5

Illness as Metaphor, 17, 55–56

Soranus of Ephesus, 23–24, 35–36, 95

Spanish flu, 152–53, 175

Spanish fly, 58

Spanish Inquisition, 59–62

Spring-Heeled Jack, 106

Stedman, J. G., 87–88

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 106

Stoker, Bram, 80, 86, 89

Story of Louis Pasteur, The (movie), 157

Strabo, 70

strychnine, 114

Sus´ruta samhita, 20–21, 22, 33–34, 95

Suwana, Made, 214

Swaan–Van Tilborg, Hans and Ann, 43

Swieten, Gerard van, 10

swine flu (2009 H1N1), 4, 52, 152–54, 155, 175–77

syphilis, 52

Tangkas, Ketut, 204, 211

Tausiet, María, 61

Teas, Jane, 166–67

tetanus (lockjaw), 98

Themison, 23, 24

Thomas à Becket, 47

Thuillier, Louis, 134, 136

To Kill a Mockingbird (movie), 104

Toussaint, Henri, 127n

Trousseau, Armand, 9

tuberculosis (TB), 4, 55, 147

28 Days Later (movie), 162–63

typhus, 32–33, 147

United Nations, 207–8

University of Paris, 50

urbanization, 51

vaccination, 123–29, 132–33, 135–39, 141–45, 207, 210–11, 213–16, 218–21, 227–29

Vallery-Radot, René, 125n, 133

vampire bats, 86–89, 165–66

vampires, 5, 65–68, 80–89

variolation, 123–24

Vercel, Jules, 137

Verdun, Michel, 74

Viala, Eugène, 141


definition of, 132

evolution of, 31

mutations in, 31

Vlad the Impaler, 80

Voltaire, 67

Vulpian, Alfred, 138, 140

Walking Dead, The (graphic novel and TV), 161

War Department, U.S., 115

Washington, George, 97

Werewolf, The (Cranach), 64

Werewolf of London (movie), 158

werewolves, 5, 66–70, 74–77

West Nile virus, 4, 233

Widiasmadi, Putu, 218

Wiktor, Tad, 229

William of Wykeham, 47

Willoughby, Rodney, 180, 181–87, 191–92, 194, 196–97, 199, 228

Winkler, Matthew, 180, 187–90

Winthrop, John, 115

witches, 5, 73–74

Wolfe, Nathan, 32

wolf-man, 66, 70

Wolf People, 115

wolfsbane, 30


domestication of, 25

in myth, 5

and Native Americans, 115–16

rabid, 112–14, 119–20

Woods, Barbara Allen, 71–72

Worboys, Michael, 100

World Rabies Day, 230

World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), 213

xenophobia, 70

Xenophon, 27–28

Yersin, Alexandre, 147, 152

York, Edward of Norwich, second Duke of, 52

zabaleen (trash collectors), 177

Zinsser, Hans, Rats, Lice, and History, 33

zombie movies, 160–64

zoonotic diseases, 4–5, 68, 233

accidental hosts of, 49

AIDS, 4, 154, 166–70

anthrax, 51, 116–17, 126–28

avian flu, 154–55

measles, 31

plague, 4, 32–33, 48–51, 147, 152

smallpox, 4, 32, 52, 123–25

swine flu (2009 H1N1), 4, 52, 152–54, 155, 175–77

typhus, 32–33, 147

see also rabies