It was only moments after the shooting that the SecDef arrived. Her hair freshly pinned back and her lips glossed and ready for the storm of press. In her shadow, Ken and a flurry of entourage as well as five black Suburbans.

“Elaine,” Eldon said as he walked across the parking lot to greet her, unclipping his helmet. His face was tired, but it twinkled with victory. “We did it.”

“Yes, we did.” The SecDef extended her hand. “My thanks to you on behalf of the American people.” She looked over at the campers all huddled, drinking water, stripping off the gear they had under their school clothes. “And to your team.”

“This is what we’re here for. We’re happy to help. I see you brought the cavalry.” He nodded in the direction of the vehicles. “For us, I presume … an escort back to Valor.”

The specious smile faded from the SecDef’s lips. “Actually, it’s an escort home. You and your team will caravan to a secure hangar, where everyone will be routed back to their respective cities, to their lives.”

“Excuse me?” Eldon stepped closer, so close he could see the blurred liner gathering in the corner of her eyes. “You lied to us, to me. It was a trick.”

“Eldon, come now—”

“You brought me here to run this mission, so that you could get us out of our fortress. Why trust us at all?”

“I played the odds and I won. We won here today. That counts, and you should embrace that.” She tapped him on the shoulder, then shrugged. “But the risk is too high to do it again. We’re cashing in, Eldon. Quitting while we’re still ahead.”

Ken stepped over from behind the SecDef and opened the door to her vehicle. “Elaine, you’ve got CNN waiting. We need to get moving,” he said.

The SecDef nodded and turned back to Eldon. “Have these kids cleaned up and at the airport within the hour.”

Eldon glared. “These kids just saved your ass.”

Wyatt stepped out of the car, taking in the scene: the police beating back press, who waved cameras and microphones, trying to get a glimpse of the kids. The SWAT team leader, still convulsing, was being treated with a nerve agent antidote on a gurney. And the Valor team huddled to the side, high from their first mission as Wyatt walked up.

“Holy crap, Cody,” Mary Alice said, wiping the fake blood from her face. “How did you know?”

“All those hours in the gun range”—Samy patted Cody’s head—“finally paid off. You did well today, little Brewer.”

“He’s right,” Wyatt said, walking over to where the campers were gathered. “If Dad had started shooting, it would have been a catastrophe.” Wyatt held up his hand and Cody smiled, slapping it in the air. “Avi said there was a canister of sarin in the ceiling, rigged to the sprinkler system. Would’ve killed everyone, and any responders who came in after.”

“Dude.” Samy came over and folded Wyatt into a hug. “So glad you are back. How did you find us?”

“I had help. I took something to reverse the effects.”

Samy squinted. The rest of the team leaned in. “Who helped you?”

“A former one of us,” Wyatt said.

“What are you doing talking to my team?” a voice said just beyond the ring of kids.

Wyatt and the rest of the group turned to see Eldon, his face smudged black from gunpowder. Cass stood behind him, a pained look on her face as she began un-Velcroing the bulletproof vest.

“Son, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” Eldon said. “This area is restricted. No civilians.”

“Dad, come on.” Wyatt glanced around the circle—his family, his team, no eyes would meet his. “You gotta understand. What I did—it was the only way. And we’re close. So close. The mission is not over.”

“It is for us,” Eldon said, his words dropping like an iron curtain.

“But Darsie said they’ll have the IP. Jalen has cleared a suspect, we know the area—”

“We have orders from the SecDef,” Eldon said. “Valor is no more.”

“Samy … Rory?” Wyatt looked to his groupmates, who just stared at their hands. He turned to Cass. “Come help me.”

She pulled off her wig and looked at Eldon, who shook his head.

“Oh my god, Dad, what am I supposed to do?” Wyatt said.

“I don’t know.” Eldon said. “Maybe Darsie can help.”