Ruby Frances and I
get a bright idea.
We will pool
some of our money
to buy Grace
a new shopping cart.
With a bicycle lock.
Albert says
his grandmother
will donate
one of her quilts.
Jackson pipes:
“Grace can have
my froggy umbrella.”
I remind him:
“Your froggy umbrella
is ripped.”
He dashes into the kitchen.
“Where’s the ‘duck’ tape?”
Kyra offers a travel pillow.
Like new.
Megan offers brand-new socks.
Thet hands me five
one-dollar bills
from his wallet.
“For Grace-lady,” he says.
Ruby Frances uses that
as an excuse
to throw her arms
around Thet.
“You are so generous!” she tells him.
Thet blushes.
But he doesn’t
pull away.
Smart and nice.