The cafe will be open
for breakfast and lunch.
My aunt Darnell will cook.
My uncle Tim will handle
the businessy stuff.
My mom will do whatever else
needs doing.
They decide to open
right after school lets out.
Ruby Frances, a sixteen-year-old,
is hired for the waitress job.
She will work during the summer.
In the fall Mom will take over.
Thet applied,
with a little help from his pastor,
for the dishwasher job.
“What about me?” cries Jackson.
“I want a job, too.”
Uncle Tim pats Jackson on the head.
“You can be the official litter-picker-upper.”
Jackson hops up and down
like a human pogo stick.
“I’m Litter Man! I’m Litter Man!”
What will I do?
How come no one’s asked me?
Do I want them to?