From the Manila Envelope

My dear, dear son,

I think about you constantly, with longing and joy. I dream about you often. Just last night I had a wonderful dream! You were small in it, maybe four or five years old, and standing on a hill waving to me. “Laura,” you called. “Laura, hurry up, I want chocolate-chip-cookies, a whole bag of them!” (Your favorite cookies!) And in the dream you laughed and reached out your hands to me with so much love that my heart seemed to melt. I ran toward you. Then I woke up, as happy as if we’d had a real visit!

How are you, how are you, how are you? I mean that in every sense of the word. I’m sure your health is good, you never were sick a day, but you haven’t forgotten (or let Uncle forget), have you, that you ought to have your teeth checked every six months? (Unfortunately, you got my teeth and not your father’s.) Are you helping with the housework? Are you reading anything interesting? Are you studying hard in school and doing good work? I say good, but I’m sure it’s excellent! If school is not enough of a challenge for you, make it a challenge. Don’t ever lean back, in school or anywhere else, with a “ho-hum,” attitude.

It’s now been almost two years that we’ve been separated. Sometimes I get so terribly sad thinking about all the days and weeks, all the months that I haven’t spent with you, all the special moments we’ve lost. I won’t lie to you, a great sadness lies on my heart and that is missing you. Every day I miss you, every day I think about you and wish I could see you even for five minutes.

It’s not yet meant to be, but soon, I hope, very soon. Until then, my dearest boy, I send you all the love in my heart.
