
I. Introduction (1:1–11)

A. Greeting (1:1–2)

B. Two Prayers (1:3–11)

1. A Prayer of Thanks (1:3–8)

2. A Prayer of Intercession (1:9–11)

II. The Significance of Paul’s Circumstances (1:12–26)

A. The Gospel Progresses Through Paul’s Imprisonment (1:12–18a)

B. Christ Is Exalted Through Paul’s Life or Death (1:18b–26)

III. The Challenge of the Philippians’ Circumstances (1:27–4:9)

A. Standing United (1:27–2:18)

1. Standing United Against Opposition from Outside (1:27–30)

2. Standing United Against Division from Within (2:1–4)

3. Standing United by Following Christ’s Example (2:5–11)

4. Working Out Salvation by Standing United (2:12–18)

B. Two Examples of Christian Unity (2:19–30)

1. Timothy (2:19–24)

2. Epaphroditus (2:25–30)

C. A Warning Against Theological Error (3:1–4:1)

1. A Seam in the Letter’s Argument (3:1)

2. A Warning Against Judaizers (3:2–11)

3. A Warning Against Perfectionists (3:12–4:1)

D. Concluding Admonitions (4:2–9)

1. A Plea for Unity to Two Coworkers (4:2–3)

2. A Brief Set of Admonitions (4:4–9)

IV. Conclusion (4:10–23)

A. An Expression of Gratitude (4:10–20)

B. Closing Greetings and Benediction (4:21–23)29