You are powerful beyond your imagination. You are highly capable of making extraordinary shifts in your life. Your body’s ability to heal is so much greater than anyone has ever permitted you to believe. Set the intention now that you have the power within yourself to heal, grow, recover, discover, create, and expand through every level of your being. I believe in you.
I believe in miracles and miracle healing. I believe that when we tap into our source of Divine guidance, as well as learn to truly gather solid information from which to make each decision, our whole world can balance out in ways we may not have experienced before. I personally have experienced miracle healings more than once in my life. First, with my own long and very hard-earned recovery from severe anxiety and panic. Second, with the recovery of my daughter out of her autism spectrum diagnosis.
When I refer to miracle healing, please understand that this in no way implies that it was quick. We did not wake up healed. That is defined as spontaneous healing. I believe in that too, but that has not been my personal experience in my journey. We did not get struck by a healing lightning bolt that changed everything in our bodies. We were a vital part of our miracle making. The reason I think of my own personal recovery as miraculous is because I truly experience life now the way that I did before anxiety ever took it over. There were many years where I never thought that was possible. Once my mind and body could remember what it was like without debilitating fear, it locked into all body systems to provide lasting effects. I worked harder than I could possibly explain for my recovery. Working for my daughter’s recovery was a much clearer process. I was so much more determined to find the right combination for her healing, and this time I knew how to go about it from the start. It felt as if my instincts kicked in right at the onset. I put my head down and got to work to find exactly the right healing combination for her. Maybe I went through my own years of healing and researching so that when I had my daughter and her diagnosis came up, I would have all the tools in place to help her reach her full healing potential in a fairly direct line of passage.
With regard to recovering my child, we were led down exactly the right paths to help her brain reorganize itself and heal from the inside out. It was nothing short of blissful insanity what we witnessed for her with each right door we opened. Even though the span was just two years, the places we went for treatment and for diagnosis felt like we packed twenty years of testing and procedures into it. It was a series of nonstop efforts and searches for who could help us. I knew in my heart that I could help her recover. I knew already being in the healing field, I had a heck of a head start. I had no idea how that process would look. I had to approach our healing with blind faith that, somehow, we would find our way.
What brought it all together, especially in my quest for my child’s healing, was learning how to communicate with Spirit by asking to be led to each next best step. There were usually responses to big prayer requests while laying hands on my child in the middle of the night, or through tears of aggravation and complete despair of what to do next. None of this was pretty, but the results were amazing. The journey was not nearly as tidy as it is being laid out here. Spirit led the way, and I listened. That is my best explanation for our process. It’s also what I intend to teach you through this book. The primary goal is to follow the guidance from deep within and not get lost in the sea of voices that comes with letting too many people in where deep healing is concerned.
An Experience in Healing
Healing is messy and requires a vicious tenacity to keep attempting to go layer after layer deeper into the void of oneself. Do not mistake my miracle explanations for anything less than disciplined and faithful beliefs that there had to be something more to our lives than what we were experiencing. With that notion in mind, we never gave up. Watching my child come to life in high definition was the greatest gift of my life. If I had ever questioned the power of miracles, the boundless opportunities that the body has to heal itself if given the right tools, I had no doubts of it now.
My daughter’s healing occurred through the process of writing my most recent book The Body Heals Itself: How Deeper Awareness of Your Muscles and Their Emotional Connection Can Help You Heal. I was led to all the right places to interview for my book, though its focus was emotional muscle memory, not autism or anything similar. Through the process of writing, I gained access into more healing modalities than I had ever previously known. What I found in that process changed our lives forever. We had been blessed with the greatest miracle of our lives, and my book about healing had not even been released!
What the path of writing that book brought to us was having the same developmental pediatrician who diagnosed my child say to me that she no longer met the criteria for an ASD diagnosis! She looked me straight in the eye and said, “This rarely to never happens. You need to claim your miracle and know that everything you’re doing is working.”
We had her diagnosed through three separate avenues, all resulting in the same ASD mild/moderate with speech apraxia diagnosis. We stuck with our developmental pediatrician beyond the diagnostic practitioners because of the three, she was the one who sent us to the most testing and to other specialists for confirmation. She was the one we most trusted for an unbiased analysis. Therefore, we also returned to her for reevaluations. We also had a second evaluation done through the school system; against their original beliefs, they too agreed with the developmental pediatrician that our daughter does not display any level of autism spectrum disorders.
Strangely, each time I share our story of amazing healing, the people’s responses either jump to (1) we were misdiagnosed from the start or (2) we grew out of the diagnosis. I call BS on both of those excuses (plus my child was five years old, not twenty-five). Other people say that once someone is on the spectrum, they can never get off. I reply: “Says who?” Who determined this to be a truth that everyone just accepts? I’m keeping our miracle because that is exactly what it is. Never second-guess the gifts the Universe provides, and always believe that you deserve miracle healing. Body healing is entirely possible when you treat the body in full.
What You Will Learn
I share this part of our story to say that through the process of writing my own book and through the process of recovering both myself and my child from different issues, I have done tremendous research into opportunities to heal that lie beyond any standard protocol. This is the reason why I have chosen to offer this book. I have done the research for you. I will teach you how to get still and learn to tap into your higher wisdom so you can avoid wasting precious healing time listening to too many voices and get moving on your best path to wholeness. I wrote this book in the hopes that when something feels off, you will have enough information to be provided a moment to pause. In this pause, we can discern which aspect of the body we need to focus on and possibly who to go to for help.
It doesn’t matter what the diagnosis may be. Healing is available to everyone to improve their quality of life if you are willing to go there. In no way does healing guarantee some kind of effect on the length of your life. I can offer you enough tools to figure out for yourself where to go with the foundation of taking each right next step. I will help you not get too ahead of yourself and honor Divine timing for true and lasting healing. When you make the commitment to cut through all the muck in your life for healing, it can be an isolating process. True healing can get messy and requires all of your attention. Had I put myself out there to all my friends and social media for what we were going through, I knew I could get lost in a sea of voices that were not my own. Those voices can be such a distraction that you end up doing circles and never get anywhere in your healing. It is a dangerous cycle to enter, allowing too many voices to guide your way, and it is not my intention with this book. My attempt is to provide the research, teach you how to do your own research, and above all to tap into your own inner wisdom so that you can make choices based on research and instinct in combination.
You do not need to be sick to read this book. This book is not for the sick, nor is it a guide to conquer illness. Instead, it’s an offering into any aspect of healing that you might be needing in your life. It will allow you to see your body in full and provide a deeper understanding of what we need to know to make lasting and sustainable changes in order for our greatest good and highest joys to be carried out in this life. It is a blueprint offering for multilevel healing within our bodies and how it operates in this world. Wherever you are today, in this moment, and wherever you want to be, I hope this book will provide the guidance you are seeking in order to help yourself heal from within.
There are a few things to remember:
1. Nothing in the body operates independently. Not one part of our body operates alone. When looking at our bodies, we want to approach any level of healing as all-inclusive. We have to look at the whole body and all its glorious layers and attend to every aspect of the whole.
2. True and authentic healing comes from within. No one else can do any of it for you, but they can certainly help. In the end, it is from inside yourself that true and lasting healing can be obtained.
The road to wholeness is different for every person; there is no single prescription for everyone. The lack of knowledge for what is possible concerns me the most. We all need to know that incredible healing opportunities and miracles are all around the world. What you are searching for might not be a mainstream treatment opportunity where you live. But it is a practice from somewhere, and the people who train in those practices don’t all live where they trained. You might find that what you are looking for is a block away from where you are, but you just may not know it exists until you start this process. My role here is to offer you the widest amount of research so that you can find what your next right step is, whatever will put you on the path for you or your loved one’s healing.
In order to find your specific combination into healing, you must be willing to take off any blinders and search far and wide for the possibilities. Limited vision serves as nothing but a roadblock. If to this point you have not believed in magic … well, take those blinders off, put on a pair of rainbow-colored glasses, and take a good look around you. We live on a ball that circles around a star which happens to be another ball of constant fire and energy—that is magic. Magic, miracles, and opportunities abound when we open up to the endless possibilities that are waiting for us.
Addressing Layers of the Whole Body for Healing
We must be willing to address the entire body in order to have lasting and sustainable results. We have to look at the body from the physical dimension and see doctors, therapists, and healers who understand the body’s physical aspect.
We also need to understand our emotional bodies and how they play a part in our balance and healing. Stuck or displaced emotions can create more health issues than we are generally aware of. The magnitude that our emotions play on our health is enormous. We must be willing to do the work for our emotional body to be able to find the best combination of healing therapies and therapists. Generally, we will not go to the same people for emotional healing we saw for physical relief or testing.
The energetic body is something close to the emotional body, but they are not the same. Therefore, you must know how to work with your energy body, the layer where the miracles live. This subtle part of the body is the power player in our ability to heal. We must know how to understand and work with our energy body, as well as activate and balance this aspect.
Last but certainly not least is the spiritual component necessary for deep healing. This will bring to you a new field of beings to help you to become conscious of your spirit body and how to use it to manifest deep balance and health. We will gather our “spirit team” (as I refer to them). Cultivating a spiritual practice is a vital piece of this journey to whole body healing. When all of these various aspects of your body are put into motion with the same intention to heal, miracles come to life.
As we review these layers that make up the whole body, I not only offer introductions into therapies for the body, mind, emotions, energy, and spirit, but also guide you on how to discern which therapist to choose in each related field.
Things won’t always be easy, nor will your process always remain neat and clear. I have great faith in your ability to heal. I want you to believe in your ability to heal too. Finally, the key to this whole process is getting to the point where you are able to give yourself permission to heal. Never underestimate the role this part plays. It’s the factor that will determine if any of the other offerings will work. It’s not just the icing, it’s the foundation to the process.
Being able to come back to life and live out loud is a gift that each and every person should have the opportunity to achieve. Sometimes it’s learning how to get out of our own way and change our inner dialogue and belief systems. Other times it’s finding the right people to treat you and help your body remember how to heal itself. It’s finding what the real problems are and from where in your body they are issuing. Above all, the combination for lasting and authentic healing is in addressing every part of the whole, treating all aspects of your health and body. In so doing, it means that there is never just one person you need to go to for your healing. It’s finding the right combination to treat every aspect of your body so that you can fully heal and transform your life. It’s treating your physical, emotional, and energy bodies as well as learning to work with Divine wisdom to help guide you to all the right people and inspire decisions. In the end, it comes down to gathering proper information and then going with your gut. In this book we will dive into each aspect of the body and learn to tap into our inner voice for guidance.
I believe in your healing. I believe everything is possible. Don’t back down until you get all the answers and information that you need. If it’s meant to be yours, you still must do the work in order to bring it to life. Hold on tight to your dreams and your convictions to shift and heal. Do what you need to in order to live your very best life. I have faith in you.
Your shift begins here.