Cat Family Update

News from Germany


MumCat (now named Calypso):

An email snippet from one of the German re-homers - “now she is for one week in her new home: the people are SO happy, they say, that they never have had such a lovely cat ! she is coming in the morning into the bed and is going on for a little sleep with her parents ...and she was with them in the garden already, they have a little sea in the garden, she loved it but then she went back with them into the house :o)”


MumCat in Germany

Smut and Beauty (now named Milly and Mia):

The new German owners were afraid that they may be allergic to the sisters, but all was well. Beauty and Smut live together, and judging by the photo, are very happy, settled and spoiled.


Beauty and Smut in Germany



Chox developed a stomach complaint, but was adopted by a lady who understood such things, her own cat having the same condition. He is doing well and continues to charm everyone he meets.


Chox in Germany