Chapter Twenty-nine

Billy the Kid and the Ruthiettes had control of the main amp and speakers until nine thirty. Lob had set up our equipment on the second stage.

Normally our speakers wouldn’t make a dent in the hell-sound that the BTK posse was spitting out. Even our five-foot Big Daddy was seriously underpowered compared to the six-footers.

But I had a secret weapon. Twenty little technogeeks. They combined and boosted our small amps and speakers. Serious boosting. As the final fillip, Bill-not-Gates whipped out a black Sharpee and drew an extra click on the volume knob.

He’d ramped us up to eleven.

At least half a dozen people had already left. The rest of the crowd was heading toward the door. I gave the nod to our singer and frontman Cob, and held my breath.

“Are you ready to rock, Meiers Corners!” Cob boomed.

People stopped in their tracks. Turned hopefully.

Guns and Polkas started our signature tune, fast and furious, at about five thousand decibels. It was so loud it had to be good.

The crowd started wandering back. I crowed with triumph. Of course, with our style of music my crow sounded like a duet with Cob.

We ripped out that tune like we were American Idol megastars. Manic energy poured from us; we were light-years better than our very best. We were tighter than tight, louder than loud, driving music out like a speeding semi.

And Julian was amazing. It was as if he’d played punk all his life, complete with muscular riffs and rippling abs. The audience was blown away.

The intent however was to blow away BTK and the Ruthiettes. We were counting on vampire hearing being more sensitive. I was hoping we were so loud the bad-guy vamps would stop playing and run away.

Half the plan worked. They stopped playing.

They didn’t run away.

When Billy the Kid saw the audience returning, he smashed another guitar over mullet-boy’s head. I guess he was pissed. So I gave him a friendly, one-fingered salute.

BTK, sprouting fangs, came straight at me.

I wasn’t worried. The ramped-up speakers were pointed strategically toward the vampire band. When Billy TK leaped onto the edge of our stage, it put him right in front of our Big Daddy.

I slipped behind the head-high speaker. Nodded to Julian, who squished in a set of earplugs.

Then I hit Billy and his homies with a seriously ramped-up power chord.

Set to eleven, the amp smashed that chord through the air like a hammer. Waves of sound pumped out so big and hard even I could feel them. They would pound a vampire’s brain to mush.

The vampires screamed. Jumped off the main stage like deserting rats. They headed straight for the backstage area, darker and cooler than the rest of the warehouse. They didn’t bother to take their instruments.

But even though his head should have been hollowed out by my power chord, Billy the Kid came straight for me.

I saw it with the clarity of a nightmare. BTK mere feet away, fangs extended and dripping saliva. Cob, nearest me, had just seen the fangs and was paralyzed, shock clear on his face. The rest of the band hadn’t even seen the danger.

Except for Julian. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Julian leap toward me.

But he was on the other side of the stage. Billy the Kid was within spitting distance. I knew there was only one male who could protect me now.


Heart breaking, I slammed Oscar into the stage. Oscar broke, his rosewood fingerboard separating from his body. As BTK ran toward me, I swung Oscar’s neck up to my shoulder like a bazooka.

We were invisible to the audience, behind the Big Daddy speaker. Good thing, because the Kid had dropped any semblance of humanity. His face was plated, his fangs and claws were flared. He absolutely dripped rage as he lunged for me.

I stood stiff, Oscar’s headstock braced against my shoulder.

Billy the Kid impaled himself twelve inches deep. His eyes widened. He took one gaspy breath. His claws closed and opened spasmodically, then disappeared. He didn’t vanish in a poof of dust, but no more breaths followed. His eyes rolled back into his head. Slowly he collapsed.

I stood there, heart pounding. Bo would be proud. I had done it. I had staked a vampire, the old-fashioned way. Without a bazooka.

The Kid fell off the back of the stage with my improvised stake still embedded in his chest. Oscar’s neck slid from my grasp. Hell. I wish it had been a bazooka. A tear ran down my cheek.

A hand gripped my shoulder. I jumped, only to freeze when Julian’s warm voice sounded in my ear. “Ruthven’s gang is escaping!”

I shot a look toward the door, but the Ruthiettes weren’t there. Then I remembered they had run toward the back of the warehouse. Toward the dim, dark corner where our coats and cases were. “What do you mean? There’s no escape that way. No doors, and the windows are a story up. Unless they can fly?”

“Not old enough. But if there’s no escape, why did they run that way?”

“I don’t know.” And I didn’t care. Oscar lay broken at my feet. Behind me, Lob and Rob had finally figured out something was going on. Well, with half the band not playing, they were bound to sooner or later. Cob was still paralyzed.

“We’ve got to follow them,” Julian said urgently.

“We can’t.” Oscar was gone. And while I could play on a borrowed guitar for the rest of the set, the guitar wouldn’t play itself. Take away rhythm, take away lead…“Guns and Polkas sounds like a kindergarten band without guitars!”

Raising both eyebrows, Julian said, “Is the band’s sound more important than catching vampires?” He ran an exasperated hand through his hair. “Sorry, I’m being buckets of stupid. Of course it is.”

A muddy rasp turned both our heads. “Am I late, Nixie?” Dirk Ruffles, his sax hanging from his neck, climbed onto the back of the stage. He gave BTK a glance as he passed. “That’s a funny place to take a nap.”

“Dirk!” Here was an opportunity marked quack. “Do you remember ‘Take Five’?”

“Of course,” he said. “Why?”

“Lob! Grab the keyboard off the main stage. Hook it in and use the auto-chords. You want E-flat minor/B-flat minor.” I turned to Dirk. “Okay, wing it until I get back.”

“You got it, Nixie!”

Julian and I rushed after the vampires. Back of the warehouse, no way out. It should have been like a box canyon. We should have confronted four mean and fangies.

But when we got to the unlit corner, all the Ruthiettes had disappeared.

I stared, disbelieving. It was like a locked room mystery. Three walls, a ceiling, and a floor covered with wooden pallets piled with instrument cases. No doors, no windows, nowhere to go. Yet four big vampires were gone.

“Did they mist?” I asked, remembering Ruthven, and Julian’s easy-off clothes.

“Billy was the only one old enough.” He cast around him, nostrils flared. “They’re not far.” His eyes were so red they almost glowed.

Red glow. Like an exit sign.

And I thought, what if?

There’s an old story about PT Barnum. He put together a museum of exhibits and live acts—Tom Thumb, the Feejee Mermaid, various stuffed animals, and the like. People came to see them, but were so enthralled they didn’t leave. And even in the dark ages, you hadda have throughput to make money. So PT posted signs saying, “This way to the Egress”. People thought “egress” was another exhibit. Maybe some kind of bird. But it’s not—it’s an exit. In PT’s case, an exit with no way back in. And people would exit, whether they intended to or not. Instant throughput.

PT Barnum’s egress was an exit that didn’t look like an exit. What if there was an egress here? Not a door, or window, or something we’d normally think of as an exit. But something else? I dove to my knees in front of the mountain of cases, and pulled them aside to bare the wooden pallet underneath.

“What…?” Julian crouched down beside me. His eyes widened. Something was under the pallet.

Or rather, nothing was under the pallet. I had revealed a big hole in the concrete floor. “WTF…a tunnel! This must lead to the Blood Center. This is how they planned to get the blood out.”

Julian nodded grimly. “Call Elena. I’ll contact Bo, have him send us Logan and the rest.”

The calls took less than thirty seconds. After we passed the information on, Julian dropped into the hole. “Jump, Nixie.” His voice sounded echoey, like he was far away.

I squeaked. “Don’t you want to wait for Elena and Bo?”

“No time.” Julian’s voice floated up from the pitch black. “Ruthven’s lieutenants will know we’re not far behind. With the element of surprise gone, they may decide to break the blood out another way. They may even destroy it, if they can’t have it.”

“But they won’t know we’ve found their tunnel.” It was so dark down there. And…deep-sounding.

“They’ll figure it out. Come on, Nixie. Jump. I’ll catch you.”

I couldn’t see a thing. I didn’t know how deep the tunnel was. From the far-off sound of Julian’s voice, I was afraid it wasn’t just a few feet.

I would need to trust him to catch me.

Did I trust him that much? Did I trust a man I’d met less than two weeks ago to keep me from jumping to my death, or at least a couple broken bones?

Fuck. Yes. Yes, I did. I jumped.

The fall was longer than I expected. My stomach flew to the roof of my mouth. Nothing, nothing…suddenly Julian’s warm arms caught me.

Then, to my utter shock, we dropped more. But slower, gentler. We floated like a feather to a stop. “Can you fly?” I gasped.

“Not exactly,” Julian murmured, setting me down. “It’s a form of shape-shifting.”

The blackness engulfed me. I grabbed for him, caught his jacket in my fist. Gently, Julian disengaged me, murmuring soothing nonsense. I seized his hand instead.

He curled his fingers protectively around mine. Led me forward, slowly. I started relaxing. It was so much like the night at the Kosmopolitisch I nearly laughed out loud. But there were four big vampires somewhere in the darkness. I didn’t want them hearing me.

Or maybe, I thought with a pang of panic, more than four. After all, some of Ruthven’s gang would have to be inside. Inside, passing blood down from the Blood Center. Carting the blood back this way, to pass it up into the Roller-Blayd factory. But only after the tourists had been scared away. I choked back my laugh.

The tunnel went on for what seemed like miles. Any second I expected to run into Ruthiettes. I couldn’t hear anything above my own pounding heart, so I strained my eyes, hoping for some light. I thought a couple times I could see…something. But no. Nothing except my own eagerness and fear playing tricks on my brain.

So it was a complete surprise when a small golden glow appeared, and didn’t disappear when I blinked. “Julian. Is that light?”

“Shh. It’s the Blood Center. Nixie—we don’t know what we’ll find. I don’t suppose I could convince you to wait here?”

“NFW.” No fucking way.

“All right. Be careful, please. Remember that though they’re young, these males are vampires. Their reflexes are still light-years faster than yours.”

“I staked one.” I was hit by a momentary twang of mourning for Oscar.

“No stakes here,” he said reasonably. There was a momentary silence. The sort of pause that said Julian was working to choose his words.

“What,” I said. Julian the Vampire always knew what to do. Julian the Lawyer always knew what to say. For him to have to think about it meant I would not like it.

We were about to do battle and we might not win. Hell, we might not even both survive. Maybe Julian was about to say something we’d both regret later. Maybe he was about to go all emo with the L word.

“Julian,” I started.

“I need you to do something for me, Nixie.”

Oh. Not the L word. I was not disappointed. Really. “What?”

“I don’t like it. I’d rather you stay back or stay with me. But…”

“Just spit it out, Julian. What do you need me to do?”

He sighed. “I could normally handle four of Ruthven’s lieutenants by myself. But with the blood at stake…and in case there are more of them…well, it would be better if I had help. I don’t know how long it will take Bo and Logan to get here. So while I engage the vampires…I need you to open the Blood Center front door.”

“To let in the Ancient One’s ringers?” It sounded like Julian was just manufacturing an excuse to get me out of the way. “Can’t they mist in?”

“No. Only Logan and the one at the beer tent are old enough to mist. The three guarding the Blood Center entrance are well-trained, but they can’t get in. Unless you let them in.”

“Okay. No problem.”

“One problem. You’ll be on your own. If I screw up, if I let one vampire through and he catches you—” Julian’s arms came around me, hauled me to him. He planted a quick, hard kiss on my mouth. “I’d kill myself. I don’t know how it happened, but you’ve come to mean the world to me.” He kissed me again, then released me as suddenly as he’d embraced me.

“Well,” I stuttered, embarrassed. “You mean…a lot…to me, too.”

“Good. I hope that means you’ll be careful.”

The light winked four or five times as we got closer, as if bodies were passing in front of it. Maybe bad vamp reinforcements. Aw, hell. “Julian—I do lov—”

The first of Ruthven’s vampires attacked.

We were in a small cave, or actually a wider area of the tunnel. All-terrain carts waited to transport blood. Along with rogues to push them.

Julian shoved me toward the wall. The sound of growling came from behind me. Whistling slashes, and the sound of blood hitting dirt. I sure as hell hoped it wasn’t Julian’s.

A shadow passed in front of the doorway. Paused. I couldn’t see a face, but the shape and eerie way of flowing looked like Ruthven.

The shadow turned toward Julian and stiffened. It waved someone forward. Pointed at Julian.

Ruthven. It had to be. Ruthie had seen Julian. I ran toward the doorway.

The shadow silently disappeared.

Ruthie had seen Julian, and now the scaredy-rat was fleeing. Damn it!

I sprinted after the mega-slime. I didn’t know what I thought I’d do if I caught him, but him bending over and pointy spikes loomed large in my imagination.

Dirt gave way to concrete. The light improved dramatically. I saw a ladder, scrabbled up it. I recognized the Blood Center storage/donation room—just as a hand grabbed my neck.

“Well, well. Emerson’s little chew toy.” The hulk hauling me up was bigger than Ruthie but not as big as Julian. His hair was long and gnarled. His breath smelled of stale blood.

I didn’t recognize him, although he obviously knew me. His fingers pricked my neck, like his claws were out. His mouth was open, his fangs dripping with menace.

Time for Attitude. “Nice fangs, but a little small, if you know what I mean.” I gave the hulk a once-over with my baby-blues. “I’ve met all of Billy the Kid’s band, and you ain’t one. How many of you Ruthiettes are there, anyway?”

I was gratified to see his fangs recede, his snarl turn to confusion. “Ruthi-whats?”

“Ruthiettes. You know. Ruthven’s boy band. His posse.”

The hulk drew himself straight, his chin flying up. “We are Lord Ruthven’s lieutenants.”

“Oh, lieutenants. Like the Army.” I cracked imaginary gum. “Only without the training and the discipline.”

“We have discipline.” The vampire crossed his arms and tapped his foot to let me know how offended he was…incidentally letting me go.

I shrugged. “Sure. Never meant to imply otherwise. I’m sure even the Ancient One’s homies don’t get your level of training.”


“I’m sure you’re more than capable of beating Julian Emerson, who’s just through that door.” I jerked my head toward the hole in the wall.

“Well…” The vampire’s eyes tracked nervously toward the hole.

“And I know you’ve seen right through my ploy to keep out of that front office. You know I’ve been trying to delay you until Julian can rescue me. And to keep me out of that front office.”

“Well…yes. Of course I have!”

“Oh darn. I was hoping you wouldn’t figure it out. Maybe if I ask nicely? Please, may I wait here?” I clasped my hands in an attitude of supplication. “Just don’t throw me into that front office, Mr. Lieutenant. Please-oh-please. Anywhere but the front office.”

I thought for a second maybe I’d laid it on too thick. If he’d ever seen a Bugs Bunny cartoon or read Brer Rabbit…

“No!” The hulk’s fangs sprung out. “No mercy! You’re not keeping me here, blood-bitch. I’m taking you into that front office no matter how hard you plead!”

The front office, with the front door. How lovely.

Then he hesitated. “Unless you plead really, really hard. I might be merciful.”

Shit. A vampire with a conscience. I pretended to ignore him. “You won’t take me willingly!” I said as I rammed a spear hand into his gut.

He sucked in a breath and doubled over. Got him right in the solar plexus, paralyzed his diaphragm. For a moment I considered running, but I might only run into another vamp—who might be smarter. So I waited patiently for this one to restart his diaphragm.

Eventually he did. Gasping, he grabbed me. “That’s it, blood-bitch! No mercy. You’re going to the office!”


He hustled me into the front office. Once there it was easy. “No, please, no!” I cried in a fairly good imitation of a girly-girl, making sure I was pulling and tugging toward the storeroom for all I was worth. Even with supernatural strength he had to put his weight behind it to move me.

So all I had to do was stop resisting him.

He tumbled ass over tea kettle into the office. Released, I feinted toward the back. When he grabbed for me I reversed and headed straight for the front door. The office was all of three steps deep and I made it before the hulk even got to his hands and knees. I caught the knob, flipped the lock, and flung open the door.

Three good-guy vampires flowed in, eyes red, fangs and knives out, loaded for bear. “Back room!” I shouted, pointing. They disappeared faster than a chocolate bunny on Easter.

As I punched in the alarm shut-off code, a low growl came from behind the desk. Oh, oops. Forgot about the hulk.

He rose from the desk like Godzilla—angry, pumped, and just a little green around the gills. Blood ran from a gash in his forehead. Apparently he’d hit his head when I’d pulled my little maneuver. “You’re toast now, blood-bitch!”

“Yep. Scared.” I worked frantically on options. I rejected half a dozen, including just screaming like a girl. While I had no doubt Julian would fly to my rescue (maybe even literally) I didn’t think I could live with myself if I did that.

But what could I do? I had no bazookas and no stakes. I had an office with a filing cabinet, a desk, and a cup full of…pencils.

“Ah-ha!” I snatched up a number 2. “You’ll only wish you were dead after five minutes with me and this pencil!”

The hulk paled. Went almost sheet white. Well, yay! Maybe Bo was wrong. Maybe it didn’t have to be forearm thick. Maybe it was the wood that did it.

From behind me, an insouciant voice said, “Hello, Blaxx. Long time no see. Do you have that thousand you owe me?”

If anything, the hulk went paler. “Lord Logan! What a surprise. Um, I’m a little short of cash at the mo’.” The apparently named Blaxx patted down his coat.

Behind me the gorgeous blond vampire Logan stepped with lazy grace through the door. “Oh, that’s all right. I’ll just take my payment in blood.”

One second Logan was in the doorway, the next he towered over the hulk. A gleaming white, sharp smile made his face look slightly feral. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Uh…gack,” the hulk said as Logan open his throat with two flicks of what looked like a rapier. Fountains of blood spurted from the severed neck, splashing desk, wall, and pencil cup. Logan followed up with a dagger, digging out the heart with a round slash that he made look impossibly elegant.

“Hmm. That’ll leave a stain.” Sheathing the dagger, Logan picked up the cup, plucked out the pencils. Overturned the cup. A stream of red liquid poured onto the desk. Dropping the heart calmly into the cup, he arched a blond brow at me. “Where’s the party?”

“Back there,” I said, feeling a little sick. I was a kick-ass black belt, but I didn’t seem to have all the necessary prerequisites to be a vampire slayer. Oh, well. In each generation, there was only one anyway.

“Good,” Logan drawled. “I was getting bored.”

“What happened to the Sheepshead Tournament?” I asked before I could help myself. It was supposed to go on all night.

He arched the other brow. “I won, of course. Coming?”

“Uh, yeah.” Covering my nose and dodging the desk, I followed Logan’s broad back into the storage room.