
Chapter Fifteen


She found her friend sitting at her desk, with her research papers spread about, writing rapidly across the parchments. Sophia reclined on the end of the bed unnoticed as Sidney wrote her thesis. Lady Hartridge called on them late this afternoon, begging Sophia to help draw Sidney from her room. From what Lady Hartridge described, Sid bombarded herself inside her bedchamber since dawn and refused to be disturbed. She locked the door and forbid anybody to enter. Sophia knew of Sid’s hiding spot for her key and used it to enter the bedroom.

Sidney worked in a disheveled state with her hair unbound and flowing in wild waves around her face while still dressed in her nightgown with her robe done inside out. A rose rested on the edge of the desk with a piece of candy tied around the stem. Sophia smiled, Wildeburg drove her friend into a frazzled mess. Finally, a man unbound Sidney’s tight restrictions on her frame of mind. Sophia laughed, then her laughter turned louder until her sides ached. Sidney scowled at her interruption but kept on writing. When Sophia realized she couldn’t interrupt her friend, she wandered to the windows. As she glanced below, she saw Wildeburg sitting on the bench. When he noticed her, he waved and Phee waved back.

Sophia swirled around to her friend and noticed a book on the nightstand. Deciding to occupy herself with something to do until Sid finished, she settled on the chaise as she opened the book. It was a romance story, the kind Sidney absolutely detested. She sent a puzzled glance her way and then started to read. It was the latest novel in the bookstores, Sophia remembered how Sidney ridiculed the title and the plot of the story. As she flipped through the pages, she noticed small notes written inside. As she brought the book closer to her face, Sidney ripped it from her hands. Sidney swiftly moved the book behind her back to hide it from Sophia’s eyes. Sophia in return smiled her enjoyment at Sidney’s discomfort.

“Romance novels are so cliché. Why do you read such dribble Phee, they cloud your mind with unreal fantasies?” Sophia imitated Sidney.

Sidney plopped next to Phee, “I have a confession to make.”

“It would appear so,” Phee laughed.

“I have secretly devoured romance novels since you read me the first one all those years ago.”

“I knew it.”

“You did not.”

“Well I wondered anyhow. On some books, you would argue how it wouldn’t work for the hero, then other novels, not a peep. You sat entranced as I read to you. Why though?”

“I don’t understand why, I guess I wanted to be known for my intellectual mind. If I appeared to read fluff, then those whose respect I hoped to gain would think my mind floated in the clouds.”

“Gee thanks Sidney,” Phee replied hurt.

“You misunderstand Phee. All I possess is my mind while you offer so much more. Your beautiful, kind, and gentlemen hang on your every word. Your grace sets everybody at ease with the right words or gestures. While my charm leans towards offending and arguing with everybody. One look upon your stunning figure and they follow you like a puppy dog. Me, they run the opposite way.”

“Nonsense, Sid, you have proven otherwise this season. Since your remarkable change, the gentlemen have flocked to your side. You even had the two most sought-after bachelors in the ton pursue you. I think you even managed to catch one of their hearts. The other, well he doesn’t deserve any girl. So, what is your opinion of this novel? I have yet to read it.”

“I haven’t either.”

“What about your notes on the side?”

“Those are not mine. Noah stole my book when I saw him in the park.”

“When did you meet Lord Wildeburg in the park?”

“The first visit happened after the Woodsworth Ball. Then the next time was the morning after he snuck into my bedroom.”

“Snuck into your room?”

“Yes, we shared a few secret moments together lately.”

“How secret?”

“Ummm, secret enough to ruin me.”

“Oh, Sidney.”

“Yes, well Sheffield got wind of it and when Noah didn’t come for my hand, Sheffield convinced Papa that a marriage to him would be the best possible solution.”

“That underhanded, conceited, manipulative boar,” Phee insulted Sheffield. She rose and paced the room, mumbling under her breath about the despicable Duke.

Sidney lounged on the chaise as Phee built herself into a rage over Sheffield. Something happened between the two, to draw Sophia out of her demure nature. As long as they have been friends, Phee never slandered another soul. For Sheffield to draw such emotion from her, was almost comical.

“It would appear that I am not the only one holding onto secrets,” Sidney directed towards Phee.

Sophia stopped in mid stride, a becoming blush spread across her cheeks. She could never share with Sid the encounter she had with Sheffield at Madame Bellerose. It was too intimate in detail, however, that wasn’t what kept her from telling Sidney. She couldn’t divulge her secret with Sidney when Sheffield didn’t realize himself.

“He kissed me in the garden last night.”

“He did what? I shouldn’t have left you by yourself. Oh, please forgive me Phee. I sent Rory after you.”

“Yes, well Rory was too late. The Duke figured since you offered kisses and he didn’t receive his, I should be your substitute.”

“Oh, does that man hold no bounds? When I am through with him...”

“No Sidney, I am fine. I am no worse for wear. Enough about Sheffield, what about Wildeburg?”

“He wrote me a letter to apologize. Now I’m writing my thesis, I am almost finished. I will need your help again. Mama has refused to let me leave the house and I must go to him.”

“Well Sid, you need not go far. He sits below on the bench in your garden and appears quite wet.”

“I’m afraid he has been there since last evening.”


“Yes, I’m afraid so.”

“Oh, my. He is in love.”

“And so am I.”

“Oh, Sid. I am thrilled for both of you.”

“Will you assist me one last time?”

Sophia laughed, “Like it will be one last time. We both know I have a lifetime of helping you.”

Sidney laughed alongside Phee realizing she was correct. Still she needed Phee’s assistance to sneak from the house and knew her friend would help. She thought of a plan which would require Sophia to persuade Noah to leave her garden. But before all of that, she needed Phee’s forgiveness.

“All joking aside, please forgive me for being an awful friend. I recognize something troubles you and I want to help you first. What is it, Phee?”

In Sophia’s excitement for Sidney and Wildeburg, she forgot her own problems. She didn’t want to burden Sid with her troubles concerning Sheffield. Sidney would shred Sheffield to pieces. Then Sophia would be ruined, and her father would demand Sheffield to offer for her hand. He was the last gentleman on earth she desired to be saddled with. No, she would make an excuse to Sidney to appease her.

“It is nothing Sid. My thoughts on losing you as a friend has saddened me. I saw you falling for Lord Wildeburg and realized it would change the dynamics of our friendship.”

“Nonsense Phee. My love for Noah, is in part because of you. He wrote of your suggestions in how to woo me. Our friendship will never change.”

Sidney rose to wrap Phee in a hug. Phee returned her affection, grateful that Sidney believed her false claims. In time, Sophia would figure how to deal with Sheffield. The last thing she needed was for Sid to delve into her problems. Sidney always jumped head first into finding a solution. No, she would avoid Sheffield in the future. Which should not be too difficult now, considering Sidney’s ties with him ended after the fiasco at the Havelock Ball. Phee pulled away from the hug and regarded the stars in Sidney’s eyes. She held delight that her friend found her happily ever after, now she needed to make sure she lived it.

“What do you need me to do?” Phee asked.

“I need two things from you. First, I need you to deliver my finished thesis to Noah and convince him to return home. Tell him I need one more day before I see him. Explain to him how angry my parents are, and it would be best if he approached a calm house. Make him understand his appearance only fuels my father’s anger. He isn’t familiar with Papa, so he will believe the small lie. Granted Papa is angry at him, but Mama and him both find his unwavering attendance, romantic.”

“And the second thing?”

“Can you help me escape in your carriage to Noah’s house? I want to sneak into his bedchamber the same way he has snuck into mine.”

“Do you think this is the wisest course of action considering the circumstances of your scandal?”

“Probably not, but I wish to woo him this time around. Only I need your help, please say yes.”

“Yes, leave Wildeburg and your Mama in my hands. First, I will deliver this letter to Wildeburg, then I will distract your mother with some gossip I learned from my Mama this morning. It will deliver your mother in such a frenzy, she will forget about you for a few hours. After that you are on your own.”

“You are the best friend in the entire world Phee.”

“Hurry, there isn’t much time before darkness falls. I will need to return home soon, or Mama will come looking for me.”



LORD WILDEBURG SLAMMED his front door behind him. His butler and a footman rounded the corner at the noise and stopped as they witnessed the scowl on his lordship’s face. He barked an order at them to retire for the evening, their services were no longer needed. They swiftly returned to the kitchen where they informed the rest of the staff of their evening off.

He strode into his study to the liquor cart where he grabbed the bottle of his finest whiskey and settled into an armchair near the fire. He drank from the bottle, hoping to warm his insides. The fiery liquid set a fire down his throat into his belly. During the coldest spring on record he waited all night and day outside in her garden for a glimpse of her. Nothing, no sign of forgiveness. The only thing he received was a message urging him to return home. Lady Sophia warned him away and handed him a letter of explanation. As he took another swig from the bottle, he pulled the letter from inside his suit pocket. The ink smeared across the front making the words: To Noah, a blurred mess.

He leaned his head against the cushion closing his eyes in defeat. With a sigh, he broke open the seal to read her letter. Only it wasn’t a letter, but an article explaining her thesis.

My theory on the ruination of the young ladies of the ton by Lady Sidney Hartridge:

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or a Duke?

I have set out on a personal conquest to expose the scoundrels of the ton and how they ruin young girls. After watching many friends fall victim to the rogues who destroy their reputations. They either have to marry said gentlemen or their parents send them away to avoid scandals. I realized it was time to turn the tables on them.

My research was based on three gentlemen from each level of the peerage: An Earl, a Marquess, and a Duke. I chose these three men from the personal exploits I heard from either rumor, gossip, or my own personal interaction with them.

The first variable in my research was to change my appearance. If any of you know me, I have never been one to care about my personal look, everything from my hair to my style of dress. However, with the help of a close friend, I made a transformation with my appearance to draw the attentions of my subjects. The result became a success in drawing their interest enough for them to court me in one form or another. I say that because not every courtship was performed in the conventional sense. As you can guess some were more scandalous that would make even a more experienced lady blush.

As I was saying I knew one of these gentlemen, for he visited my father frequently where we would become involved in heated debates. He didn’t recognize me, even while he danced with me. The second gentleman never met me, but I struck his interest, therefore enticing him to pursue me. The third, while he did recognize me, he began to view me in a different light.

While the three gentlemen sought my company, if their paths would cross each other, it brought out their competitive side. They would slander the other while trying to prove they were the better catch. It was not until the end of my research; I discovered the lengths in which they would go to capture my hand. With two of the gentlemen, they considered me only as a game. A game on which scoundrel could be the first to ruin me. Neither of the men wanted my hand in marriage, but to prove to each other whoever my favors would lay, they would be the victor. After they claimed victory, I would mean nothing to them except for being another lady they ruined. Then they would be off searching for the next contest to compete against.

When I was in each of these gentlemen’s company alone, much to my parent’s ignorance, I let their charm entice me into exploring my own possible desires. With the first gentleman, I let his rank and attractive appearance draw me into believing in a life we could share. However, his arrogant demeanor soon woke me to what a farce our life would be together. I will admit though, the lure of his kiss beckoned me towards him. There was a moment in the park where he sparked a feeling in... Well it never happened and for that I am relieved.

With the third gentleman, his newfound attention flattered my ego. For years, he had been like a member of our family and still is. However, he never once gazed upon me with anything other than friendship or brotherly concern. To realize I could draw the interest from another gorgeous gentleman gave me a newfound confidence. I never imagined plain ole me, could have any power over these men. While nothing more transpired than a few touches on the hand and an interest held in his eye. I will be forever in his debt my experiment hasn’t ruined our friendship.

You are probably wondering why I skipped the second gentleman. Well, because our time together has become more precious and meaningful to share with anybody else. The moments we spent in each other’s company awakened inside me a desire to be loved. Nobody ever tempted me with the affections he made me feel. I yearn for his kiss and caress even now. I understand we have many obstacles in our way, and we must overcome a scandal most embarrassing for some. But it is not for me. Our time spent together never represented a scandal, if so, I wish to cause many more.

In conclusion, my research has become clouded with an uninformed bias towards the subjects. I am unable to reach a conclusion based on my heart’s discovery of love. With that, I have proven my thesis false by my own sabotage of the facts. I hope nobody can prove my theory. I wish for all the gentlemen and the ladies of the ton to explore their passions and find a love like I did.

Wilde laughed in joy at her paper. He had hope. She declared her love for him. Sidney Hartridge loved him. He needed to see her now. Wilde rose and strode from his study calling for his servants to ready a bath for him. When his house echoed with no response, he remembered giving them the night off. Well that wouldn’t stop him, he took the stairs two at a time as he ran to his chambers.

He flung open the door and his footsteps faltered at a crunch beneath his feet. He knelt and picked up a piece of candy. Butterscotch. In fact, a trail of sweets led a path to his bed. When his glance rose, he noticed his open windows exposed the last of the fading sun. His heartbeat jumped when he saw the reason for the open window and the trail of candy. There under the blanket, laid the object of his love. He paused hoping it wasn’t a figment of his imagination when she dropped the sheet and beckoned him with the crook of her finger. Wilde followed her command and gathered the sweet confections along the way. He set them on the bedside table with an idea for later, for now he wanted to confess his love to her.


“Shh,” she replied as she tugged him towards her.

She wrapped her arms around him as she brought her lips to his for a kiss. Her fingers went to work to divest him of his clothing. She laid naked under his touch and wanted to touch him too. Her need for him, became more powerful than words they didn’t need to speak. There would be time to talk later. When he didn’t object, and his kiss became hungrier, Sidney’s heart slowed. As she waited for him, she allowed her fear to worry her with thoughts that she misjudged his intentions. But when she sensed his need as strong as her own it calmed her. Calmed her enough to coax him into long, sensuous kisses drawing out their passion.

Wilde himself calmed as her kisses slowed. He savored the sweet flavor of butterscotch on her lips as her kisses drugged him. He drew her along his body as his mouth devoured her, tasting her love. Each slow brush of his tongue matched hers, each nip of her lips, promised more. Each touch of her hand sent him to a higher need to be one with her. When she slid her hand down to his hardness, he groaned deeply into her mouth. Her innocent touch explored him as he fought his desire to take her. He pulled away from her mouth and kissed his way along her neck to her breasts as she stroked him higher. He drew her nipple between his lips and sucked gently, building her desire and need. When she moaned, and her strokes became faster, he slid his hand between her thighs.

Slowly his fingers slid inside her. Drawing out her moans as his touch pleasured her. Each pull of his finger inside her was slow and made her ache for more. When his tongue licked her nipples, she desired more. After he slid in another finger and stroked her, she raised her body to him, begging him for more. She tightened her grip on him as his stroke sent the flame inside her onto another level. As her need intensified, he sucked her nipples harder, that was when Sidney realized how her desire affected him. They were both consumed with a passion which built with each stroke of a finger or a kiss. She desired more from him that only he could give her.

“Last time you mentioned something with your tongue, and you also referenced it in my novel with your side notes,” she tempted him.

Wilde raised his head to stare in her eyes, her boldness beckoning him. He guided his fingers deep inside her, her wetness coating them as he moved them. He watched her midnight blue eyes darken with need, “Here?” he questioned her as he slid his fingers into his mouth, licking off her sweet taste.

Her eyes widened, never had she read anything as scandalous as his actions. When his tongue caressed her wetness from his fingers, her core ached for more. She moaned as he returned his fingers to fulfill her need. She arched her hips guiding his touch in deeper when he groaned. He spread her thighs wide as he settled in between them. After he lowered his head, his mouth consumed her. He hungrily licked her wetness, drawing her ache to a new level. His licks grew stronger and bolder, each stroke of his tongue faster as her wetness flowed. Noah built her ache high then paused. His tongue slowly slid along her core, lightly flicking. When his tongue settled on her clit, he stroked the tight bud in small circles. Sidney begged him for more.

Wilde heard her moans pleading, but he couldn’t get enough of her. He couldn’t quench his thirst. He grabbed her hips and brought her core to his mouth as he glided his tongue inside her. Slowly stroking in and out, drawing her wetness into his mouth. Yet, he needed more. When she tried to pump against his mouth, he held her still. He sensed her need on edge as he drove her to new heights. He wanted to drink from her as she flew over the edge. As he stroked his tongue in and out, his thumb found her clit and caressed the tight bud back and forth as she exploded underneath his mouth. He drank from her the desire she gifted him.

As her body floated in the mass of clouds, he continued his onslaught to her affections. Each kiss to her skin as he moved up her body, built her desire again. As he settled over her, he drew her lips in a kiss. The essence of her on his lips mingled with the butterscotch from her. When he slid deep inside, she moaned in his kiss. As his body stroked her into an ache again, she clasped him closer.

Wilde felt the need consume her again as her wetness clung around him. He drew each stroke nice and long as she clung to him tighter. His mouth ravaged her lips building on their desire as he felt her throb around his cock. He wrapped her legs around his waist when his strokes became faster and harder. His need for her consumed him. The taste of her in his mouth still lingered. His ache grew more as her hips matched him with each stroke.

“Noah,” she moaned, “Please.”

Her plea undid him, he could no longer hold back. He slid in hard and held himself, rotating in small circles as she gasped her pleasure. Then he held still and stared into her eyes.

“I love you Sidney.”

She slid her palm over his cheek, “I love you too, Noah,” she whispered as she kissed him gently.

He closed his eyes at her gentle touch and words. The emotions of forgiveness and love floated around them. Their bodies moved as one as they met each other with each slow stroke of their bodies. When they reached the heights they climbed together, they floated together in their bliss.

As they held each other, Noah slid his fingers through her hair and asked her the same question as last time, “Why?”

“I wanted to experience how it felt to climb through a window and seduce a scoundrel. Research for my next project.”

He rolled her over and scowled at her, “I will be your only subject for that research.”

“On all research I would imagine.” Sidney gave Noah a kiss to soothe him.

“When will you publish your paper?” he asked as he settled with her in his arms.

She rolled over and placed her hands on his chest, “Never. I could never hurt those involved, with the exception of Sheffield.”

“Are you sure? I will stand by your side if you wish to do so.”

“I know you would, no the paper is only for my records.”

“You shouldn’t be so hard on Sheffield, you were too tempting to resist.” 

“I can almost forgive him for his role he played with you, since I did the same. But I cannot forgive him for the hurt he inflicted on my friend. Something played out between him and Sophia, and I aim to discover what.”

“Perhaps, it would be wise to let them handle it themselves.”

“No, she is my friend and needs my help.”

“Is this going to be our life?”

“What life?”

“Our life together.”

“What, sneaking into each other’s windows?”

“There will be no sneaking when we share the same window.”

“Funny, I do not recall your offer.”

Wilde brought her hands to his lips and kissed her ring finger, “Will you do me the honor of becoming my bride Sidney Hartridge?”

“You realize once we are married you will need to think of your own material. Not the ones you read from my romance novels or from the help of my best friend.”

“Funny, I didn’t hear you complaining earlier on my own material. In fact, I seem to recall you begging for more.”

Sidney swatted at him as she blushed at the memory. The memory lingered in her mind, growing into a desire for him to educate her on more of his material. When her eyes changed, he growled his agreement, pulling her to him for a kiss. She asked if he had more to share and he whispered in return he possessed a lifetime of knowledge to share with her. His kisses held the promise of more as he swept her away on another flood of desire.