ch-fig1 36 ch-fig2
The Ledger

Catharine knelt down and bent forward to look inside the chest. It appeared about half full of notebooks, files, journals, various ships’ logbooks, a dozen or so envelopes filled with records, receipts, and letters, and stacks of loose, miscellaneous papers.

George reached in and withdrew a thick brown leather journal, each of whose cover-boards was brittle and badly decayed but still holding together. Across the front, barely legible, were the words “Construction and Labor Accounts.”

“What is it?” asked Catharine, her own curiosity now mounting.

“As far as I can tell it is the financial ledger for the original construction of Heathersleigh Hall, as well as for later building and remodeling and various other related construction projects about the estate.”

George carefully opened back the cover.

“Look,” exclaimed Catharine. “The first entry is dated 1629.”

“That’s when work on the Hall apparently began,” said George, “because then follow pages and pages of accounts and references and expenditures—”

As he spoke George flipped through the yellowing pages at the front of the journal.

“—until you get here.”

He stopped and pointed to the bottom of a page. Catharine followed his finger to the reference.

“Look . . . date, 1647,” said George, “when it appears to me that the original structure, which would be the north wing, was completed. Then a second section begins a few years later, 1661, where you have the records for the east wing, which as far as I can tell was built between then and 1678. That’s how the Hall must have looked for a couple of generations, an L-shaped building comprised of the north and east wings with the tower between them.”

“I wish there were drawings,” said Catharine.

“I’m sure there must be someplace in here,” replied George. “I’m going to initiate a careful search of everything in this entire chest. I did run across a few entries that seem to refer to engineers’ plans. No project of this size could have been completed without drawings.”

“Can you really make heads or tails of all those entries?” asked Catharine, pointing to one of the pages.

“Not a lot,” replied her brother. “But enough to get some idea how the construction progressed. This is mostly a financial account, so there’s a limit to how interesting it can be. But it is a place to begin.”

“To begin what?”

“Figuring out the history of the Hall. Can you imagine how fascinating it would be to unlock the Hall’s secrets all the way back to the beginning?”

“A list of numbers and expenses can’t do that, George.”

“It might tell us when certain things happened. Already we’ve discovered when the different wings were built. We’ve learned quite a bit already from this ledger. Often it’s finances that unlock doors in other areas.”

“But it’s the people who know the secrets. And our ancestors are all dead.”

George recalled his experience staring at the face of Lord Henry.

“Have you ever spent much time in the portrait gallery?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Not much,” Catharine answered. “I mean I’ve walked through it a thousand times.”

“Next time you do, stop and look into some of the faces. I mean, really look . . . gaze into their eyes. See if you don’t start to imagine that they are trying to tell you something. Maybe they’re not as dead as we think,” he said.

“What is that supposed to mean!” laughed Catharine. “Now you are getting spooky.”

“Only that maybe they left behind information, clues that point to those secrets. Perhaps even something on the surface as boring as a financial ledger might contain more than one thinks, if you know what to look for. Like how in old portraits people choose things to surround themselves with that are significant—a family jewel or hat or walking stick.”

“So what do you think this ledger has to say?”

“What I found most interesting of all,” said George enthusiastically, again flipping through the pages toward the latter portions of the book, “is the construction that went on during the time of Broughton Rutherford in the late 1700s.”

“What kind of construction?” asked Catharine.

“Lord Broughton began—”

“Who is he?” interrupted Catharine. “I recognize the name, but I’m not sure of the connection.”

“Let’s see,” replied George. “He would be our . . . great . . . no, our great-great-grandfather. He began work on the third and final wing of the Hall, which is the west wing. Also a gamekeeper’s lodge was built between 1777 and 1779. But then Lord Broughton died suddenly at fifty-five.”

“Did he have a son?”

“No, he was unmarried.”

“What happened to the estate?”

“I’ve never really heard Father talk about it much, but it passed down to Henry Rutherford after Lord Broughton’s death, who then became lord of the manor.”

“Wasn’t he a nephew or something?”

“Right—and young, too, as I recall, when he inherited. Eighteen, I think. He was father’s grandfather, and I’ve heard both Father and Cousin Gifford say that they remember him from when they were boys.”


“Lord Henry. In any event, from what I can tell from the records in this ledger, he carried forward his uncle’s construction project, ultimately completing the west wing and bringing Heathersleigh Hall more or less to its present form. Moreover—”

George paused for dramatic effect.

“—I think I have may have found some cryptic entries pointing to the construction of these secret passages.”

He scanned one of the pages, turned to the next—

“Here it is—look, Catharine. There are expenditures, both for lumber and labor, with only the single word ‘garret’ beside them.”

“What do you think it means?”

“Like I said, I think it’s got something to do with the hidden passageways of the house. The first ‘garret’ entries are dated 1799 alongside the name W. Kyrkwode.”

“Who is that?”

“I assume a builder, laborer, stonemason, craftsman of some kind, I don’t know . . . maybe a supplier of materials.”

“The name rings a bell in my brain,” said Catharine.

“I didn’t know you were so up on your Milverscombe history. I’ve never heard the name. Where do you know it from?”

“I’m not sure. But I’m sure I’ve heard it . . . or seen it written somewhere.”

“One thing’s sure—whoever this W. Kyrkwode was, there are no Kyrkwodes in the area now. Otherwise we’d know it.”

“The parish would have some record.”

“If there was a birth or marriage or death or baptism or confirmation, or something like that. But what if this Kyrkwode was just an itinerant laborer of some kind whom old Lord Broughton—”

George stopped, puzzling over the page he had shown Catharine and that which followed.

“No,” he said after a moment, “that could hardly be . . . because look—the Kyrkwode entries continue on after Broughton’s death. Whatever project he had begun, Lord Henry obviously continued after he inherited, for he continued to employ Kyrkwode’s services on and off all the way up until 1819.”

“There’s another name, too,” said Catharine, pointing down to the same page. “Now that is one I know I recognize.”

“Digges,” said George, nodding. “I hadn’t noticed it the first time. The family have been locksmiths in the village for generations. Some former ancestor of John Digges must have done some work at the Hall. I suppose it is hardly surprising. Most of the local craftsmen probably worked for the lord of the manor at one time or another.”

Brother and sister fell silent for a time.

“This is really a mine of information,” said Catharine at length. “Have you shown it to Father or Mother?”

George shook his head. “I just found it this morning, and Father’s been out with Rune Blakeley all day.”

“Mother’s gone to the village too. But can we show it to them when they get back? They’ll be excited.”

George closed the ledger and rose, folding down the lid of the chest but keeping the old book of financial records in his hand. He helped Catharine to her feet.

“What do you say to a walk back through the passageway to the tower?” said George. “All this sleuthing in the ledger makes me curious to see if I can find something I’ve overlooked before. I’m sure there are clues about just waiting to be found.”

“George, you imagine half the mysteries you try to solve,” laughed Catharine. “What if they just built these passageways for fun, to give their children, and future generations like you, a place to romp and play?”

“You go look at the face of old Lord Henry in the portrait gallery,” rejoined George, “and then tell me you see ‘fun’ in those eyes. No, Catharine—those eyes are trying to tell us something. I don’t know what, but they’ve got a secret to tell, and these peculiar passageways have more to do with it than we’ve yet discovered.”

“And you’re determined to find out, even though it’s more than a century old!”

“It might not be that old. But however old it is . . . yes, I am determined to get to the bottom of it.”

“You always were the curious one of the family. Amanda and I could never understand your fascination with all the rusty old things you find.”

George laughed. “I suppose you’re right—once my brain sees something it doesn’t understand, it can’t rest. Come on, Catharine—let’s go explore!”