• Acknowledgments •
Britt is always the first I mention. Without him, I would be insane. When I decided to write and release a book a month, he stood behind me. Believing in me and helping me run this house equally. We are a good team. He probably didn’t realize I wasn’t going to stop this crazy schedule anytime soon.
Emerson—because she is the one kid at home and the one affected by my writing schedule the most. But don’t feel bad for her. She will not be ignored. Even if I tried. She makes sure to get her time in with me. As I edit this she’s currently sleeping beside me on a plane headed to Paris. She’ll survive.
My older children and granddaughter, who live in other states. They understand when they call or text and don’t hear back from me for ten hours or so. If I am locked away, writing, they don’t bother me until I let them know I am free. That’s a lie. Ava doesn’t give a shit if I am writing. If she wants to text me about what she did the night before or tell me about the coffee she is drinking that morning, she’s texting me. And texting me. Until I respond.
My editor, Jovana Shirley at Unforeseen Editing, for always working with my crazy schedules and making my stories the best they can be. This has been a crazy ten months, and she has been brilliant. I appreciate her immensely.
My formatter, Melissa Stevens at The Illustrated Author. She makes my books beautiful inside. Her work is hands down the best formatting I’ve ever had in my books. I am always excited to see what she does with each one. Each book seems to be better than the last! It’s amazing.
Autumn Gantz at Wordsmith Publicity, for saving me from losing my mind and taking over all the things that I can’t keep up with anymore. Her help allows me to write more. Send her cookies.
Sarah Sentz, Enchanting Romance Designs for this badass cover.
Beta readers, who come through every time—Jerilyn Martinez and Vicci Kaighan. I love y’all!
Abbi’s Army, for being my support and cheering me on. I love y’all!
My readers, for allowing me to write books. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible.