Gone Black
When he was eight years old, Matthew S. Rotundo wrote his first epic, “The Elephant and the Cheese,” marking the first time he had filled an entire page with writing. Matt also gravitated to science fiction, fantasy and horror at an early age. He discovered Bradbury’s “The Fog Horn” in a grade school reader, and read it whenever he got bored in class (he read it a lot). Other classics soon followed—Dune, Lord of the Rings, Foundation . . . all the usual suspects. Half the time, his family and friends didn’t know what he was talking about.
Winning the Writers of the Future contest has brought some changes. Matt has sold stories to Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, Cosmos and Jim Baen’s Universe. He won a Phobos award in 2002 for his story, “Hitting the Skids in Pixeltown,” and is a 1998 graduate of the Odyssey Writing Workshop.
Matt is also a movie buff, football fan and amateur guitarist. He and his wife live in Omaha, Nebraska.
Growing up in Minnesota, Luke Eidenschink early on developed a healthy love of nature. After all, how many kids can say they raised and trained their own dogsled team with their dad? Over the years, Luke’s interests have extended far beyond mushing to include everything about the natural sciences—from astronomy and geology to biology and meteorology. It’s the kind of variety that he believes all artists should have. “A good artist will make art about what interests them,” he says.
Though his parents and family always encouraged his artistic pursuits, Luke never needed to be prodded: He began drawing at a young age and has taught himself over the years by studying artwork he admired, emulating each style and practicing a lot. An avid reader of adventure, science fiction and fantasy, Luke specializes in producing pen-and-ink drawings in those genres. Though his commissioned artwork tends toward realistic nature studies, his dream (and plan) is to become a full-time book illustrator.
When not drawing or working a full-time production job, Luke enjoys spending time with his family and girlfriend.