Washington, D.C. Capitol Steps

For the last fifty years the Black community has been engaged in a fight with an enemy more tenacious, insidious, and destructive than any other threat in its history. Unlike the physical chains of slavery, the intimidation of the KKK or the legislative barriers of Jim Crow segregationists, this enemy has been a metastasizing cancer attacking its soul and essence, its manhood, womanhood, family, and its dreams and vision. It is an evil ideology that bans God and replaces Him with a spiritual addiction and dependency on others. It is an extremely seductive ideology that can grant only one promise: misery. It is the ideology of Socialism and Marxism. It is in the mist of this ferocious decades-long battle that we become aware of the absence of political defenders for the defenseless. Missing in action are those most trusted by the urban Black community: John Lewis, Elijah Cummings, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, and their Democratic Congressional Black Congress comrades. To this group of legislators, who themselves can be safely be defined as Socialist and Marxist, there is another quote that is applicable: “The deepest betrayal begins with ultimate trust.”

An educated, informed, employed, and job-providing electorate is an “empowered” electorate. Consistently, the Democratic Congressional Black Caucus has voted 100 percent as a united body, against them being so empowered. They have voted 100 percent against school choice for their poor Black constituents. They have voted 100 percent against the elimination of federal regulations that hinder job opportunities for poor Black teenagers, considered unskilled labor. They have voted 100 percent against the elimination of the racist Davis-Bacon Act. This law was passed in 1932 to erect barriers preventing Black entrepreneurs from competing against White owned/controlled trade Labor Unions. Instead, it has been the Democratic Congressional Black Caucus that has voted 100 percent for policies statistically proven to expand an environment of misery, hopelessness, frustration, and anger. This type of environment represents dry kindle for the Left, allowing them to stoke the racial fire of divisiveness when needed.

By keeping alive an environment of distrust, anger, and hatred, the Democratic Party has discovered an effective way to energize its voting base: resistance, riot, and retaliation. The strategy of fomenting urban anger is witnessed on the evening news in every urban city and during every election cycle. It culminates into demonstrations, rioting, looting, attacks on law enforcement, and unfortunately in 2016, the assassination of five Dallas police officers. This stratagem is effective only in the presence of human misery, anger, and hopelessness. And as human misery increases, so does the Democratic urban voter turnout.

The stoking of anger to energize its base was seen on full display on the Washington, D.C. Capitol steps on May 2010, a day before the congressional vote on President Obama’s Health Care bill. Reported in the liberal Huffington Post as follows:

Tea Party Protests: ‘Ni**er,’ ‘Fa**ot’ Shouted at Members of Congress

Huffington Post (05/20/2010):

“…Abusive, derogatory, and even racist behavior directed at House Democrats by Tea Party protesters on Saturday left several lawmakers in shock. Preceding the president’s speech to a gathering of House Democrats, thousands of protesters descended around the Capitol to protest the passage of health care reform. The gathering quickly turned into abusive heckling, as members of Congress passing through Longworth House office building were subjected to epithets and even mild physical abuse.”267

A staffer for Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) told reporters that a protestor had spit on Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO).

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), a hero of the civil rights movement, was called a “ni**er.”

Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) was called a “faggot,” as protestors shouted at him in a deliberately “lisp-y” fashion.

Approached in the halls after the president’s speech, Frank shrugged off the incident; however, Congressional Black Caucus member, Clyburn, stated he had not witnessed such treatment since he was leading civil rights protests in South Carolina in the 1960s. “It was absolutely shocking to me,” Clyburn said in response to a question from the Huffington Post. “I stayed home to meet on the campus of Claflin University where fifty years ago as of last Monday…I led the first demonstrations in South Carolina, the sit-ins…and quite frankly I heard some things today I have not heard since that day. I heard people saying things that I have not heard since March 15, 1960 when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus.”

“It doesn’t make me nervous at all,” the congressman said, when asked how the mob-like atmosphere made him feel. “In fact, as I said to one heckler, I am the hardest person in the world to intimidate, so they better go
somewhere else.”

Asked if he wanted an apology from the group of Republican lawmakers who had addressed the crowd and, in many ways, played on their worst fears of health care legislation, the Democratic Party, and the president, Clyburn replied: “A lot of us have been saying for a long time that much of this…is not about healthcare at all. And I think a lot of those people today demonstrated that this is not about healthcare…it is about trying to extend a basic fundamental right to people who are less powerful.”

Black Congressman, Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN), told a reporter as he left the Cannon House Office Building with Rep. John Lewis that they “heard the crowd chant ‘the N-word’ fifteen times.” Both Carson and Lewis are Black, and Lewis spokeswoman Brenda Jones corroborated that it occurred. “It was like going into the time machine with John Lewis,” said Carson, a former police officer who said he wasn’t frightened but worried about the seventy-year-old Lewis, who is twice his age. “He said it reminded him of another time.”

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO), Statement in The NY Times:

“For many of the members of the CBC, like John Lewis and Emanuel Cleaver, who worked in the civil rights movement, and for Mr. Frank, who has struggled in the cause of equality, this is not the first time they have been spit on during turbulent times.

“This afternoon, the congressman was walking into the Capitol to vote when one protester spat on him. The Congressman would like to thank the U.S. Capitol Police officer who quickly escorted the other members and him into the Capitol and defused the tense situation with professionalism and care. After all the members were safe, a full report was taken, and the U.S. Capitol Police handled the matter. The man who spat on the congressman was arrested, but the congressman has chosen not to press charges. He has left the matter with the Capitol Police.”

“This is not the first time the congressman has been called the ‘n’ word and certainly not the worst assault he has endured in his years fighting for equal rights for all Americans. He is disappointed that in the 21st century our national discourse has devolved to the point of name calling and spitting. He looks forward to taking a historic vote on health care reform legislation tomorrow, for the residents of the Fifth District of Missouri and for all Americans. He believes deeply that tomorrow’s vote is, in fact, a vote for equality and to secure health care as a right for all. Our nation has a history of struggling each time we expand rights. Today’s protests are no different, but the congressman believes this is worth fighting for.”268



The only problem with this reported episode of racist epithets, spitting on Black members of the Democratic Party and racial threats reminiscent of the days of the 1960s KKK is that ““it never happened.” It was all strategically fabricated. A racist lie.

The entire midday walk by House Democrats to the Capitol building was purposely taken through thousands of Tea Party Americans who had gathered for a peaceful demonstration, which was recorded by the national media and private citizens. When their efforts to antagonize and get a negative response from this conservative crowd didn’t work, they simply made up and reported a story designed to antagonize their own trusting Black base.


The New York Times correction

Three months after a thorough investigation of viewing many recordings of that walk, The New York Times ran a correction to this recollection by noted members of the Congressional Black Caucus. They noted “There is no proof that Tea Party supporters shouted racial epithets at Congressman John Lewis.” 269

These aggrieved Black Congressmen did have an opportunity for this incident to be a financial benefit to Black college students nationwide. Within days of the accusation of racism there was a 10,000-dollar reward to anyone who could offer any evidence of one racial epithet being used. If proven, the 10,000 dollars would be donated to the United Negro College Fund. When there was no response to this offer, this reward was increased to 100,000 dollars.270

With this very generous offer for evidence and proof of one “N word,” what was the response of the Royalty Class Black Politicians? Total silence.


A Recap

Very detailed, inflammatory, racist accusations were charged against peaceful Blacks with the collusion of the national media a day before an historic Democratic vote on Obamacare. With the opportunity of 100,000 dollars that would benefit the Black community with one word of proof, how did these aggrieved Royalty Class Black men respond? With silence.

Who are the cowardly race hustlers who purposely lie to inflame their uninformed constituents? Who are these paid government servants who use the emotions of their own race, purposely incite the raw emotions of anger, hopelessness, and racism to pass a legislative bill demanded of them by their White Democratic leaders?


Rep Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) - “For many of the members of the CBC, like John Lewis and Emanuel Cleaver who worked in the civil rights movement, and for Mr. Frank who has struggled in the cause of equality, this is not the first time they have been spit on during turbulent times.”

Rep. James E. Clyburn, (D-SC) - “I heard people saying things today that I have not heard since March 15, 1960, when I was marching to try to get off the back of the bus.”

Rep Clyburn’s staffer reminded national reporters that Rep. Cleaver had been spat on, Rep. John Lewis had been called a “nigger,” and Rep. Barney Frank had been called a “faggot.”

Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) - “It was like going into the time machine with John Lewis,” said Carson, a large former police officer who said he wasn’t frightened but worried about the seventy-year-old Lewis, who is twice his age. “He said it reminded him of another time.”

Carson did respond to the 100,000-dollar reward. “In many regards I think [the challenges are] a veiled attempt to justify actions that are simply unjustifiable. I think we need to move toward a dialogue that explores why this kind of divisive and reprehensible language is still making it into our political debate.”


Carson has still not offered any proof of this explosive charge of what many would consider a racially-motivated crime. He recommends we should “move to a dialogue to explore,” yet he has not offered video or recording.

I imagine something like this:

Rep. Andre Carson: “Hey guys, I’ve gotten my propaganda sound bite which I’ve targeted for my poor and uneducated constituents via the Black Entertainment TV channel, so let’s move on. We don’t want to take this too far and get ourselves in trouble by having to repeat a lie of racism under oath so…let’s move on. Since my poor urban constituents trust our Black Socialist/Marxist President Obama when he tells them to never, ever look beyond the curtains of BET, MSNBC, and CNN for truth, let’s move on. Finally, since most of my constituents are not readers—and I’ll do my level best to keep it that way—I’m confident they’ll never read The NY Times ‘correction’ that we were lying through our teeth.”

There was a report by the Associated Press that Cleaver’s office initially claimed a protester was arrested after spitting on him, but the congressman decided not to press charges. It later offered an update from the U.S. Capitol Police that the protester was never arrested—he was only detained and put in handcuffs, and then released.

Sgt. Kimberly Schneider, spokeswoman for the Capitol Police, told Fox News the individual was released because Cleaver couldn’t identify him. “There were no elements of a crime, and the individual wasn’t able to be positively identified,” she said. As for the initial claim that the individual was arrested, Petrovic said staff members mistakenly presumed he had been arrested because he was temporarily in handcuffs.271

Though a true accounting of this incident has been corrected and reported by national publications like The NY Times, it is important to remember the real target of these charges of racism. It must be noted that Royalty Class Black politicians never corrected their initial charges, they simply went silent. This un-collaborated racist attack on civil rights legend John Lewis has remained uncorrected by the Democrats’ Black propaganda arm, BET. Very similar to the Nazi Goebbels’ propaganda strategy, this false narrative has been continually repeated and referenced. It has therefore remained real and relevant to those who it was meant to influence: uninformed, trusting, and emotional Black citizens within the urban community.


Silencing and Targeting

With talking points that are uncannily similar, the Democratic Party Leadership, the Congressional Black Caucus, Black Entertainment TV, and the national mainstream media had successfully branded the Tea Party as White supremacists. Comprised of peaceful, respectful, family friendly, inclusive, and patriotic Americans, this group was silenced by the left after President Obama’s first term. This stealth strategy of rebranding or bullying others has now been observed in other Federal agencies. In 2017 the Trump administration DOJ, after years of litigation, reached an awarded settlement with Tea Party and other conservative groups for millions of dollars for unfair targeting by the IRS under the Obama administration.272

The Congressional Black Caucus’ “big lie” helped the Democratic Party, in the short term, to sell Obama’s medical reform as an “anti-racist” Republican policy. In the long term the “big lie” messaging would be used in future election cycles as a strategically “Demonstrate, Riot, Loot, and Steal to Get Out the Urban Black Vote” campaign.

Over one hundred years ago, Booker T. Washington warned us about this group of Royalty Class Black elitists. He called them the “problem profiteers.”


“There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs—partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays.”

—Booker T. Washington

At a time when our country had proven its progress by electing for two terms a Black president and with wealthy Black men and women within every segment of our society, what kind of party and people would purposely use the divisiveness of hate as a political strategy? What kind of party and people would invest, for decades, propaganda to indoctrinate an American community to become anti-White and anti-American?


“Evil is the purposeful stealing of someone’s hopes, dreams, and future. Pure Evil is the purposeful targeting of an entire race, for generations.”

—Burgess Owens

There are millions of Black Americans today in Democratic controlled urban communities who still believe the “big lie” Tea Party scheme. They believe that America is a place where most White citizens stand by and condone the hurling of racial epithets at a respected seventy-year-old civil rights legend. They still believe the “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” narrative of an innocent Black teenager pleading to a police officer and being gunned down in this act. They are clueless of the proven Department of Justice facts, that this young man attacked the officer while he was seated in his patrol vehicle; that he attempted to take the officer’s holstered pistol from him, resulting in the firing of a shot inside the vehicle. When the officer demanded that the teenager stop in his retreat, he refused, turned, and “bull rushed” the officer.

Pushing the long-debunked narrative of a White police officer gunning down an innocent, unarmed, non-dangerous Black teen, the collective of elected Black political representatives, White Democratic pundits, academic intellectuals, Black entertainers and athletes’ message through the urban American portal, BET, is that America is an innately racist and oppressive country, a place of racist White oppressors in dire need of “Social Justice.”

Though these accusations of a racist police execution and taunting racist epithets toward a celebrated civil rights politician have been proven untrue (within months), they are still used years later by the Democratic Party for their racist rhetoric. Painted by the Democratic Party operatives as the true heart of Americans, such images have been emotionally internalized. Once internalized to generate and justify anger, these emotions effectively close doors to opportunities.

These “big lie” moments have, for many others, substituted feelings of optimism with a power-draining pessimism and deep anger toward White Americans. It is guaranteed, regardless of race, creed, or color, that a soul of pessimism and anger is one destined to failure. This destination has been purposely navigated by a heartless ideology that prospers and profits from the failure of others. Behind the false façade of a compassionate Democratic Party is the narcissistic Royalty Class Black man colluding with their White Socialist/Marxist counterparts to spread misery to those who are less fortunate and not of their class.


“The first battlefield is the rewriting of history.”

—Socialist founder Karl Marx

Regarding the Congressional Black Caucus, it is time we grant to this group of politicians a name more fitting with their history and priorities. For decades, they have proven their abject loyalty to the Democratic Party. Since skin color is secondary, it should no longer represent a unique designation for this Black Caucus.

Time has proven these Black politicians will never have the inclination or courage to vote against their White Democratic leaders. Regardless of the negative impact their White leaders’ policies have on Black men, women, and children, they have shown themselves incapable of independent action.

With their predictable voting history of placing ideology over the good of their own race, there should be a different designation to reflect this. It should be a designation that allows this Caucus to continue to represent their ideology of choice and allow the dispersion of confusion within the Black community—those whom they inevitably betray, for “the deepest betrayal begins with ultimate trust.”

So, let them be renamed...The Congressional “Socialist/Marxist” Caucus.