Special Features of Be Prepared
Summary. The contents of Be Prepared are summarized in chapter 1 to provide an overview of the subjects discussed in this book, including legal protections of which you may not be aware.
Many of the concepts in this book appear to fly against conventional wisdom or instinct. To help you focus on these areas, they are noted in chapter 1 (the summary) with the symbol . I call them CASH for conventional advice switched on its head. These suggestions are among the most important aspects of the book.
Using this book. You can access the information contained in Be Prepared
• by reading straight through the text, from beginning to end.
• by means of the table of contents.
• by reading the summary contained in chapter 1.
• by means of the subject index.
No matter which route you take, at least read chapter 1 in its entirety.
The information in this book is intended to provide a sufficient basis for you to make informed decisions. If the information is more than you want, you can read just the beginning of each section to get the general idea—or ask a friend or family member to read the section for you. In some instances, no matter how much information is provided, getting further assistance or information from an expert is strongly advised.
It is important to filter the information and principles in this book through your own emotional and psychological makeup and quality-of-life choices.
Chapter introductions. If you are turning right to a subject in which you are interested, please glance at the introductory material in the pertinent chapter. The introductory material is often helpful in understanding information presented later in the chapter.
Tips. You’ll find simple, practical tips throughout the book that result from years of my personal experience and research. Tips are intended to make your life and various choices easier.
Guardian Organization = GuardianOrg. I refer to an organization that serves, advocates for, and/or does research on specific conditions as a Guardian Organization, which in shorthand becomes GuardianOrg. The choice of the word guardian is a not very subtle tribute to the people who choose to live their lives in the nonprofit arena. My hat is off to them, one and all.
Bold type and definitions. Words that may be unfamiliar to you are printed in bold the first time they appear in the text. Definitions of all such words follow within the same paragraph in which the word is used.
↑↑↑. Certain facts may apply to more than one section in a chapter. Rather than repeat this information, the ↑↑↑ symbol alerts you to also read the previous information in the chapter for a more complete understanding of the subject.
Time. Every step on the road to financial health takes time. For example, credit is important. Applying for a credit card should not take long, but if you first have to clear your credit record, it can take months or even years. When time is a critical element, it is included in the text.
Pronouns. With the hope of making the text as accessible as possible, the use of masculine and feminine pronouns alternates by chapter. Male won the toss to be the pronoun in the first chapter.
You and your economic unit. For the sake of expediency, the text often refers to “you.” If you are part of an economic unit, whether wife/husband or significant other, tailor the advice to your situation.
Friends and family. If your decisions will affect others who are close to you, it may be useful to involve them in the process described in this book. If your assets are intertwined, it may be necessary.
As you make your decisions, bear in mind that if the exercises described in the text indicate an ultimate financial shortfall, including people close to you in the process may include them in assisting to find the solution. At the least, they will be aware of the problem.
Worksheets. You will find worksheets throughout the text to assist you.
Toll-free telephone numbers (and other phone numbers). Wherever possible, when an organization is mentioned, current contact information is provided, including a toll-free number. Each number has been verified from New York City. If the number does not work from your area, call directory information at 800–555–1212. If that doesn’t work, try the local directory for the area in which the organization is located. If all else fails, feel free to contact the author and I will give you whatever information I have.
Resources. So as not to disrupt the flow, resources in addition to those mentioned in the text are included at the end of the book under the heading “Resources.”
People identified in this book. Throughout the text, I often illustrate a point or idea with a personal example. In every instance names and other details have been changed to protect confidentiality, and in some examples composites of various experiences have been drawn to better illustrate a subject.