test_tx.py: implements unit tests for the transactions module
import rcrypt
import hconfig
import hblockchain as bchain
import tx
import pytest
import pdb
import secrets
import random
previous_tx = None
prev_tx_keys = []
num_prev_tx_outputs = 0
# Synthetic Previous Transaction
def make_synthetic_previous_transaction(num_outputs):
makes synthetic previous transaction with randomized values
we abstract away the inputs to the previous transaction.
transaction = {}
transaction['version'] = 1
transaction['transactionid'] = rcrypt.make_uuid()
transaction['locktime'] = 0
transaction['vin'] = []
transaction['vout'] = []
def make_synthetic_vout():
make a synthetic vout object.
returns a vout dictionary item
key_pair = rcrypt.make_ecc_keys()
global prev_tx_keys
vout = {}
vout['value'] = secrets.randbelow(1000000) + 1000 # helium cents
tmp = []
vout['ScriptPubKey'] = tmp
return vout
ctr = 0
while ctr < num_outputs:
ret = make_synthetic_vout()
# Synthetic Transaction
def make_synthetic_transaction(num_outputs):
makes a synthetic transaction with randomized values
transaction = {}
transaction['version'] = 1
transaction['transactionid'] = rcrypt.make_uuid()
transaction['locktime'] = 0
transaction['vin'] = []
transaction['vout'] = []
ctr = 0
while ctr < num_outputs:
vout = make_synthetic_vout()
ctr += 1
# randomize how many of the previous transaction outputs
# are consumed and the order in which they are consumed
num_inputs = secrets.randbelow(num_prev_tx_outputs) + 1
indices = list(range(num_inputs))
for ctr in indices:
vin = make_synthetic_vin(previous_tx["transactionid"], ctr)
ctr += 1
# make a synthetic vin list
def make_synthetic_vin(prev_txid, prev_tx_vout_index):
makes a vin object.
receives a previous transaction id and an index into the vout list.
returns the vin element
vin = {}
vin['txid'] = prev_txid
vin['vout_index'] = prev_tx_vout_index
vin['ScriptSig'] = []
return vin
# make a synthetic vout list
def make_synthetic_vout():
make a randomized vout element
receives a public key
returns the vout dict element
vout = {}
vout['value'] = 1 # helium cents
tmp = []
vout['ScriptPubKey'] = tmp
return vout
# randomize access to a list
def randomize_list(lst: "list"):
randomly shuffles the indexes into a list
returns the randomized index list
ctr = len(lst)
p = 0
index = []
while p < ctr: index.append(p);p += 1
return index
# Make a synthetic previous transaction
num_prev_tx_outputs = secrets.randbelow(3) + 1
previous_tx = make_synthetic_previous_transaction(num_prev_tx_outputs)
test the transactions
def test_type_transaction():
test transaction type
assert tx.validate_transaction([]) == False
def test_missing_transactionid():
test missing transaction id
trns = make_synthetic_transaction(1)
del trns["transactionid"]
assert tx.validate_transaction(trns) == False
def test_bad_transactionid():
test transaction id with an invalid length
trns = make_synthetic_transaction(1)
# replace the last char with an invalid char
trns["transactionid"] = trns["transactionid"][:-1] + "z"
assert tx.validate_transaction(trns) == False
def test_zero_version_number():
test zero version no
trns = make_synthetic_transaction(1)
trns["version"] = 0
assert tx.validate_transaction(trns) == False
def test_negative_locktime():
test for a negative locktime
trns = make_synthetic_transaction(1)
trns["locktime"] = -1
assert tx.validate_transaction(trns) == False
def test_invalid_vout_length():
test that the vout list length is not greater than
the maximum allowed by the Helium config
trn = make_synthetic_transaction(11)
assert tx.validate_transaction(trn) == False
def test_no_prev_tx_reference():
test that the transaction's vin element has a
reference to a previous transaction.
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(1)
indices = randomize_list(txn["vin"])
for ctr in list(range(len(indices))):
txn['vin'][indices[ctr]]['txid'] = ""
assert tx.validate_transaction(txn) == False
def test_empty_scriptSig():
test that ScriptPubKey element is not empty
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(8)
indices = randomize_list(txn['vin'])
for ctr in list(range(len(indices))):
txn['vin'][indices[ctr]]['ScriptSig'] = []
vin = txn['vin'][indices[ctr]]
assert tx.validate_vin(vin) == False
def test_scriptsig_length_error():
test if the ScriptSig list has invalid length
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
indices = randomize_list(txn['vin'])
keys = rcrypt.make_ecc_keys()
for ctr in list(range(len(indices))):
assert tx.validate_vin(txn['vin'][indices[ctr]]) == False
def test_empty_scriptSig_sig():
test that ScriptSig signature field is not empty
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
indices = randomize_list(txn['vin'])
for ctr in list(range(len(indices))):
txn['vin'][indices[ctr]]['ScriptSig'][0] = ''
vin = txn['vin'][indices[ctr]]
assert tx.validate_vin(vin) == False
def test_empty_scriptSig_pubkey():
test that ScriptSig public key field is not empty
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
indices = randomize_list(txn['vin'])
for ctr in list(range(len(indices))):
txn['vin'][indices[ctr]]['ScriptSig'][1] = ''
assert tx.validate_transaction(txn) == False
def test_scriptpubkey_length_error():
test that ScriptPubKey list has a valid length
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(4)
indices = randomize_list(txn['vout'])
for ctr in list(range(len(indices))):
element = txn['vout'][indices[ctr]]['ScriptPubKey'][1]
assert tx.validate_transaction(txn) == False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("index, value, ret", [
(0, 'DUP', False),
(0, '<DUP>', True),
(1, '<HASH-160',False),
(1, '<HASH-160<',False),
(1, '<HASH-160>',True),
(1, '<HASH160>', False),
(3, '<VERIFY>', False),
(3, '<EQ-VERIFY>', True),
(4, '<CHECKSIG>', False),
(4, '<CHECK-SIG>', True),
def test_bad_scriptpubkey_script(monkeypatch, index, value, ret):
test if ScriptPubKey has an invalid element
monkeypatch.setattr(tx, "transaction_fee", 5)
monkeypatch.setattr(tx, "unlock_transaction_fragment", True)
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(7)
indices = randomize_list(txn['vout'])
txn['vout'][indices[0]]['ScriptPubKey'][index] = value
assert tx.validate_vout(txn['vout'][indices[0]]) == ret
def test_pubkeyhash():
test a public key hash in scriptpubkey for a
valid RIPEMD-160 format
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(5)
indices = randomize_list(txn['vout'])
for ctr in list(range(len(indices))):
val = txn['vout'][indices[ctr]]['ScriptPubKey'][2]
val = rcrypt.make_RIPEMD160_hash(rcrypt.make_SHA256_hash(val))
assert rcrypt.validate_RIPEMD160_hash(val) == True
def test_invalid_txid():
test the format of a previous transaction
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
id = rcrypt.make_uuid()
id = "j" + id[1:]
indices = randomize_list(txn['vin'])
ctr = secrets.randbelow(len(indices))
txn['vin'][indices[ctr]]['txid'] = id
assert tx.validate_transaction(txn) == False
def test_invalid_txid_length():
test a previous transaction id for length
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
id = rcrypt.make_uuid()
id = "p" + id[0:]
indices = randomize_list(txn['vin'])
ctr = secrets.randbelow(len(indices))
txn['vin'][indices[ctr]]['txid'] = id
assert tx.validate_transaction(txn) == False
def test_bad_transaction_inputs(monkeypatch):
tests that the inputs received are valid.
fails if the previous transaction does not exist,
or previous value has been spent, or is negative
monkeypatch.setattr(tx, 'prevtx_value', lambda x: False)
assert tx.prevtx_value("stubbed function") == False
def test_transaction_inputs(monkeypatch):
tests that the inputs received are valid
fails if the previous transaction does not exist,
or previous value has been spent, or is negative
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
monkeypatch.setattr(tx, 'prevtx_value', lambda x:
"txid_vout": txn['vin'][0]['txid'] + '_' + str(txn['vin'][0]['vout_index']),
"value": 210,
"pkhash": previous_tx['vout'][0]['ScriptPubKey'][2],
"block": 100,
"spent": False
"txid_vout": txn['vin'][0]['txid'] + '_' + str(txn['vin'][0]['vout_index']),
"value": 38,
"pkhash": previous_tx['vout'][0]['ScriptPubKey'][2],
"block": 29,
"spent": False
assert bool(tx.prevtx_value(txn)) == True
def test_zero_output_value(monkeypatch):
test a zero transaction output value
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(4)
indices = randomize_list(txn['vout'])
ctr = secrets.randbelow(len(indices))
monkeypatch.setitem(txn['vout'][indices[ctr]], 'value', 0 )
assert tx.validate_transaction(txn) == False
def test_negative_output_value(monkeypatch):
test a negative transaction output value
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(4)
indices = randomize_list(txn['vout'])
ctr = secrets.randbelow(len(indices))
monkeypatch.setitem(txn['vout'][indices[ctr]], 'value', -456712)
assert tx.validate_transaction(txn) == False
def test_transaction_fee(monkeypatch):
test various transaction fees
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
txn['vout'][0]["value"] = 10
txn['vout'][1]["value"] = 203
value_list = [{
"txid_vout": txn['vin'][0]['txid'] + '_' + str(txn['vin'][0]['vout_index']),
"value": 210,
"pkhash": previous_tx['vout'][0]['ScriptPubKey'][2],
"block": 100,
"spent": False
"txid_vout": txn['vin'][0]['txid'] + '_' + str(txn['vin'][0]['vout_index']),
"value": 38,
"pkhash": previous_tx['vout'][0]['ScriptPubKey'][2],
"block": 29,
"spent": False
assert tx.transaction_fee(txn, value_list) != False
def test_negative_transaction_fee(monkeypatch):
test a negative transaction fee
txn = make_synthetic_transaction(3)
monkeypatch.setitem(txn['vout'][0], 'value', 10000)
value_list = [{
"txid_vout": txn['vin'][0]['txid'] + '_' + str(txn['vin'][0]['vout_index']),
"value": 210,
"pkhash": previous_tx['vout'][0]['ScriptPubKey'][2],
"block": 100,
"spent": False
"txid_vout": txn['vin'][0]['txid'] + '_' + str(txn['vin'][0]['vout_index']),
"value": 38,
"pkhash": previous_tx['vout'][0]['ScriptPubKey'][2],
"block": 29,
"spent": False
assert tx.transaction_fee(txn, value_list) == False
def test_unlock_bad_hash(monkeypatch):
test unlocking previous transaction output with
bad RIPEMD-160 hash p2pkhash value
global prev_tx_keys
txn1 = make_synthetic_previous_transaction(4)
txn2 = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
# make a transaction fragment where the first vin element
# of txn2 consumes the value of the first vout element of txn1
# synthetic consuming vin element in tx2
vin = {}
vin['txid'] = txn1["transactionid"]
vin['vout_index'] = 0
vin['ScriptSig'] = {}
signature = rcrypt.sign_message(prev_tx_keys[1][0], prev_tx_keys[1][1])
pubkey = prev_tx_keys[1][1]
sig = []
sig.append(pubkey + "corrupted")
vin['ScriptSig'] = sig
# use the wrong public key hash in txn2
key_pair = rcrypt.make_ecc_keys()
ripemd_hash = rcrypt.make_RIPEMD160_hash(rcrypt.make_SHA256_hash(key_pair[1]))
fragment = {
"value": 210,
"pkhash": ripemd_hash,
"spent": False,
"tx_chain": txn2["transactionid"] + "_" + "0",
"checksum": rcrypt.make_SHA256_hash(txn1["transactionid"])
assert tx.unlock_transaction_fragment(vin, fragment) == False
def test_unlock_bad_signature(monkeypatch):
test unlocking a transaction with a bad signature
global prev_tx_keys
txn1 = make_synthetic_previous_transaction(4)
txn2 = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
# make a transaction fragment where the first vin element
# of txn2 consumes the value of the first vout element of txn1
# synthetic consuming vin element in tx2
vin = {}
vin['txid'] = txn1["transactionid"]
vin['vout_index'] = 0
vin['ScriptSig'] = {}
# use wrong private key to sign
key_pair = rcrypt.make_ecc_keys()
signature = rcrypt.sign_message(key_pair[0], prev_tx_keys[1][1])
pubkey = prev_tx_keys[1][1]
sig = []
sig.append(pubkey + "corrupted")
vin['ScriptSig'] = sig
# public key hash in txn2
ripemd_hash = rcrypt.make_RIPEMD160_hash(rcrypt.make_SHA256_hash(prev_tx_keys[1][1]))
fragment = {
"value": 210,
"pkhash": ripemd_hash,
"spent": False,
"tx_chain": txn2["transactionid"] + "_" + "0",
"checksum": rcrypt.make_SHA256_hash(txn1["transactionid"])
assert tx.unlock_transaction_fragment(vin, fragment) == False
def test_unlock_bad_pubkey():
test unlocking a transaction with a bad public key
global prev_tx_keys
txn1 = make_synthetic_previous_transaction(4)
txn2 = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
# make a transaction fragment where the first vin element
# of txn2 consumes the value of the first vout element of txn1
# synthetic consuming vin element in tx2
vin = {}
vin['txid'] = txn1["transactionid"]
vin['vout_index'] = 0
vin['ScriptSig'] = {}
signature = rcrypt.sign_message(prev_tx_keys[1][0], prev_tx_keys[1][1])
pubkey = prev_tx_keys[1][1]
sig = []
sig.append(pubkey + "corrupted")
vin['ScriptSig'] = sig
# public key hash in txn2
ripemd_hash = rcrypt.make_RIPEMD160_hash(rcrypt.make_SHA256_hash(prev_tx_keys[1][1]))
fragment = {
"value": 210,
"pkhash": ripemd_hash,
"spent": False,
"tx_chain": txn2["transactionid"] + "_" + "0",
"checksum": rcrypt.make_SHA256_hash(txn1["transactionid"])
assert tx.unlock_transaction_fragment(vin, fragment) == False
def test_unlock_good():
test unlocking a transaction with a good private-public key pair
global prev_tx_keys
txn1 = make_synthetic_previous_transaction(4)
txn2 = make_synthetic_transaction(2)
# make a transaction fragment where the first vin element
# of txn2 consumes the value of the first vout element of txn1
# synthetic consuming vin element in tx2
vin = {}
vin['txid'] = txn1["transactionid"]
vin['vout_index'] = 0
vin['ScriptSig'] = {}
signature = rcrypt.sign_message(prev_tx_keys[1][0], prev_tx_keys[1][1])
pubkey = prev_tx_keys[1][1]
sig = []
vin['ScriptSig'] = sig
# public key hash in txn2
ripemd_hash = rcrypt.make_RIPEMD160_hash(rcrypt.make_SHA256_hash(prev_tx_keys[1][1]))
fragment = {
"value": 210,
"pkhash": ripemd_hash,
"spent": False,
"tx_chain": txn2["transactionid"] + "_" + "0",
"checksum": rcrypt.make_SHA256_hash(txn1["transactionid"])
assert tx.unlock_transaction_fragment(vin, fragment) == True