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Copyright © 2015 by Tracy Slater
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Excerpts from The Five Stages of Culture Shock: Critical Incidents Around the World by Paul Pedersen (1995) republished with permission of ABC-CLIO Inc., permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Slater, Tracy.
The good shufu : finding love, self, and home on the far side of the world / Tracy Slater.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-101-63484-4
1. Slater, Tracy. 2. Sex role—Japan. 3. Man-woman relationships—Japan. 4. Women—Social conditions—Japan. 5. Marriage—Japan. 6. Housewives—Japan—Biography. 7. Married people—Japan—Biography. 8. Japan—Social life and customs. I. Title.
HQ1075.5.J3S53 2015 2014039143
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