Dinner found them seated at a table with Ari, Kellen, Fergus, and Lucy. Felicity could not have asked for better companions and it had all just randomly happened. Ari’s brothers and their wives weren’t due to arrive until tomorrow.
As she surveyed the other tables, interspersed with Aasguards and mages, Mozark approached their table with Eliza. Kellen invited them to be seated.
“Why have Aasguards and mages not combined forces long before now?” Felicity asked the table at large.
“We have, only we have all gone our own ways afterward. It appears that we might be better together.” Mozark answered her but his gaze rested on Fergus.
“Had we been better about regular interactions with one another we might have found Fergus before now.” Lucy also gazed at the man, her expression as troubled as Mozark’s.
“I am thankful Rykert and Felicity came calling. I was found and now Punzel and I are much better off.”
“You and Punzel have become family.” Rykert mused as they all started on their full plates. Ari and Kellen had set up a buffet for their guests and this allowed for less fuss and servers and the like. The school had plenty of money but why waste it when all of them were capable of choosing what they wished to eat?
Even Fergus had no trouble selecting his meal. And appeared to relish the experience.
“We have. Living without her is not an option.” Fergus sounded firm.
“Of course not. You have been through a traumatic experience together. It makes sense that you have bonded and view each other as family.” Felicity thought of her own experience with Salunga. But it had not been similar in some ways. Salunga had spent most of her time in the treasury.
“You and Punzel spent all of your time together?” Rykert inquired.
“The only time Punzel left my side was when she hunted for us.”
“Did you spend time in the water with her other than when you explored?” Lucy’s eyebrows drew together.
“We did. Punzel needed the water and Aasguards can breathe just fine in the sea. The water offered me some buoyancy so Punzel did not need to support me entirely.”
Felicity performed quick calculations. “She is plenty capable.”
“She is happy to do so, but I have no interest in taxing her.” Fergus moved in his chair in what could be construed as restless but she was no healer.
Eliza must have caught the same movement because her eyes narrowed. “Are you feeling your legs?”
Fergus started in an Aasguard sort of way, but he set down his fork. “Is that what this is?” He rubbed a palm down his thigh.
“What are you feeling?”
“It is not pain, but I am reminded I have legs. A prickling sensation.” Dawning hope lit his face. “Does this mean I shall be able to walk?”
Eliza rose to hurry around the table. She used her staff at first, then replaced it with her hands, and knowledgeably worked up and down his legs, asking questions as she progressed.
He answered each one in the affirmative.
“Yes, I believe you are regaining feeling in your legs.” Eliza held up a hand. “However, if you overdo this, you will hinder and perhaps irreparably harm your chances of walking.”
Although this clearly was not what he wished to hear, Fergus took her statement with all the calm and patience of Aasguard. At least it appeared clear to her by the downturn of his lips and set of his jaw.
Mozark waited until Eliza returned to her seat before he focused on Fergus once again. “You say that a vaspiris attacked you in the sea?”
“It did. There were too many ships about so Lachland and I approached by sea rather than the air. I could not identify the creature but I did recognize that it came through a portal.”
“And when exactly was this?” Mozark had set his own fork down. He showed no interest in resuming the meal.
“Right as Atlas fell. The vaspiris attacked at the same time. Because Atlas was close Punzel took me there after I lost control of my legs. She was injured when the island fell.”
“So this happened a little over a century ago?”
Fergus shrugged. “We have had no real means of telling the passing of days much less the years. The others might know this.”
Kellen inserted the date that Atlas fell and all of them performed the calculations. Yes, a little over a century ago Fergus had been trapped in the sunken city.
“A portal opened in the sea. It allowed in a terrible creature that should never be given access to our realm.” Mozark paused. “Much like desampus, you might say.”
This simple statement caused everyone to also pause. Ari paled. Felicity nearly choked a the sip of water.
“What are you saying?” Kellen placed a hand on his wife’s thigh.
“The portal the vaspiris used to enter our realm opened randomly. And fortunately, it sucked the other vaspiris back into the realm in which they were relegated to long ago. The one who escaped through did extreme damage to Fergus who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that portal opened randomly. We have rectified those occurrences. Even deep in the oceans, the portals are sealed.” Mozark spoke with authority.
“You are stating the portal the desampus used also opened randomly? That Kellen and I did not open it?” Ari gained control of herself in a matter of seconds. As one would expect of a seasoned warrior.
This furthered what Ari had told her upon Rykert’s arrival. That it did seem it would be fine for her and Rykert to join their lives.
“You and Kellen had nothing to do with it opening. I spent time at that portal and I personally locked it. No actions or choices by anyone in this realm caused said portal to open.” Mozark’s steady, firm gaze reiterated his claim. “It is encouraged that those who wish to do so, join their lives together.”
Felicity marveled at what this meant. So much so she couldn’t grasp any one euphoric thought. She looked blindly to Rykert. Whose hand gripped hers with fierce but gentle strength in a show of solidarity she needed.
“Can you verify that with another mage?” Intensity blasted from Kellen.
“Have you met Ulric?”
A few of them sucked in a breath. Ulric was one of the oldest mages known. His white hair and white beard made him very much look the part. His wisdom and level-headedness were revered throughout all the lands.
“Of course.” Rykert answered because no one else did.
“Ulric seconded what I determined. He believes that Aasguards and mages, if they desire, have as much a right to mate as any human or animal. When I mentioned what the desampus queen told Ari about her opening the portal he strongly disagreed.”
A little color touched Ari’s cheeks again. “I am relieved.”
“His belief is that the timing was right and they had been attempting to open that portal for millennia. The conditions were right, so it opened. However, he also pointed out that desampus are not known for their intellect or rationale.”
Mozark’s tone turned dry and a ripple of relieved laughter circled their table.
“I am relieved we had nothing to do with that portal opening. This means any Aasguards who wish to marry can do so without fear of the consequences.” Ari looked to her and to Lucy.
For the first time in over a year, Felicity felt that marriage was a real possibility for her and Rykert.
Her emotions remained mixed on that fact.
Rykert tuned out the remainder of the conversation about the portals opening. All he heard was that Kellen and Ari’s marriage had not caused the desampus realm portal to open. That was all he needed to know. Other than Felicity’s own misgivings… and that reined him in.
She had her reasons for slowing their marriage and he had agreed to wait until she was ready. And they had made progress. They were becoming closer which was the point of getting to know one another.
A lull in the conversation broke into his thoughts before the healer Eliza leaned toward Ari. “Myrtle and I are making plans for our wing of the school.”
Ari and Kellen’s eyebrows both rose. “You are getting an entire wing?” Ari teased but a note of concern crept in.
“Well, we are thinking an entire building.” Eliza pointed in the direction of the lake. “Not so far from here is a deep inlet of the lake. It would be a perfect spot to build our part of the school.”
Kellen sat up straighter in his chair. “We decided against building this school there.” He looked to Ari.
“Yes. We strongly considered that exact location but ultimately chose this site.”
Eliza’s nod looked knowing. “This way Myrtle and any other water dwellers can live comfortably in the lake while those of us who prefer the land can remain within the confines of the school.”
“Will you have classrooms for Myrtle and the like to be able to teach?” His brain churned with possibilities.
“We believe that is a must. The lake and sea serpents know so much about aquatic plants. Much more than we do, while we retain knowledge of the land based greenery. It will do all of us plenty of good to share.” Eliza bubbled over with excitement.
Rykert met Mozark’s eyes. “This time is also the Age of the Mage.”
“Age of the Mage sounds terrible.” Mozark mock-groused.
Laughter rounded the table. “That is why Rykert said it, of course.” Felicity sent him a knowing look.
He basked in her adoration. At least he told himself her flirting was adoration. This woman. She suited him perfectly.
Much as Lucy and Fergus appeared to match. Finding his friend after all these years had been an unexpected gift.
Their time truly had come.
Rykert glanced at Fergus. Who noticed. “What?”
“If you had not been infected by that vaspiris, you would have passed on to the next life.” He paused. “And missed out on Lucy.”
A fierce expression crossed Fergus’s face. “That is true.” His hand gripped the female warrior’s with strength and something more. Rykert recognized the something more but he could not yet name it.
“We will not say that monster did you any favors, but you have something better to live for.”
Lucy missed their conversation as she entered into an animated version with Felicity. These two feminine warriors had a lot in common.
“I do. And I have. I cannot imagine my life without Lucy or Punzel now.” He grimaced. “All those lonely years with only my dragon. Then two amazing females barreled into my life.”
“Dragons are wonderful but they need to spend time with treasure.”
“Yes. Punzel does not. She is most at home in deep water but she is also fine on land.”
Conversation finished, Lucy and Felicity now must have overheard. “That is how Issac is. He prefers the open water, but he always comes to visit me.”
“I would like to meet him.” Felicity finished her last bite.
“You and Rykert should come to my house. Issac is as personable, or nearly so, as Felix.”
“Is he sunshine yellow?” Rykert inquired tongue-in-cheek.
Delighted laughter from Lucy. “No. His scales are black with an iridescent green sheen to them.”
“Punzel’s are also black with a green cast to them. At least if I am still able to see colors.”
“I wonder if their matching color means they are related?” Felicity spoke what had to be on all their minds.
“No, it means they are compatible.” Mozark must have been monitoring their conversation. “A good sign, actually.”
“Meaning they can mate if they wish?” Lucy inquired.
“Correct. They could probably still mate if they did not match but the fact that they match is a promising sign.”
“Issac is quite handsome. I think Punzel will fall for him immediately. And of course, she is lovely.” Lucy tapped her lips.
“Punzel is lovely. She is at least as old as me. I wonder if that will cause Issac to look the other way.”
Mozark’s lips twisted into a smile. “That iridescent green cast to their scales indicates they have reached a certain level of maturity.”
“Oh.” Lucy’s eyes widened. “Meaning Issac is older as well?”
“Yes. He is probably as old as Fergus and Punzel.” Mozark’s information base was impressive. Rykert expected the man had endured plenty of lonely years as well so he must have likely filled the void with much learning. A worthy enterprise as they all benefited from his knowledge now.
“Green scaled sea serpents are typically the most loyal and are among the largest of the sea serpents. Only the rare blues are larger.” Eliza patted her mouth with her napkin.
“I am excited for Issac and Punzel to meet.”
“He will be there when you return home?” Fergus asked.
“Oh yes. He always knows when I have returned. Issac knows things.” She darted a look at Mozark.
The mage nodded. “I should be very interested in meeting Issac. He sounds an intriguing fellow.”
“He is.” Lucy’s face animated in a way that many Aasguard warriors lost through the years. But on her, one of the most aged warriors, it proved refreshing. She had discovered new opportunities and had embraced them with both hands.
Making friends with a scary sea serpent, hunting treasures, finding Fergus the First and essentially mating with him made for a multitude of new changes. These two had not plighted their troth yet but he imagined it would only be a matter of time before they did.
He glanced at Felicity and found her steady gaze on him.