Felicity gazed out over the crowd. The number of Aasguard warriors who had gathered to celebrate the opening of the school swelled her hopes. Perhaps not as many as they would wish for, but more than they had anticipated. Her focus drifted to Fergus and Lucy.

More hope gushed at the sight of these two. Many of the Aasguards in the crowd appeared to take courage and joy at the sight of these two seasoned first warriors. The oldest male and female warriors of their kind. Both of them alive and well, so to speak.

Perhaps Fergus would never walk again. But not one person among them indicated this was a failure of any sort. They all were so happy and hopeful to see him that no one cared. His experience and skill were more worthy than his sword at this juncture.

All of the Aasguards other than their four newest had walked this land for so long their swords were sufficient. Yet their newest warriors could certainly hold their own. In the same manner of Maeze, all of the elements were there, they simply lacked the experience the older ones enjoyed.

Lucy could and would protect Fergus, as would Punzel and Isaac, who Felicity very much wished to meet. She crossed her fingers that Punzel and Isaac would see eye to eye. It would certainly make life easier for their eldest warriors.

Another victory of sorts was the number of mages who had gathered with them. Also excited for this celebration and the school, they had flocked in impressive numbers as well. Then there were the dragons and their water counterparts.

More will come.” Rykert murmured this beside her and she adored how he stayed in tune with her.

Yes, I believe they will.” They did not know if additional Aasguards walked the land, or mages, but she thought perhaps he also meant other species as well. They might not possess the same anatomy or bodies, but in the case of dragons and the water dragons, they had the potential to become amazing companions and join forces.

Most of the land surrounding them enjoyed peace. That might not always be so, of course.

The sorcerer protests had introduced a note of disharmony into their world. Serene had quelled them, but that did not mean they intended to keep to their evil selves.

Felicity also did not understand why they were permitted to mingle in this realm, but the mages were better equipped to deal with them. Aasguards could hold their own, but it would be a nail-biting enterprise without a dragon or water serpent. Although she trusted in her abilities, as did other Aasguards so they would only cease fighting when the fighting ceased.

Still, she did wonder how Raene, Stefana, Drika, or Lukas would fare against one, especially an aged sorcerer.

Rykert’s heavy arm settled around her and she pressed into his side.

Now is not the time to fret.” He indicated the festivities and warmth infused her.

No, now is the time to celebrate.” Within her another surety made itself known. “We will marry before we leave for Chariovalda.”

I believe that is an excellent notion.” He kissed her, right there with the revelers enjoying the celebrations. No one bothered them because their pairings also gave hope to a people who had been on the brink of despair.

The future always held danger.

That was a given.

However, one needed to look beyond the unpleasant things to see the beauty and promise surrounding them.

She kissed Rykert back, looking forward to their future, together.