How to Levitate. Or Look Like You Can. Sort Of.

One of NASA’s less well-known achievements was to make a mouse levitate. In 2009, using semi-conducting magnets and the principle of diamagnetism, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory managed to levitate a mouse. No, I don’t really understand all that either, but apparently body water, subjected to a powerful enough magnetic force, generates a repelling magnetic force in opposition. That’s more than enough quantum mechanics for a book about airplanes. What you need to know is that, initially at least, the mouse appeared to be confused, but after four hours seemed used to the experience. Apparently, it suffered no ill effects. A Dutch university had previously succeeded in levitating a frog, but mouse physiology is more closely related to that of humans. So that’s something to look forward to.

I can’t, I’m afraid, help you race ahead of NASA’s research, but I can show you how to make it look like you can. It’s a trick that will amaze children. And possibly gullible adults as well.


So, levitation:

1. Stand in the corner of a room and face one of the walls nearest you with your right foot tucked into the corner.

2. Now make sure your audience is standing to your left so that your right leg and foot are largely hidden from view.

3. Slowly raise yourself up on to the ball of your right foot as if you are stretching for a high shelf.


4. Make sure your left foot lifts horizontally and completely about an inch off the floor. At the same time make sure that your right heel lifts to the same height alongside it.

5. Make a face like you’re straining with the mental effort of it all.

6. To your audience, who have no proper view of your right foot, it will appear that both feet are off the ground.


7. Lap up the gasps of astonishment and disbelief.

8. Gently lower both feet back on to the floor again.

9. Look drained from the exertion of lifting yourself into the air, using nothing but the power of your mind.
