
No pediatric behavioral health program with any merit functions without the ongoing input and service of a synergistic multidisciplinary team. The Children’s Hospital Colorado (CHCO) Teen General Intensive Outpatient Program (G-IOP) team was comprised of several talented professionals, including child psychiatrists, child psychologists, clinical social workers, psychiatric nurses, and mental health counselors. Dr. Jeffrey Dolgan was considered the “Father” of the Teen G-IOP program and served as the most credible person in the room for several years, demonstrating the highest capacity for empathic understanding and unconditional acceptance. Dr. Kelly Caywood and Eric Hansen persistently displayed a keen knack for knowing just how to read and reach adolescents. Mindy Stephens and Mandie Roark were the organizational and management “glue” that kept the parts and pieces of G-IOP working together, like a “well-oiled machine.” They additionally were gifted in their aptitude for engaging even the most defensive and disruptive youngsters. Dr. Jocelyn Petrella, Dr. Tess Simpson, and Dr. Patricia Crisostomo contributed countless hours toward building, maintaining, analyzing, and summarizing the program’s outcome data. Dustin Lamb deployed his creative ingenuity to help shape patient materials into a more teen-friendly and aesthetically pleasing style. Katherine Reed and Anthony Edelblute were among the original pioneers for the CHCO Teen G-IOP, beginning in January 2006—they were steadfast constants who contributed compassion, creative energy, and an artistic and musical balance that completed the program, in a way that only they could.