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Publicações selecionadas sobre história cultural, 1860-2003: uma lista cronológica


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1860 Burckhardt, Kultur der Renaissance in Italien [A cultura do Renascimento na Itália, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1991]
1894 Troels-Lund, Om kulturhistorie
1897 Lamprecht, ‘Was ist Kulturgeschichte?’
1904 Weber, Protestantische Ethik [A ética protestante e o espírito do capitalismo, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2004]
1919 Huizinga, Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen
1927 Beard and Beard, Rise of American Civilization
1932 Dawson, Making of Europe
1932 Warburg, Die Erneuerung der heidnischer Antike
1933 Freyre, Casa-Grande & Senzala
1934 Willey, Seventeenth-Century Background
1936 Young, Victorian England
1939 Elias, Über den Prozess der Zivilisation [O processo civilizador, 2 vols., Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1994-5]
1942 Febvre, Problème de l’incroyance
1947 Klingender, Art and the Industrial Revolution
1948 Castro, España en su historia
1948 Curtius, Europäisches Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter [Literatura europeia e Idade Média Latina, São Paulo, Hucitec, 1996]
1948 Giedion, Mechanization Takes Command 201
1951 Panofsky, Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism [Arquitetura gótica e escolástica, São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 2001]
1954 Needham, Science and Civilization in China
1958 Williams, Culture and Society
1959 Hobsbawm, Jazz Scene [História social do jazz, Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1990]
1959 León-Portilla, Visión de los vencidos
1959 Smith, European Vision and the South Pacific
1960 Lord, Singer of Tales
1963 Thompson, Making of the English Working Class [A formação da classe operária inglesa, 2 vols., Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1988]
1965 Bahktin, Tvorchestvo Fransua Rable [A cultura popular na Idade Média e no Renascimento, São Paulo, Annablume, 2002]
1965 Dodds, Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety
1967 Braudel, Civilisation matérielle et capitalisme [Civilização material, economia e capitalismo, 2 vols., São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1995]
1971 Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic
1971 Wachtel, La Vision des vaincus
1972 Baxandall, Paiting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy
1972 Burke, Culture and Society in Renaissance Italy
1973-7 Zeldin, France 1848-1945
1973 White, Metahistory [Meta-história, São Paulo, Edusp, 1995]
1975 Certeau, Une Politique de la langue
1975 Davis, Society and Culture in Early Modern France
1975 Foucault, Surveiller et punir [Vigiar e punir, Petrópolis, Vozes, 2000]
1975 Le Roy Ladurie, Montaillou
1976 Ginzburg, Il formaggio e I vermi [O queijo e os vermes, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1987]
1978 Burke, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe [Cultura popular na Idade Moderna, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1989]
1978 Duby, Les Trois Ordres [As três ordens, Lisboa, Estampa, 1994]
1978 Said, Orientalism [Orientalismo, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2001]
1978 Skinner, Foundation of Modern Political Thought [As fundações do pensamento político moderno, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1996]
1979 Frykman e Löfgren, Kultiverade människan
1979 Lyons, Culture and Anarchy in Ireland
1979 Schorske, Fin-de-Siècle Vienna [Viena, fin de siècle, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 1988]
1980 Brown e Elliott A Palace for a King
1980 Greenblatt, Renaissance Self-Fashioning
1981 Gurevich, Problemy srvednovekovoi narodnoi
1981 Le Goff, Naissance du Purgatoire [O nascimento do purgatório, Lisboa, Estampa, 1995]
1981 Wiener, English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit
1982 Corbin, Le Miasme et la jonquille
1982 Isaac, Transformation of Virginia
1982 Wyatt-Brown, Southern Honor
1983 Anderson, Imagined Communities
1983 Hobsbawn e Ranger (orgs.), Invention of Tradition [A invenção das tradições, Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1997]
1984 Darnton, Great Cat Massacre [O grande massacre dos gatos, Rio de Janeiro, Graal, 1988]
1984 Gay, Bourgeois Experience
1984 Hunt, Politics, Culture and Class in the French Revolution
1984-93 Nora (org.), Lieux de Mémoire
1985 Jouhaud, Mazarinades
1985 Mintz, Sweetness and Power
1985 Sahlins, Islands of History [Ilhas de história, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1990]
1986 McKenzie, Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts
1987 Bynum, Holy Feast and Holy Fast
1987 Campbell, Romantic Ethic and Spirit of Consumerism
1987 Davis, Fiction in the Archives
1987 Schama, Embarrassment of Riches [O desconforto da riqueza, São Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2001]
1987 Schön, Verlust der Sinnlichkeit
1988 Briggs, Victorian Things
1988 Brown, Body and Society [Corpo e sociedade, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1990]
1988 Chartier, Cultural History
1988 Greenblatt, Shakespearian Negotiations
1988 Gruzinski, La Colonisation de l’imaginaire
1988 Guha e Spivak (orgs.), Select Subaltern Studies
1988 Mitchell, Colonising Egypt
1989 Fischer, Albion’s Seed
1989 Freedberg, Power of Images
1989 Hunt (org.), New Cultural History
1989 Roche, Culture des apparences
1990 Crouzet, Guerriers de Dieu
1990 Porter, Mind-Forg’d Manacles
1990 Winkler, Constraints of Desire
1992 Clunas, Superfluous Things
1992 Walkowitz, City of Dreadful Delight
1993 Bartlett, Making of Europe
1993 Brewer e Porter (orgs.), Consumption and the World of Goods
1994 Corbin, Les Cloches da la terre
1994 Schmitt, Histoire des revenants
1994 Shapin, Social History of Truth
1994 Stearns e Stearns, American Cool
1995 Wortman, Scenarios of Power
1996 Fujitani, Spendid Monarchy
1997 Brewer, Pleasures of the Imagination
1999 Hunt e Bonnel (orgs.), Beyond the Cultural Turn
1999 Rubin, Gentile Tales
2000 Bellesisles, Arming America
2000 Burke, Social History of Knowledge [História social do conhecimento, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 2003]
2000 St. George (org.), Possible Pasts
2001 Reddy, Navigation of Feeling
2003 Clark (org.), Culture Wars
2004 Cruzinski, Les quatre parties du monde
2004 Ikegami, Bonds of Civility
2004 Inglis, Sacred Places
2004 Koerner, Reformation of the Image
2004 Peterson, Creative Writing
2004 Roodenburg, The Eloquence of the Body
2005 Bourke, Fear
2005 Chartier, Inscrire et effacer
2005 Lilti, Le monde des salons
2005 Metcalf, Go-betweens and the Colonization of Brazil
2006 Berry, Japan in Print
2006 Biow, The Culture of Cleanliness in Renaissance Italy
2006 Capuzzo, Culture del consumo
2006 Clark, Academic Charisma
2007 Clark, Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture
2007 Clunas, Empire of Great Brightness
2007 Muchembled (org.), Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe
2007 Mulsow, Die unanständige Gelehrtenrepublik
2007 Rüger, The Great Naval Game