About the MCAT

Anatomy of the MCAT

Here is a general overview of the structure of Test Day:

Section Number of Questions Time Allotted
Test-Day Certification 4 minutes
Tutorial (optional) 10 minutes
Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems 59 95 minutes
Break (optional) 10 minutes
Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) 53 90 minutes
Lunch Break (optional) 30 minutes
Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems 59 95 minutes
Break (optional) 10 minutes
Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior 59 95 minutes
Void Question 3 minutes
Satisfaction Survey (optional) 5 minutes

The structure of the four sections of the MCAT is shown below.

Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
Time 95 minutes
  • 59 questions
  • 10 passages
  • 44 questions are passage-based, and 15 are discrete (stand-alone) questions.
  • Score between 118 and 132
What It Tests
  • Biochemistry: 25%
  • Biology: 5%
  • General Chemistry: 30%
  • Organic Chemistry: 15%
  • Physics: 25%
Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS)
Time 90 minutes
  • 53 questions
  • 9 passages
  • All questions are passage-based. There are no discrete (stand-alone) questions.
  • Score between 118 and 132
What It Tests
  • Disciplines:
    • Humanities: 50%
    • Social Sciences: 50%
  • Skills:
    • Foundations of Comprehension: 30%
    • Reasoning Within the Text: 30%
    • Reasoning Beyond the Text: 40%
Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
Time 95 minutes
  • 59 questions
  • 10 passages
  • 44 questions are passage-based, and 15 are discrete (stand-alone) questions.
  • Score between 118 and 132
What It Tests
  • Biochemistry: 25%
  • Biology: 65%
  • General Chemistry: 5%
  • Organic Chemistry: 5%
Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior
Time 95 minutes
  • 59 questions
  • 10 passages
  • 44 questions are passage-based, and 15 are discrete (stand-alone) questions.
  • Score between 118 and 132
What It Tests
  • Biology: 5%
  • Psychology: 65%
  • Sociology: 30%
Testing Time 375 minutes (6 hours, 15 minutes)
Total Seat Time 447 minutes (7 hours, 27 minutes)
Questions 230
Score 472 to 528
graph displaying the frequency of the seven subjects seen within each of the sections of the MCAT

Scientific Inquiry and Reasoning Skills (SIRS)

The AAMC has defined four Scientific Inquiry and Reasoning Skills (SIRS) that will be tested in the three science sections of the MCAT:

  1. Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles (35% of questions)
  2. Scientific Reasoning and Problem-Solving (45% of questions)
  3. Reasoning About the Design and Execution of Research (10% of questions)
  4. Data-Based and Statistical Reasoning (10% of questions)

Let’s see how each one breaks down into more specific Test Day behaviors. Note that the bullet points of specific objectives for each of the SIRS are taken directly from the Official Guide to the MCAT Exam; the descriptions of what these behaviors mean and sample question stems, however, are written by Kaplan.

Skill 1: Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles

This is probably the least surprising of the four SIRS; the testing of science knowledge is, after all, one of the signature qualities of the MCAT. Skill 1 questions will require you to do the following:

At Kaplan, we simply call these Science Knowledge or Skill 1 questions. Another way to think of Skill 1 questions is as “one-step” problems. The single step is either to realize which scientific concept the question stem is suggesting or to take the concept stated in the question stem and identify which answer choice is an accurate application of it. Skill 1 questions are particularly prominent among discrete questions (those not associated with a passage). These questions are an opportunity to gain quick points on Test Day—if you know the science concept attached to the question, then that’s it! On Test Day, 35% of the questions in each science section will be Skill 1 questions.

Here are some sample Skill 1 question stems:

Skill 2: Scientific Reasoning and Problem-Solving

The MCAT science sections do, of course, move beyond testing straightforward science knowledge; Skill 2 questions are the most common way in which it does so. At Kaplan, we also call these Critical Thinking questions. Skill 2 questions will require you to do the following:

Just as Skill 1 questions can be thought of as “one-step” problems, many Skill 2 questions are “two-step” problems, and more difficult Skill 2 questions may require three or more steps. These questions can require a wide spectrum of reasoning skills, including integration of multiple facts from a passage, combination of multiple science content areas, and prediction of an experiment’s results. Skill 2 questions also tend to ask about science content without actually mentioning it by name. For example, a question might describe the results of one experiment and ask you to predict the results of a second experiment without actually telling you what underlying scientific principles are at work—part of the question’s difficulty will be figuring out which principles to apply in order to get the correct answer. On Test Day, 45% of the questions in each science section will be Skill 2 questions.

Here are some sample Skill 2 question stems:

Skill 3: Reasoning About the Design and Execution of Research

The MCAT is interested in your ability to critically appraise and analyze research, as this is an important day-to-day task of a physician. We call these questions Skill 3 or Experimental and Research Design questions for short. Skill 3 questions will require you to do the following:

Over the years, the AAMC has received input from medical schools to require more practical research skills of MCAT test-takers, and Skill 3 questions are the response to these demands. This skill is unique in that the outside knowledge you need to answer Skill 3 questions is not taught in any one undergraduate course; instead, the research design principles needed to answer these questions are learned gradually throughout your science classes and especially through any laboratory work you have completed. It should be noted that Skill 3 comprises 10% of the questions in each science section on Test Day.

Here are some sample Skill 3 question stems:

Skill 4: Data-Based and Statistical Reasoning

Lastly, the science sections of the MCAT test your ability to analyze the visual and numerical results of experiments and studies. We call these Data and Statistical Analysis questions. Skill 4 questions will require you to do the following:

Skill 4 is included in the MCAT because physicians and researchers spend much of their time examining the results of their own studies and the studies of others, and it’s very important for them to make legitimate conclusions and sound judgments based on that data. The MCAT tests Skill 4 on all three science sections with graphical representations of data (charts and bar graphs), as well as numerical ones (tables, lists, and results summarized in sentence or paragraph form). On Test Day, 10% of the questions in each science section will be Skill 4 questions.

Here are some sample Skill 4 question stems:

SIRS Summary

Discussing the SIRS tested on the MCAT is a daunting prospect given that the very nature of the skills tends to make the conversation rather abstract. Nevertheless, with enough practice, you'll be able to identify each of the four skills quickly, and you'll also be able to apply the proper strategies to solve those problems on Test Day. If you need a quick reference to remind you of the four SIRS, these guidelines may help:

Skill 1 (Science Knowledge) questions ask:

Skill 2 (Critical thinking) questions ask:

Skill 3 (Experimental and Research Design) questions ask:

Skill 4 (Data and Statistical Analysis) questions ask:

Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS)

The Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) section of the MCAT tests three discrete families of textual reasoning skills; each of these families requires a higher level of reasoning than the last. Those three skills are as follows:

  1. Foundations of Comprehension (30% of questions)
  2. Reasoning Within the Text (30% of questions)
  3. Reasoning Beyond the Text (40% of questions)

These three skills are tested through nine humanities- and social sciences–themed passages, with approximately 5 to 7 questions per passage. Let’s take a more in-depth look into these three skills. Again, the bullet points of specific objectives for each of the CARS are taken directly from the Official Guide to the MCAT Exam; the descriptions of what these behaviors mean and sample question stems, however, are written by Kaplan.

Foundations of Comprehension

Questions in this skill will ask for basic facts and simple inferences about the passage; the questions themselves will be similar to those seen on reading comprehension sections of other standardized exams like the SAT® and ACT®. Foundations of Comprehension questions will require you to do the following:

This admittedly covers a wide range of potential question types including Main Idea, Detail, Inference, and Definition-in-Context questions, but finding the correct answer to all Foundations of Comprehension questions will follow from a basic understanding of the passage and the point of view of its author (and occasionally that of other voices in the passage).

Here are some sample Foundations of Comprehension question stems:

Reasoning Within the Text

While Foundations of Comprehension questions will usually depend on interpreting a single piece of information in the passage or understanding the passage as a whole, Reasoning Within the Text require more thought because they will ask you to identify the purpose of a particular piece of information in the context of the passage, or ask how one piece of information relates to another. Reasoning Within the Text questions will require you to:

The CARS section will also ask you to judge certain parts of the passage or even judge the author. These questions, which fall under the Reasoning Within the Text skill, can ask you to identify authorial bias, evaluate the credibility of cited sources, determine the logical soundness of an argument, identify the importance of a particular fact or statement in the context of the passage, or to search for relevant evidence in the passage to support a given conclusion. In all, this category includes Function and Strengthen–Weaken (Within the Passage) questions, as well as a smattering of related—but rare—question types.

Here are some sample Reasoning Within the Text question stems:

Reasoning Beyond the Text

The distinguishing factor of Reasoning Beyond the Text questions is in the title of the skill: the word Beyond. Questions that test this skill, which make up a larger share of the CARS section than questions from either of the other two skills, will always introduce a completely new situation that was not present in the passage itself; these questions will ask you to determine how one influences the other. Reasoning Beyond the Text questions will require you to:

The Reasoning Beyond the Text skill is further divided into Apply and Strengthen–Weaken (Beyond the Passage) questions, and a few other rarely appearing question types.

Here are some sample Reasoning Beyond the Text question stems:

CARS Summary

Through the Foundations of Comprehension skill, the CARS section tests many of the reading skills you have been building on since grade school, albeit in the context of very challenging doctorate-level passages. But through the two other skills (Reasoning Within the Text and Reasoning Beyond the Text), the MCAT demands that you understand the deep structure of passages and the arguments within them at a very advanced level. And, of course, all of this is tested under very tight timing restrictions: only 102 seconds per question—and that doesn't even include the time spent reading the passages.

Here’s a quick reference guide to the three CARS skills:

Foundations of Comprehension questions ask:

Reasoning Within the Text questions ask:

Reasoning Beyond the Text questions ask:


Each of the four sections of the MCAT is scored between 118 and 132, with the median at 125. This means the total score ranges from 472 to 528, with the median at 500. Why such peculiar numbers? The AAMC stresses that this scale emphasizes the importance of the central portion of the score distribution, where most students score (around 125 per section, or 500 total), rather than putting undue focus on the high end of the scale.

Note that there is no wrong answer penalty on the MCAT, so you should select an answer for every question—even if it is only a guess.

The AAMC has released the 2018–2019 correlation between scaled score and percentile, as shown on the following page. It should be noted that the percentile scale is adjusted and renormalized over time and thus can shift slightly from year to year.

Total Score Percentile Total Score Percentile
528 100 499 46
527 100 498 42
526 100 497 39
525 100 496 35
524 100 495 32
523 99 494 29
522 99 493 26
521 99 492 24
520 98 491 21
519 97 490 18
518 96 489 16
517 95 488 14
516 94 487 12
515 92 486 10
514 91 485 9
513 89 484 7
512 86 483 6
511 84 482 5
510 81 481 4
509 79 480 3
508 76 479 2
507 73 478 2
506 69 477 1
505 66 476 1
504 63 475 <1
503 59 474 <1
502 56 473 <1
501 52 472 <1
500 49
Source:  AAMC. 2018. Summary of MCAT Total and Section Scores. Accessed November 2018. https://students-residents.aamc.org/advisors/article/percentile-ranks-for-the-mcat-exam/.

Further information on score reporting is included at the end of the next section (see After Your Test).

MCAT Policies and Procedures

We strongly encourage you to download the latest copy of MCAT® Essentials, available on the AAMC's website, to ensure that you have the latest information about registration and Test Day policies and procedures; this document is updated annually. A brief summary of some of the most important rules is provided here.

MCAT Registration

The only way to register for the MCAT is online. You can access AAMC’s registration system at: www.aamc.org/mcat.

You will be able to access the site approximately six months before Test Day. The AAMC designates three registration “Zones”—Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Registering during the Gold Zone (from the opening of registration until approximately one month before Test Day) provides the most flexibility and lowest test fees. The Silver Zone runs until approximately two to three weeks before Test Day and has less flexibility and higher fees; the Bronze Zone runs until approximately one to two weeks before Test Day and has the least flexibility and highest fees.

Fees and the Fee Assistance Program (FAP)

Payment for test registration must be made by MasterCard or VISA. As described earlier, the fees for registering for the MCAT—as well as rescheduling the exam or changing your testing center—increase as one approaches Test Day. In addition, it is not uncommon for test centers to fill up well in advance of the registration deadline. For these reasons, we recommend identifying your preferred Test Day as soon as possible and registering. There are ancillary benefits to having a set Test Day, as well: when you know the date you're working toward, you'll study harder and are less likely to keep pushing back the exam. The AAMC offers a Fee Assistance Program (FAP) for students with financial hardship to help reduce the cost of taking the MCAT, as well as for the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS®) application. Further information on the FAP can be found at: www.aamc.org/students/applying/fap.

Testing Security

On Test Day, you will be required to present a qualifying form of ID. Generally, a current driver's license or United States passport will be sufficient (consult the AAMC website for the full list of qualifying criteria). When registering, take care to spell your first and last names (middle names, suffixes, and prefixes are not required and will not be verified on Test Day) precisely the same as they appear on this ID; failure to provide this ID at the test center or differences in spelling between your registration and ID will be considered a “no-show,” and you will not receive a refund for the exam.

During Test Day registration other identity data collected may include: a digital palm vein scan, a Test Day photo, a digitization of your valid ID, and signatures. Some testing centers may use a metal detection wand to ensure that no prohibited items are brought into the testing room. Prohibited items include all electronic devices, including watches and timers, calculators, cell phones, and any and all forms of recording equipment; food, drinks (including water), and cigarettes or other smoking paraphernalia; hats and scarves (except for religious purposes); and books, notes, or other study materials. If you require a medical device, such as an insulin pump or pacemaker, you must apply for accommodated testing. During breaks, you are allowed to access food and drink, but not electronic devices, including cell phones.

Testing centers are under video surveillance and the AAMC does not take potential violations of testing security lightly. The bottom line: know the rules and don't break them.


Students with disabilities or medical conditions can apply for accommodated testing. Documentation of the disability or condition is required, and requests may take two months—or more—to be approved. For this reason, it is recommended that you begin the process of applying for accommodated testing as early as possible. More information on applying for accommodated testing can be found at: www.aamc.org/students/applying/mcat/accommodations.

After Your Test

When your MCAT is all over, no matter how you feel you did, be good to yourself when you leave the test center. Celebrate! Take a nap. Watch a movie. Ride your bike. Plan a trip. Call up all of your neglected friends or stalk them on Facebook. Totally consume a cheesesteak and drink dirty martinis at night (assuming you're over 21). Whatever you do, make sure that it has absolutely nothing to do with thinking too hard—you deserve some rest and relaxation.

Perhaps most importantly, do not discuss specific details about the test with anyone. For one, it is important to let go of the stress of Test Day, and reliving your exam only inhibits you from being able to do so. But more significantly, the Examinee Agreement you sign at the beginning of your exam specifically prohibits you from discussing or disclosing exam content. The AAMC is known to seek out individuals who violate this agreement and retains the right to prosecute these individuals at their discretion. This means that you should not, under any circumstances, discuss the exam in person or over the phone with other individuals—including us at Kaplan—or post information or questions about exam content to Facebook, Student Doctor Network, or other online social media. You are permitted to comment on your “general exam experience,” including how you felt about the exam overall or an individual section, but this is a fine line. In summary: if you're not certain whether you can discuss an aspect of the test or not, just don't do it! Do not let a silly Facebook post stop you from becoming the doctor you deserve to be.

Scores are released approximately one month after Test Day. The release is staggered during the afternoon and evening, ending at 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. This means that not all examinees receive their scores at exactly the same time. Your score report will include a scaled score for each section between 118 and 132, as well as your total combined score between 472 and 528. These scores are given as confidence intervals. For each section, the confidence interval is approximately the given score ±1; for the total score, it is approximately the given score ±2. You will also be given the corresponding percentile rank for each of these section scores and the total score.

AAMC Contact Information

For further questions, contact the MCAT team at the Association of American Medical Colleges:

MCAT Resource Center
Association of American Medical Colleges

(202) 828-0600