Homer’s Excellent Adventure is a wonderful retelling of The Odyssey … students will appreciate as they enjoy this cultural icon in an easy read that will have them laughing out loud. And likely begging for ‘more like this one!’”

—Dorcas Hand, AASL Award Committee Chair

Homer felt like a comic adventure retelling of The Odyssey with lots of action, wit and wisdom thrown in. I read this book in one day because I could NOT put it down.”

—Ginna Hill, Librarian, Fern Bluff Elementary School

“When it comes to Mythology Mash-ups, no one does it quite like P. J. Hoover! Her ability to take a classic and make it her own is beyond amazing! Give this book to your geeks, to your bookworms and to your reluctant readers. It is a sure to be a hit!!”

—Margie Longoria, Texas TAYSHAS Reading List

Homer’s Excellent Adventure is just what young readers need to get them hooked on the stories of ancient Greece. I loved the idea of getting to know Homer as a character and the novelty of him as a participant in Odysseus’ journeys! Treat yourself to this fun twist on Homer’s classic!”

—Cindi Rockett, Librarian, Trinity High School

“What a fun story! I loved the friendship bond between Homer and Dory. Their travels through history were exciting and informative … I can’t wait to see where their future adventures take us!”

—Jennifer Kirby, Cooper Elementary Librarian