Duck with Orange Sauce

Briefly marinating the duck breast lets all the flavours penetrate the meat. However, don't worry if you haven't time - the duck will still be tender and delicious. If liked, serve with a green vegetable such as fine French beans, sugar snaps or mangetout (snow peas).

Serves 1

1 orange
5 ml/1 tsp chilli oil
1 skinless, boneless duck breast, about 175 g/6 oz
1 small onion, thinly sliced, or 30 ml/2 tbsp frozen diced onion
1 celery stick, sliced
100 g/4 oz small new potatoes, scrubbed and halved
150 ml/ΒΌ pint/2/3 cup very hot (not boiling) chicken or vegetable stock
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
15 ml/1 tbsp fresh or frozen chopped parsley (optional)

  1. Finely grate the zest from the orange. Squeeze the juice from the orange and whisk in a jug with the chilli oil and zest. Put the duck breast in a dish in which it fits snugly, then pour the orange juice mixture over. Cover with clingfilm (plastic wrap) and marinate in the fridge for an hour, or overnight if preferred.
  2. When you are ready to cook, remove the duck from the fridge and allow it to come to room temperature. Meanwhile, put the onion, celery, potatoes and stock in the ceramic cooking pot and switch on to Low.
  3. Put the duck on top of the vegetables. Season the marinade with a little salt and pepper and pour over. Cover and cook for 3-5 hours or until the duck and vegetables are tender.
  4. Remove the duck from the slow cooker and leave on a board for a few minutes to 'rest', then cut into diagonal slices and arrange on a warm plate. Spoon the vegetables and sauce on to the plate and serve straight away, sprinkled with the parsley, if liked.

Cook's tips
If you haven't any chilli oil, use sunflower oil instead and add a small pinch of crushed dried chilli flakes.
Buy an unwaxed orange, if possible, as the skin will be free of preservatives.