His dick was almost inside me, Bree texted.
OMG! He nearly fucked you, Beth texted back.
Disgusted, Bree texted. So gross.
He wants you so bad.
I know.
What are you gonna do?
Stop him.
I will
U have plan?
Yes perfect plan.
One we talked about
U nuts?
It worked for the girls in Ohio and that girl in California.
Serious. They got kidnapped
And raped
And survived.
Now they are stars!
Fuck. what about your step dad and your mom
Fuck is right. That’s what that dickhead wants. I could feel it bouncing against my belly.
Gonna get rid of him.
Get rid of him, like he wont wanna fuck me cuz he wont exist. Get rid of him.
Don’t make me make you an accessory after fact.
Oh fuck
yeah, oh fuck.
What about your mom?
Fucking in bed the whole time listening, she don’t care.
your mom! Love her?
Not like you
U luv me
yeah baby only u
We are gonna be stars?
yeah baby...we are gonna be stars
Bree had told Beth almost everything about her life. Even about Steven and how he raped her at least once a week. She told Beth about how she pretended to like it. How she pretended to love Steven and how she would “cut if off and feed it to him one day.”
Bree’s life might have seemed like an open book to Beth, but Bree was the one who turned the pages. She never surrendered that control.
Control. That’s why Bree never told Beth she loved her either in a text or in conversation, even when they were wrapped in each others’ arms.
Do I love Beth? Bree wasn’t sure. But she did know there are times when you have to tell the other person in your life what that person wants to hear whether it’s true or not. If they want to believe it enough, they will believe it.
And Bree wanted Beth to believe.
She didn’t have a total A-to-B-to-C plan in her head yet. But Bree knew that Steven had to die. Forget going to the cops in this town, she told herself for the millionth time. Chief Lumpy and the donut squad? You must be fucking kidding me.
And forget about her mother, Bree had told Beth more than once.
“She would never stand up for me against Steven,” Bree said. “Never has, never will.”
Steven had to die. Her mother too. Bree was convinced that was the only way to wake up from the nightmare that had consumed her life.
Then Bree and Beth could run away together and leave her parents behind, hopefully in their final resting place.
But how to make it happen and get away with it. That was the question she had yet to answer.
“But Bree is working on it,” Beth said to herself as she drifted off to sleep in the house across the street. “And if Bree is working on it, it is going to happen. I will bet her mother and stepfather are never going to know what hit them.”
Bree’s mother, had actually been reflecting on her good fortune while she waited for Steven to get done doing his business in the bathroom.
Debbie’s life had finally come together. Most days were good. Not every day, but who could say every day was perfect, she thought to herself. If you didn’t have bad days, how could you appreciate the good?
She rolled over to put her arm around the mountain of a man that was her husband, Steven. He wasn’t perfect either, but then again, how could you appreciate the good times if it wasn’t for the bad, Debbie had decided long ago.
Taking the good with the bad, he was her rock.
A few minutes after Debbie put her arm around Steven and nuzzled up against his furry back she could feel him starting to rustle.
Damn, I woke him up again, Debbie thought, as she held on to her man tighter or at least as tight as a petite woman could grip a man whose body she had never been able to get her arms around.
It didn’t work this night any better than it had that night last week when he left her alone.
Steven got up.
Debbie pulled her covers over her head, lay awake, held her breath and listened as Steven walked down the hall, and into the bathroom.
Debbie breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God, he hadn’t gone into Bree’s room again.