



where the next to last equality follows since the variance of the Poisson random variable Nj(t)image is equal to its mean.

Thus, we see that the representation (5.26) results in the same expressions for the mean and variance of X(t)image as were previously derived.

One of the uses of the representation (5.26) is that it enables us to conclude that as timage grows large, the distribution of X(t)image converges to the normal distribution. To see why, note first that it follows by the central limit theorem that the distribution of a Poisson random variable converges to a normal distribution as its mean increases. (Why is this?) Therefore, each of the random variables Nj(t)image converges to a normal random variable as timage increases. Because they are independent, and because the sum of independent normal random variables is also normal, it follows that X(t)image also approaches a normal distribution as timage increases.

Example 5.28

In Example 5.26, find the approximate probability that at least 240 people migrate to the area within the next 50 weeks.

Another useful result is that if {X(t),t0}image and {Y(t),t0}image are independent compound Poisson processes with respective Poisson parameters and distributions λ1,F1image and λ2,F2image, then {X(t)+Y(t),t0}image is also a compound Poisson process. This is true because in this combined process events will occur according to a Poisson process with rate λ1+λ2image, and each event independently will be from the first compound Poisson process with probability λ1/(λ1+λ2)image. Consequently, the combined process will be a compound Poisson process with Poisson parameter λ1+λ2image, and with distribution function Fimage given by



5.4.3 Conditional or Mixed Poisson Processes

Let {N(t),t0}image be a counting process whose probabilities are defined as follows. There is a positive random variable Limage such that, conditional on L=λimage, the counting process is a Poisson process with rate λimage. Such a counting process is called a conditional or a mixed Poisson process.

Suppose that Limage is continuous with density function gimage. Because

P{N(t+s)-N(s)=n}=0P{N(t+s)-N(s)=nL=λ}g(λ)dλ=0e-λt(λt)nn!g(λ)dλ (5.27)

image (5.27)

we see that a conditional Poisson process has stationary increments. However, because knowing how many events occur in an interval gives information about the possible value of Limage, which affects the distribution of the number of events in any other interval, it follows that a conditional Poisson process does not generally have independent increments. Consequently, a conditional Poisson process is not generally a Poisson process.

Example 5.29

If gimage is the gamma density with parameters mimage and θimage,






Multiplying and dividing by (n+m-1)!(t+θ)n+mimage gives



Because (t+θ)e-(t+θ)λ((t+θ)λ)n+m-1/(n+m-1)!image is the density function of a gamma (n+m,t+θ)image random variable, its integral is 1image, giving the result



Therefore, the number of events in an interval of length timage has the same distribution of the number of failures that occur before a total of mimage successes are amassed, when each trial is a success with probability θt+θimageimage

To compute the mean and variance of N(t)image, condition on Limage. Because, conditional on L,N(t)image is Poisson with mean Ltimage, we obtain



where the final equality used that the variance of a Poisson random variable is equal to its mean. Consequently, the conditional variance formula yields



We can compute the conditional distribution function of Limage, given that N(t)=nimage, as follows.



where the final equality used Equation (5.27). In other words, the conditional density function of Limage given that N(t)=nimage is

fLN(t)(λn)=e-λtλng(λ)0e-λtλng(λ)dλ,λ0 (5.28)

image (5.28)

Example 5.30

An insurance company feels that each of its policyholders has a rating value and that a policyholder having rating value λimage will make claims at times distributed according to a Poisson process with rate λimage, when time is measured in years. The firm also believes that rating values vary from policyholder to policyholder, with the probability distribution of the value of a new policyholder being uniformly distributed over (0,1)image. Given that a policyholder has made nimage claims in his or her first timage years, what is the conditional distribution of the time until the policyholder’s next claim?

There is a nice formula for the probability that more than nimage events occur in an interval of length timage. In deriving it we will use the identity

j=n+1e-λt(λt)jj!=0tλe-λx(λx)nn!dx (5.29)

image (5.29)

which follows by noting that it equates the probability that the number of events by time timage of a Poisson process with rate λimage is greater than nimage with the probability that the time of the (n+1)imagest event of this process (which has a gamma (n+1,λ)image distribution) is less than timage. Interchanging λimage and timage in Equation (5.29) yields the equivalent identity

j=n+1e-λt(λt)jj!=0λte-tx(tx)nn!dx (5.30)

image (5.30)

Using Equation (5.27) we now have



5.5 Random Intensity Functions and Hawkes Processes

Whereas the intensity function λ(t)image of a nonhomogeneous Poisson process is a deterministic function, there are counting processes {N(t),t0}image whose intensity function value at time timage, call it R(t),image is a random variable whose value depends on the history of the process up to time timage. That is, if we let Htimage denote the “history” of the process up to time timage then R(t),image the intensity rate at time timage, is a random variable whose value is determined by Htimage and which is such that






The Hawkes process is an example of a counting process having a random intensity function. This counting process assumes that there is a base intensity value λ>0,image and that associated with each event is a nonnegative random variable, called a mark, whose value is independent of all that has previously occurred and has distribution Fimage. Whenever an event occurs, it is supposed that the current value of the random intensity function increases by the amount of the event’s mark, with this increase decreasing over time at an exponential rate αimage. More specifically, if there have been a total of N(t)image events by time timage, with S1<S2<<SN(t)image being the event times and Miimage being the mark of event i,i=1,,N(t),image then



In other words, a Hawkes process is a counting process in which

1. R(0)=λ;image

2. whenever an event occurs, the random intensity increases by the value of the event’s mark;

3. if there are no events between simage and s+timage then R(s+t)=λ+(R(s)-λ)e-αt.image

Because the intensity increases each time an event occurs, the Hawkes process is said to be a self-exciting process.

We will derive E[N(t)],image the expected number of events of a Hawkes process that occur by time timage. To do so, we will need the following lemma, which is valid for all counting processes.


Let R(t),t0image be the random intensity function of the counting process {N(t),t0}image having N(0)=0.image Then, with m(t)=E[N(t)]image



Proposition 5.5

If μimage is the expected value of a mark in a Hawkes process, then for this process




To determine the mean value function m(t)image it suffices, by the preceding lemma, to determine E[R(t)]image, which will be accomplished by deriving and then solving a differential equation. To begin note that, with Mt(h)image equal to the sum of the marks of all events occurring between timage and t+h,image



Letting g(t)=E[R(t)]image and taking expectations of the preceding gives



Using the identity e-αh=1-αh+o(h)image shows that

g(t+h)=λ+(g(t)-λ)(1-αh)+E[Mt(h)]+o(h)=g(t)-αhg(t)+λαh+E[Mt(h)]+o(h) (5.31)

image (5.31)

Now, given R(t)image, there will be 1image event between timage and t+himage with probability R(t)h+o(h),image and there will be 2image or more with probability o(h)image. Hence, conditioning on the number of events between timage and t+himage yields, upon using that μimage is the expected value of a mark, that



Taking expectations of both sides of the preceding gives that
