Another message from my Texas Facebook friend Sally Oaks greeted me at my desk. By her current book cover posted, I could see she was reading an adventure story about an iceberg.
“I have tried contacting Clay, but he has not responded to my messages. I am worried about Jolene. I am their former neighbor and would appreciate any information you could share.”
Nosy neighbor. Clearly Clay was humiliated over the whole matter and didn’t care to discuss his marriage with her. Clay’s wife might even feel some shame over her behavior and not want to defend it to their friends.
Again, I replied that I was uncomfortable discussing Clay’s personal life with her.
If she continued to pursue the issue, I would have to take the drastic step of unfriending her from my page. It wouldn’t bother me a bit. I now had more than three thousand Facebook friends—plenty to spare.
I scrolled past the latest news my social-network buddies had posted. One had the flu. Another was celebrating an anniversary. Sophie had recently updated her profile picture with a photo of her in the Mexican jungle, sipping what looked like a piña colada. I love piña coladas.