221. You should give up anger, abandon pride,
Go beyond all fetters.
If you do not cling to name and form,
Possessing nothing, sorrows cannot attack you.
222. The one who controls anger that’s arisen
Like a chariot going off-course
I call a charioteer.
Other folk are merely rein-holders.
223. By freedom from anger you should conquer anger,
By good conquer what is not good,
By giving conquer miserliness,
By truth the teller of lies.
224. You should tell the truth, not get angry,
Give when asked, even if there’s not much:
By these three practices
You will go among the gods.
225. Those sages who abstain from harm,
Ever restrained in body,
Go to the imperishable state,
Where those who go don’t grieve.
226. In those who are ever wakeful,
Learning by day and night,
Committed to nibbāna,
The defilements go to rest.
227. This is an ancient truth, Atula,
Not just for today:
Folk blame the one who sits silent;
They blame the one who says a lot;
They blame the one who says little, too –
No one in this world is not blamed.
228. There never was, there never will be,
Nor is there found today
A person who is altogether blamed
Or altogether praised.
229. But the one whom the wise praise
When they’ve observed him day after day,
One of flawless conduct, wise,
Endowed with wisdom and morality –
230. Who would dare to blame him,
An ornament of new gold?
Him the gods, too, praise:
He is praised even by Brahmā.
231. You should guard against anger in the body;
You should be restrained in body.
Giving up misconduct of the body,
You should practise good conduct with the body.
232. You should guard against anger in speech;
You should be restrained in speech.
Giving up misconduct of speech,
You should practise good conduct with speech.
233. You should guard against anger in the mind;
You should be restrained in mind.
Giving up misconduct in the mind,
You should practise good conduct with the mind.
234. The wise are restrained in body,
Restrained in speech as well.
The wise are restrained in mind.
Indeed, they are thoroughly restrained.