306. The one who says what is not goes to a hell world;
So does the one who does something and says he doesn’t.
Both these, when they die, become equal
Men of low conduct, in the other world.
307. Many with the yellow robe on their backs
Are of evil character and uncontrolled.
Through their evil actions, the evil
Are reborn in a hell world.
308. Better to eat a ball of iron
Hot as flames of fire
Than to eat the alms of the kingdom
While immoral and uncontrolled.
309. Four things happen to the reckless man
Who goes with the wife of another:
Ill fortune earned; disturbed sleep;
Third, blame; and fourth, a hell world –
310. Ill fortune earned, and an evil destination:
Small pleasure for frightened man with frightened woman –
And the king imposes a heavy punishment.
So a man shouldn’t go with the wife of another.
311. Just as kusa grass, when wrongly grasped,
Cuts your hand,
The wanderer’s life, wrongly undertaken,
Drags you to a hell world.
312. Any action that’s slack,
Any vow that’s defiled,
Any spiritual practice that’s doubtful
Doesn’t bear much fruit.
313. If it needs doing, do it;
Undertake it steadfastly –
For a slack ascetic
Just scatters more dust on himself.
314. A bad deed is better not done –
You repent a bad deed afterwards.
A good deed is better done –
One you won’t repent when you’ve done it.
315. Guard yourselves
Like a border city,
Guarded inside and out.
Don’t let the moment escape you.
Those who miss the moment regret it
When they’re consigned to a hell world.
316. They are ashamed of what is not shameful
And not ashamed of what is shameful:
From taking up wrong views
Beings go to to a bad destination.
317. Seeing danger where there is no danger
And not seeing danger where danger exists,
From taking up wrong views
Beings go to a bad destination.
318. Imagining fault where there is no fault
And not seeing fault where fault exists,
From taking up wrong views
Beings go to a bad destination.
319. But perceiving fault where fault exists
And no fault where there is no fault,
From taking up right views
Beings go to a good destination.