“According to Kandida, the Congress can’t start until they’ve appointed an arbiter,” Buffy said.

“Which is what again?” Xander asked.

“Like a referee,” Willow explained. “Someone to settle conflicts peacefully.”

Faith snickered. “Yep. And they want Summers to do the job. She’d have been my first choice too. Settling conflicts without resorting to violence. That’s B, all right.”

Buffy rolled her eyes. “Pot, kettle, yadda yadda. But Faith’s right. They want me to do the job.”

“For God’s sake, why?” Giles asked.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“No, Rupert, think about it,” Micaela said. “The choice makes perfect sense. Inevitably, there are going to be arguments that could turn the Congress into anarchy. If they all agree to abide by an arbitrator’s decisions, they’d have to have someone of a supernatural nature, who understands but is not afraid—someone who could impose order but whom all of the members of the Congress could agree is not beholden to any of them. The Slayer is the only logical choice.”

Buffy sat up straight. “Time out. I didn’t say I wanted the job. And anyway, I’m not the only Slayer around these days, remember. There are plenty of us to choose from, but they’re keeping everyone else out. So why me?”

Oz didn’t even look up when he spoke. “Because you’re special.”