Come in, my sister. You look to be in need of a respite.” The woman greeted Heather kindly as she ushered her into the building. “I’m Sister Muriel.”
The woman barely gave Heather time to say her name before she turned to lead her past a set of spiral stairways that appeared to almost float upward over Heather’s head. When Heather looked up at them, she had to grasp the nearest stair rail to fight off the sudden light-headedness.
“Nay.” The woman gently but firmly moved Heather’s hand away from the railing. “That is the stairs for the brethren. It is not for us. The sisters must use those on the other side.”
“Are we going upstairs?” Heather dropped her hand to her side and willed away her dizziness as she looked toward the winding stairs on the other side of the hallway. Oh, to be able to drop down on that bottom step and find a moment of rest. She was so tired. She had walked across entire states and scrubbed hundreds of uniforms and never felt so weary.
“Nay. Come, follow me and we will see to your needs.” She started on down the hallway.
Heather spoke to the woman’s back. “I’ve come to see my aunt, Sophrena.” She hesitated. Her mother’s letter had given no surname. She knew her aunt had been married, but if she had ever been told her name, it had long been lost in her memory. But surely there could not be that many Sophrenas. “Her maiden name was Prescott.” She did know that much.
Sister Muriel’s step slowed for a pace at the name, but she didn’t stop. “It would be best to save your words until I fetch Eldress Corrine. That way effort will not be wasted speaking them twice over.”
Heather said no more as she followed her and let the silence settle around them. Even the woman’s footsteps made no noise on the wooden floors, as though she were walking in stocking feet instead of the black shoes that peeked out below her gray dress. Gray like the Rebels. The Rebels who might be shooting at Gideon. Heather pulled in a breath and pushed that thought away as the woman opened a door and motioned her to enter ahead of her.
Heather stepped into the small room and let the warmth from the odd-looking black iron stove wrap around her. A narrow stovepipe shot up from the stove to the tall ceiling. A writing desk was against one of the walls, but strangely enough no chair sat in front of it. Instead three chairs were hung upside down on pegs on a blue railing that ran around the room. The pegs also held a candle sconce and a broom. A rag rug gave the room its only color other than the blue railing. Sister Muriel lifted one of the chairs down from the pegs and set it near the stove.
“Rest here.” She motioned Heather toward the chair. “I will return with Eldress Corinne and some refreshment.”
Before Heather could lower herself into the chair, the woman was out the door without a sound. Heather sat very still and wondered if her ears had ever been assaulted with such silence. The night before in her father’s barn had been dark and lonely, but there was noise. The pigs snuffling in their pen. The hens shifting on their roosts up in the hayloft. Mice scurrying along the timbers of the barn. The screech of an owl from the woods.
Here the silence was so profound she had to push away the thought of being entombed in this small room. She pulled in a steadying breath to stop her head from spinning again. A tomb would have no window, and this room had a tall window to let in plenty of light. Besides, she was not alone in this huge building. Sister Muriel had gone to fetch someone to talk to her. She had simply forgotten how to listen for the quiet sounds of life after becoming accustomed to the crashing sounds of an army.
Heather held her breath and listened intently. Was that the whisper of a step on the floor above her head? A door opened and shut somewhere in the building. She peered out the window again but heard no sound from outside. The window sat back in a pocket that indicated the walls of the building were of double thickness. To hold in warmth.
The warmth was good. So very good. She scooted around in the chair so her feet would be closer to the stove. What did it matter what else was happening in the building? She had a fire to chase away the chill of her ride to the village. She would not worry about what the next hour might bring. She would simply sit in the ladder-back chair that was more comfortable than it looked and be glad of a warm place to wait. Even if Sister Muriel did forget about her there, someone would eventually come to feed the stove more wood.
If she’d learned nothing else while with the army, she’d learned there were many things she couldn’t speed up or slow down. The water in her wash pots took a long while to heat even when she had plentiful wood to feed the fire. Night came to the battlefields at its own pace no matter how desperately she prayed for darkness to hurry to end the fighting at least until daylight returned. The night before as an outcast in her father’s barn she had wanted the sun to hurry over the horizon. But she could make none of that happen.
Nor could she make anything happen here. She could only wait to see what these strange people would decide to do with her. If they didn’t allow it, she might not even see this aunt her mother had hoped would be God’s plan for Heather.
Aunt Sophrena. She tried to imagine what she would look like. She had to be getting old. But then her mother had talked of playing with her as a child, that Sophrena had been much younger than Heather’s grandfather. Her mother was twenty-one when Heather was born. That meant she was forty-two when she died. This aunt Sophrena might not be so very much older than that. Many officers in the army claimed forty years, even fifty, and led their men into battle with vigor.
Why did her every thought circle back around to battles? But what else could occupy her mind with Gideon marching on with the army? She shut her eyes. She wouldn’t think of him fighting the Rebels. Instead she would think about the way he looked as he held her that last morning with the gentle light of love in his eyes. With that thought warming her heart while the fire warmed her body, she let her mind drift back to the first time she saw him at his cousins’ house making sorghum.
He had looked so different from the boys she’d known all her life as he led the horse around in a circle to keep the rollers squeezing the juice out of cane his uncle fed into the mill. His red hair lopped down over his forehead and his freckles were bright in the sunshine. She’d never seen anyone with that many freckles. When Gideon spotted her standing there holding onto Lucas to keep him out of trouble, he had grinned and grabbed up the boy to perch him on the broad back of the workhorse.
“Grab a couple of handfuls of the old girl’s mane there, kid,” he told Lucas with a a big grin over at Heather. “We wouldn’t want you falling off and cracking open your head before you have a chance to introduce me to your sister. She is your sister and not your girl, isn’t she?”
Lucas had laughed, excited to be on the horse, even if it was only a tired old workhorse. Heather had smiled a bit at Gideon, but that was all. She hadn’t encouraged his attentions that day. He was too different. He even sounded different with a northern twang to his voice. Simon said he was from up in Ohio and that he wouldn’t be around that long.
“Joey says he don’t know why he decided to come visit them, unless he thought he could find some freckle-removing juice down this way,” Simon said. “He’s needing it for certain.”
All the boys made fun of his freckles, but Gideon just laughed right along with them until they began to see past his freckles. And he didn’t head back north. At least not right away. Instead he headed over to Heather’s house. At first he pretended it was to see Simon, but it wasn’t very many days until everybody knew he was courting Heather. He took Lucas and Willie fishing but told Heather she’d better come along to make sure he didn’t lose one of the boys. He did handstands in the yard to make her mother laugh and gave Jimmy rides on his shoulders so he could be taller than his brothers, even Simon.
And Heather tumbled right into the quicksand of love. She sank fast with no interest in being rescued. They shared their first kiss in the golden light of a harvest moon in late October. They were together every moment possible through November. He went home in December.
“But I’ll be back next summer,” he had promised. On the way home from church, he pulled her off the road in behind Mr. Johnson’s barn. Sheltered there from the early winter wind and hidden from curious eyes, he kissed her before he asked, “You’ll wait for me, won’t you, Heather Lou? You won’t let another boy steal your heart if I’m not around to chase him away.”
“They can’t steal what’s not here. You’ll be taking my heart home with you,” Heather had whispered.
She couldn’t stand the thought of him leaving her. She wanted to go with him. She was nearly eighteen. Lots of girls married that young. She would have gone with him in a minute, but he hadn’t asked her. He’d kissed her. He’d held her close. He’d even said he loved her, but he hadn’t said anything about getting married and loving her forever.
Her mother said that was good. They hadn’t really known each other very long. It was better to be patient when a person was talking about love for the rest of her life. She reminded Heather that he’d promised to be back in the spring, and if the feelings were still strong between them, then would be time enough to think about the future.
The future. How easy it had been to dream about the future through the cold months of that winter of 1861. He wrote to her. She wrote him back even though her father frowned on the exchange.
“Plenty of good boys right here in the neighborhood,” he told her. “No sense you pining after some boy way up north.”
But she hadn’t given any other boy the time of day no matter how they sidled up to her at church. Gideon had taken her heart back to Ohio with him, and she was doing no more than marking time until he returned. Then he would ask her to marry him. Then her father would see Gideon’s good points. Then they could find a little place and settle down to begin the rest of their lives.
She didn’t pay much attention to what was going on in the world. It didn’t have all that much to do with her back on the ridge where they lived. At least that’s what she thought until April when the Rebels fired on Fort Sumter and tore the country apart. The North on one side and the South on the other, with Kentucky right in the middle, leaning first one way, then another. Neighbors became enemies. Families split, with brothers lining up in opposing armies ready to shoot at one another. Gideon stayed in Ohio—a Northerner through and through.
After Simon shouldered his hunting gun and headed south, Heather’s father threw Gideon’s letters in the fire when they came. Yankees were the enemy, and he forbade Heather to persist in imagining herself to be in love with one of them.
But she had persisted. Oh, how she had persisted. Nothing could keep her from loving Gideon then or now. She shifted in the chair by the Shakers’ stove to ease her aching back as she cradled the baby growing inside her. Sweet evidence of her persistence.
“Little one, we will see your father again. We will.” She spoke the words aloud for she needed them for her own ears, and even though she kept her voice very soft, it seemed too loud in the silence of the Shaker house.
As if her spoken words had drawn them, Sister Muriel and another woman came into the room. Sister Muriel carried a tray that Heather tried not to eye too eagerly. She moistened her dry lips and looked away from the steaming cup and bowl on the tray to the woman who had come in with Sister Muriel. She wore the same type dress with the overlapping white collar and the same bonnet covering her hair, but she was much older and even sterner looking than Sister Muriel.
Heather pushed up out of her chair to meet the women. She didn’t know if she should smile or try to look as serious as they did. Perhaps smiling was against their rules here.
Sister Muriel stepped back from the tray without speaking. She tucked her hands under her apron and lowered her eyes. The older woman motioned toward the tray and spoke in a voice that had a quiver in it. Heather wasn’t sure if that was due to her age or perhaps from infrequent use in this silent place.
“Please, bring your chair over and eat,” the woman said. “It appears you have double need of sustenance.”
Heather didn’t hesitate to do as she was told. She was hungry. The breakfast Willie had brought her that morning was no more than a faint memory. She did bend her head and silently thank the Lord for his provisions before she picked up the cup. She had expected coffee or tea, but it was warm, spiced cider. She tried not to guzzle it, but she didn’t know when last she’d had anything so delicious. She tasted the apples as the warm liquid slid down her throat. When she spooned up bites of the vegetable soup, it was even better. With each bite, she could feel her energy reviving.
“Thank you so much,” she said between bites. A frown flitted across the older woman’s face as behind her Sister Muriel gave a slight shake of her head in warning. Heather wasn’t sure why, but she decided not to chance any more wrong words. She’d concentrate on the soup and wait for whatever they had to say.
The spoon clanging against the bowl sounded loud in the total silence, but she did manage not to slurp the soup. She ate every bite and would have licked the bowl if the two women hadn’t been watching her so closely. She laid down her spoon and started to stand again, but the older woman put a hand on her shoulder.
“Nay, don’t get up, my child. You look very tired.” Her lips made a slight curve up into a smile. “I’m Eldress Corrine. Sister Muriel says you have asked to see one of our other sisters, Sister Sophrena.”
“She’s my aunt. Well, great aunt,” Heather said.
“In the world perhaps. Here we don’t recognize such titles. We are all brothers and sisters one with another,” the eldress said.
The soup she’d just eaten shifted uneasily in her stomach. In spite of the woman telling her not to, she stood up to better plead her cause. “But I have to see her. My mother told me to.”
“Your mother?” Eldress Corinne said.
“Yes. She died a few months ago.” Heather’s hand went to her pocket to touch her mother’s letter.
“The ways of the world are hard. Where is the father of your child?” the woman asked. Sister Muriel raised her head a little, as though interested in Heather’s answer too.
“The army.”
“Which one?” the eldress asked.
“Does it matter?” Heather peered at the woman and wondered if that was a proper answer.
“Nay, we are against all war, but have compassion on the soldiers caught up in the sinful conflict.” The expression on Eldress Corrine’s face didn’t change. She stared at Heather with eyes calm as a still pool. “And so, do you have no home, my child?”
“I have nothing but what I hold in my hands,” Heather said.
“How true of us all.” The eldress did smile at her then. She reached over and touched Heather’s arm. “Worry not, my sister. We will not turn you away.”
“And will I be allowed to see my aunt?”
“Yea, she has been sent for. I think I hear her coming now.”
Heather had heard nothing, but the elder woman’s ears must have been more attuned to the silence. The door was opening and another woman, again in the same type dress, was coming into the room. She brought with her the fresh scent of apples and the outdoors.
Heather stared at her and grabbed the back of the chair as her head began to spin once more. This woman was looking straight at Heather with her mother’s eyes. Eyes she had so wanted to see and that now were peering out of a stranger’s face.