
First and foremost, I thank God and His Son. You have truly blessed me. Let me count the ways . . .

Shawn, for being there when no one else was, in all the different ways that you have. My family—Zakary, Austin, and Nathan, Mom, Dad and Keena, Terry, Grandma (RIP)—for your love, support and understanding.

Author Brenda Pandos, your friendship means the world to me. We got it now (a little too much—haha!). This crazy journey brought us together, and I am truly blessed to continue on it with you. Thank you for your prudent picking apart of my story and my writing and for encouraging me to make it better. Thank you for all the extra help and, most of all, for your virtual shoulder when I needed it.

Dani Cooper, my sexy model, for bringing Alexis to life, and Regina Wamba at, photographer and best ever cover designer, thank you! I can’t stop drooling over these covers. Also thank you to Nadège Richards at Inkstain IBD for the beautiful print interiors. Italia Gandolfo, my super-agent, and the team at Red Coat PR.

Author Heather McCorkle, Author Lani Woodland, Tina Moss, Judy Spelbring, Jennifer Nunez, for your time, patience and wonderful insight that has made this book shine. Heather Call and Patti Oaks, for taking your time to scrutinize each word and phrase. Chrissi Jackson and Lisa Adams, thank you for your help in getting this crazy ball rolling.

Book bloggers around the world, for all that you do for authors and readers. Thank you for taking the time to read my books and write your reviews. A special shout-out to Mindy, my favorite book whore and pimp, and to Lisa and Jessica, for your friendship. You all are much appreciated. Thank you also to all of Kristie’s Warriors for all that you do.

Last but certainly not least, I am blessed to have the best readers and fans a girl could ask for. Thank you for making my morning each day when I open my inbox to find your heartfelt fan mail or when I discover a new review posted online. You people ROCK!