More Handheld Classics

Algernon Blackwood, The Unknown. Weird Writings, 1900–1937

Ernest Bramah, What Might Have Been. The Story of a Social War (1907)

D K Broster, From the Abyss. Weird Fiction, 1907–1940

John Buchan, The Runagates Club (1928)

John Buchan, The Gap in the Curtain (1932)

Melissa Edmundson (ed.), Women’s Weird. Strange Stories by Women, 1890–1940

Melissa Edmundson (ed.), Women’s Weird 2. More Strange Stories by Women, 1891–1937

Zelda Fitzgerald, Save Me The Waltz (1932)

Marjorie Grant, Latchkey Ladies (1921)

Inez Holden, Blitz Writing. Night Shift & It Was Different At The Time (1941 & 1943)

Inez Holden, There’s No Story There. Wartime Writing, 1944–1945

Margaret Kennedy, Where Stands A Wingèd Sentry (1941)

Rose Macaulay, Non-Combatants and Others. Writings Against War, 1916–1945

Rose Macaulay, Personal Pleasures. Essays on Enjoying Life (1935)

Rose Macaulay, Potterism. A Tragi-Farcical Tract (1920)

Rose Macaulay, What Not. A Prophetic Comedy (1918)

James Machin (ed.) British Weird. Selected Short Fiction, 1893–1937

Vonda N McIntyre, The Exile Waiting (1975)

Elinor Mordaunt, The Villa and The Vortex. Supernatural Stories, 1916–1924

John Llewelyn Rhys, England Is My Village, and The World Owes Me A Living (1939 & 1941)

John Llewelyn Rhys, The Flying Shadow (1936)

Malcolm Saville, Jane’s Country Year (1946)

Helen de Guerry Simpson, The Outcast and The Rite. Stories of Landscape and Fear, 1925–1938

Jane Oliver and Ann Stafford, Business as Usual (1933)

J Slauerhoff, Adrift in the Middle Kingdom, translated by David McKay (1934)

Amara Thornton and Katy Soar (eds), Strange Relics. Stories of Archaeology and the Supernatural, 1895–1954

Elizabeth von Arnim, The Caravaners (1909)

Sylvia Townsend Warner, Kingdoms of Elfin (1977)

Sylvia Townsend Warner, Of Cats and Elfins. Short Tales and Fantasies (1927–1976)

Sylvia Townsend Warner, T H White. A Biography (1967)